Chapter 19 ~ The idiots plan

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I wake up in the same god damn chair as yesterday! My body hurts from the tight rope around me and from the lack of food I've had. I lift my head to look around, Walker is crouching in front of me.

I jump as I realise he's looking straight at me, analysing me like I'm some object in a museum. His head is tilted and his arms are crossed against his chest, I stare back at him with confusion.

"Are you okay?" Walker ask's, unfolding his arms

"Oh yeah I'm great! I just had breakfast and now I'm going to school because I'm NOT TIED UP!" I say with sarcasm

"I didn't want to do this but I had no choice—"

"Save it, Ive heard all the excuses before so just don't talk to me or try to ease your way back into my life because Your officially dead to me" I shout at him

He looks hurt by my sudden words but I honestly couldn't care. I hate him! I hate him with a passion. All I want is to be in Zed's arms right now and I don't even know why, he's my safe place.

Walker gets up from his crouching position and look down at me. His eyes are filled with hurt and anger, two deadly combination. I look away from his gaze but he doesn't seem effected because he snaps my head in his direction fast enough to hear my neck click.

"Chase is going to come in here and take you to school, please don't do anything stupid" Walker informs me before letting my head go and walking out

I look around for something to cut the ropes but all I find is more rope near the chair on the other side of the room. I lean my head back and breathe loud to myself. I hear the door open, making my head snap to the attention of the door.

"Good morning" Chase greets me as he enters the abandoned room

I roll my eyes and look the other way, trying not to acknowledge his presence. He steps closer to me with 2 other men behind him, both very new faces but oddly familiar too. Maybe I've seen them around school?

"Look at me when I talk to you!" Chase snaps at me, grabbing my chin and holding my face in his direction

"What do you want?" I question

"I'm sorry I have to do this, but I need to teach your brother a lesson" Chase apologises before letting go of my face

He steps back for a second before slapping his hand across my face. The pain lasts 4 seconds before another slap is placed on my face, 2 more after that. My cheeks feel bruised and my head is pounding, but it doesn't stop Chase, he hits my face with a full force fist making it lead to a black eye.

"Chase stop" I scream

The pain is taking control and I feel like tears are going to spill from my eyes at any second. He continues to beat me up until I give in to pain, my eyes slowly close and my mind closes and everything falls to darkness.

Zed Martels

Max has collected us all into the living room like normal, but everyone's different. Liam looks hurt, Cole was beaten up a little, Max looks angry and worried, Payton's trying to calm everyone down, Zack looks concerned while I sit here looking at everyone else. I don't want to sit here and worry when I could be out trying to help her!

Max stands up and breathes, he looks as if he's fighting a war in his mind. He's contemplating what to say and how to say it. He opens his mouth to speak a few times but always closes his mouth and says nothing.

"Say something" I demand

Everyone looks up at me. Payton shakes his head at me, signalling for me not to say anything or to make this worse but I honestly couldn't care less at this point. I stand up from the sofa and walk over to Max.

"What's the plan? She's been gone for a day and we have just sat here and said nothing!" I start

"We don't know where she is" Cole informs me

"Well we should find out" I snap

"Chase wants weapons and money" Max sighs

I chuckle because I know we aren't actually going to do what the idiot wants. We are never that desperate and Maddie won't get hurt, Chase wouldn't have the guts to do that.... right?

"We are going to the school in 2 hours to give it to him" Max says with defeat

"You can't be serious" I say with horror

"He's going to hurt Maddie" Max replies

The way he says that makes my heart hurt, does she really mean that much to me? My fists clench by my sides and I walk over to the wall, my fist swings into the wall; making a fist sized hole in the wall.

"ZED!" Zack shouts

"WHAT THE HELL!" Liam gasps

"YOU IDIOT" Cole snaps

"STUPID" Payton exhales

"ARE YOU INSANE!" Max yells

"I'll fix it later" I say, rolling my eyes

I remove my fist from the wall and examine it, nothing looks broken and it feels okay. I have a little pain on my knuckles but it will probably just bruise. I walk over to the sofa and sit in the seat I was in earlier.

"So we are giving up?" I continue

"No, we are just giving him what he wants" Max responds

"So giving up" I repeat

"I mean—" Max tries to talk back

"There's no way I'm giving that dick what he wants!" I cut max off

"What do you suggest we do?" Zack raises an eyebrow

"Trick him" I shrug

"You really are an idiot" Cole laughs

"I'm serious, fake money and fake weapons" I suggest

"That could never—" Payton starts

"That could work" Max cuts Payton off

I cross my arms as I start to get frustrated. Max paces around, ignoring everyone's opinions about my suggestion. He stops and looks straight at me for a split second before heading over to his phone; he grabbed his phone from the kitchen counter.

"Payton and Cole, fix the wall"

"Zack and Liam, Call our supplies and tell them to bring us fake money and fake weapons"

"Zed, with me"

Max gives us our orders before walking out of the room completely. Cole groans while Zack laughs. Liam pulls his phone out of his pocket and Payton looks at the wall with confusion. I hurry myself out of the room and to Max's office upstairs.

I walk into his office; pulling the door behind me. I take a seat opposite him on the other side of the desk. Max checks the time on his watch before looking up at me. The walls are plain white, the wooden desk stands out in the room as it matches the bookcases.

"We need to think of a way to get Maddie without getting her hurt" Max informs me

"What if that's already to late?" I point out

"What?" Max looks confused

"What is chase has already hurt her" I explain

"He wouldn't—"

"You underestimate him too much" I cut him off

"Look, as long as our plan goes smoothly we should get Maddie back before school starts" Max admits

"You better pray this works" I warn him

heyyy! So Maddie is still being held captive. I'm actually in England while publishing this chapter 😂 I'm always on Holidays when I update this?!

Will the plan work? Or will it backfire?

Comment what you think and your opinion because I love feedback! And let me know if there's any errors... I'm not perfect so I may of had some something wrong with spelling or something like that. Thanks for the support

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