Chapter 28 ~ City at Night

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The streets of California seem calmer in the nights than in the sun light. It's weird, but I'm not complaining. I could walk through these streets all night long.

Me and the boys all wanted a night out to relax since all they have done for the past week is business. My brother wasn't too happy about the plan but I eventually got him to agree and so now he's tagging along with us.

The guys have somewhat come to terms with me and Zed being a couple which I'm thankful for, I don't know how I would deal with everyone hating us for our decisions.

I've been a little on edge since Zack told me that my parents were in Los Angeles. I don't know why, I mean, I love my parents but I like my life here and I don't want them to take me home. My life is here now, in Los Angeles, with The Gang.

"Maddie" Zed's whispers, bringing me out of my daze.

"Yeah?" I reply, smiling up at him

"We're here" He claims as we all stop walking.

The building in front of us is loud and busy. You can hear the music all the way from out here! I don't remember night clubs being like this. Max nods at the security guard and then we all walk in.

We wouldn't be aloud in if it wasn't for Max having a very popular Gang around here, he's aloud anywhere he wants which I find pretty cool. I'm underaged but here I am standing near a bar, ordering alcohol.

"She'll have a manhattan" Zed orders for me

"Thank you, Zed" I kiss his cheek which earn me a smile.

"Is She underaged?" The bar staff ask as he looks me up and down, biting his bottom lip.

"She's with Max Brown" Zed assures

"Alright then" the bar staff hands us our drinks and ask's no further questions.

See! AWESOME right?

We swallow our drinks and then start walking towards the dance floor. We've already lost most of the guys to other girls here, I spot Payton grinding against some girl on the dance floor. Typical

Zed leads me towards the side of the club and then he leans against a wall while I stand near him. I continue to watch everyone as they bounce in beat with the loud music, not having a worry or care in the whole world.

"The Guys seem to be having fun" Zed points out, a big grin appearing on his face as he watches everyone. I wrap my arms around his neck which causes an unexpected wink from him, I playfully roll my eyes and peck his soft lips.

"I want to get out of here" I admit, locking eyes with Zed.

"Want to go for a walk?" He asks as he pushes off the wall. I stumble back a little but his hands find their way to my back to steady my balance. I remove my arms from his neck and we start walking towards the exit.

As we walk to the main doors, Max walks over to us in his half drunk state. His hair is messed up and I think I see lip stick on the edge of his mouth. I quietly laugh to myself at the current state my own brother is in, I've never seen him like this but it's kinda funny.

"Where are you going?" Max questions, his arms crossing over his chest as he flicks his messy hair.

"We need air so I'm taking Maddie for a walk" Zed explains although I don't think Max is even listening.

"Mmmhh yep, okay I got you" Max lets the words fall from his mouth as he watches girls on the dance floor. He leans closer to us and whispers, "I'm gonna go get a girlfriend!" And with that, He disappears into the crowd of drunk idiots.

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