Chapter 18 ~ Betrayed

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hey everyone, I've finally wrote another chapter! This chapter is based on Walker, Chase and Maddie. Good luck aha

I look back at the tinted windows as my brother tries to push through 3 men who are holding him back as the van starts moving. I get turned around and pushed to the car seat, strapped down with a seat belt. Someone sits next to me and another 2 men sit opposite me, that's when I realised what was going on.

It was another gang

I turn my arm to try and unbuckle the seat belt but a strong heavy hand, too familiar for my liking, rests upon my thigh. I gasp, my head snaps to the side of me. My eyes wander down and up the person next to me, the darkness is too strong for my eyes to see any features.

"Don't move, cutie" A familiar voice speaks as he squeezes my thigh a little tighter than before.

The van takes exactly 28 minutes and 58 seconds until it stops. I hear doors moving and then I see sunlight ones again. Two strong hands hold me back as someone unbuckles my seat belt and drags me out of the van.

I can finally see where I am and who kidnapped me, but I really wish I couldn't. The place looks abandoned but I know it's not, they clearly just want it to look that way.

"W- Walker" I stutter as my eyes adjust to the new lighting of the sun

"Maddie, I'm sorry, I have too" Walker tries to convince me but I snap my head in the opposite direction to him

I'm carried into the building by Walker while the other 4 or 5 guys walk behind us. The place looks like an old storage locker, nothing but a chair and some boxes.

"Put her over there" a man points to the chair as he gives his orders to the rest of the men.

Walker pushes me to the chair and ties me against it. His eyes flicker around my face, analysing every detail of my face until he steps away. Our eyes meet for a split second but that's all I needed, regret and hurt filled his eyes as he watched me struggle in the chair I'm now attached too.

"LET ME GO!" I yell, All the men around me stop and look at me. "PLEASE!" I shout again

"Jeez, just shut up" I hear a voice come closer and closer towards me. Someone crouches down in front of me. The blonde hair is to familiar to forget...


"You know, it's amazing that I can see the fear from only your eyes... you can know a person just by looking into their eyes" Chase starts, tilting his head a little while looking into my eyes.

I look to the side but he holds my chin in his hand and moves my head to look into his eyes again. I struggle to rip my chin from his grip but I give in after 2 minutes.

"I love the way your eyes play like fire when they look into mine, you remind me of your brother" Chase continues, making me more and more angry by every word he says.

"What do you want?" I spit at him

Chase stands up and let's my chin go. My head falls forward from the lack of force that was once holding it up. My eyes travel along the floor until I look back to Walker, his arms are crossed and his head is facing the opposite direction.

I feel an arm travel up my arm and around to my hair, grabbing a hand full of my hair and pulling it sideways. My head looks up at chase who is standing behind me, glaring down at me. My body shivers from the coldness that surrounds the room.

"Just let me go" I beg

"Why don't you shut up until I say you can talk? Chase claims

"I don't take orders from you" I reply

I bit my tongue after realising what I said, Chase walks around me until he's in front of me again. His hand connects to my face, snapping it to the side as the full force of his slap catches up to me. I wince at the pain letting a small whimper leave my lips.

"Never talk back to me" Chase snaps in my face

I stay silent for a little while, watching the people move around the room as they talk and communicate about things I can't hear. I hate not being able to fight back, I probably look like a weak, pathetic, little girl in their eyes right now. Chase snaps his fingers - quick and sharp - signalling Walker to come closer.

Walker quickly speed walks his way to chase. Walker doesn't look at me from what I think is regret or hurt, but I don't care at this point. I watch Walker's every move, mainly from disbelief but I think part of me wish's it wasn't Walker.

"Give me her phone" Chase orders

I didn't even realise my phone was gone! Walker must of taken it when I was in the van. Walker hands my phone to Chase and somehow unlock it, my eyes widen as my phone unlocks in Chase's hands. Chase walks back over to me.

I watch as Chase looks through something on my phone until he stops, everyone goes silent as we hear a phone ringing. Someone answers and I only then realise it's my brother on the other end of my phone.

"Hello Max" Chase says to my phone as it's on speaker

"MAX HELP!" I scream towards Chase

"Maddie!?!" Max seems taken back by my voice

Walker holds me down as I wiggle in the rope around me, his strong hands hold my shoulders down while I shift and move in the chair. A tear falls from my eye knowing that I've been betrayed by someone I thought I knew.

I try to shout again but as my mouth opens, one of Walker's hands lands over it, muffling my words. Chase smirks as he seems another tear fall from my eye all the way down my face.

"I swear to god, if you hurt her—" Max was cut off by Chase chuckling

"I won't promise anything but you do as I say and the girl goes free" Chase informs Max

"I'm not taking orders from you!" Max snaps

Chase looks at me and chuckles, his head tilts back a little and it only last for a few seconds before he leans back into the phone to talk to Max again.

"You sound just like your sister" Chase chuckles

"This is between you and me! My sister has nothing to do with this" Max shouts through the phone. Chase seems to ignore his comment because he continues with what he was clearly on the call for.

"Tomorrow, 7am, meet behind the school. Bring me the money and the guns, then I'll give you Maddie back" Chase states his offer

"Alright alright, just don't hurt her" Max pleas

"I can't say I won't" Chase admits

"Chase I will kill y—"

Chase ends the call before Max can finish his sentence. Walker slowly removes his hand from my mouth but keeps his hands on my shoulders. Chase turns around and walks over to a guy near the door, giving orders by the looks of it. I see 2 people walk in my direction, stopping in front of me. That's when it hits me, the familiar faces make me gasp.

"Hey Maddie" Josh says, nervously

"You backstabbing, obnoxious, DICKS!" I spit at Callum and Josh

"Yeah, we deserve that" Callum admits, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly

"You think" I roll my eyes

Walker pulls my hair back, making my head lean back on the chair. My eyes look up into walker's. He looks around and then growls, he lowers his head to my ear. My body shivers as I feel his hot breath against my ear.

"I'm sorry" Walker whispers In my ear

His voice sounds like Zed's in my ear but not as husky, not as good against my ear. I lean over, pulling my ear away from him. Josh and Callum both looks down and walk away from me, Walker followers a few seconds later; not looking at me.

I need to get out of here, and fast!

  I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. This chapter was really fun to write and I don't know why 😂

Will Max give Chase what he wants?

Love you all! That you so much for 21K reads, that's freaking incredible

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