Chapter 16 ~ Anger

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My eyes slowly open, the pain of a headache rushes through my body. I try to sit up but I'm pulled back down to my bed, someone's arms are around me!

"Maddie?" I hear a sleepy voice come from beside me

I turn my head to see Zed. He's slowly waking up after the sudden movement of me trying to get out of his arms. The thought of Zed staying the night to keep me company makes me smile a little.

"What happened?" I ask with little energy

"You fainted again" Zed answers me

"I did?" I can hear the confusion in my own tone

"Yes, it was the second time this week" Zed points out

"I just want to go back to bed" I groan

I stuff my head into the pillow and huff. Zed pulls me up and onto his chest, making my body crash onto his. My eyes look into his and for a moment we don't move. Zed's arms are still tightly gripping on my waist as my arms rest on his upper arms. 

"Look, I'm sorry I left you in walker's car alone" Zed apologises

"I still can't believe you stole his keys in the first place!" I respond

"Can we just forget about it?" Zed ask's

He wants to FORGET about it? Forget that we made out in WALKER'S car during school! Is he serious right now?

"Sure, let's just forget it ever happened" I agree

I stumble off the bed and out of his arms, frustrations takes ahold of me and I'm red with anger. Zed's face turns into a confused mess as he tries to grab ahold of me again.

"Where are you going?" Zed questions

"For a walk" I answer

"I'll come with you" Zed jumps to his feet

"NO! I mean, I'm going alone" I stutter

"If I remember correctly, that didn't go so well last time" Zed says, raising an eyebrow

He's right, but I'm not going to let him think he can be the boss of me. I don't need to increase his ego!

"What do you suggest I do then?" I cross my arms

"Stay with me" Zed states, pouting his bottom lip out to look like a sad puppy. Wow, I've never seen him do that before! It's sort of funny in a cute way.

"You want me to forget about the walker situation so I am" I snap

Zed's eyes widen as if he is only now realising my anger. He can be so dumb! As I walk to my wardrobe to find a fresh set of cloths, Zed walks up behind me and wraps his arms around me. He leans his head on the nape of my neck, he plants a few small kisses there while his head is leaned against it.

"Z- Zed, just go" I stutter as his lips touch my neck every few seconds. "I'm serious, get out" I try to sound strong and annoyed but it comes out breathless, my neck is my weak spot for kissing.

"Fine" Zed snaps before opening my door and leaving. My entire body is cold without his body against mine, but I need to stay strong. I can't let him be in control of me.


After I got changed, I went downstairs to see my brother and the guys. I haven't spoke to them in a while really. I've been so distracted with Zed and Walker that I haven't had time to talk to them.

I sit down on the couch and to no surprise, Cole and Payton were lounging around the living room. Cole was playing a weird game on his phone while Payton flicked through the channels on the T.V

"Hey guys" I smile, trying to sound as calm as I can.

"Hey Maddie" Payton greets me.

"How you feeling?" Cole ask's, looking up from his phone

"I'm okay now" I answer. Relief washes over them quickly but they soon go back to playing on their phones and the T.V

I stand up and walk to the kitchen, I need food so I may as well get some now. When I walk into the kitchen, Zed and Max are arguing. When is Zed ever not causing trouble?

"What's going on?" I shout as I fit between the two raging boys in front of me.

"Nothing" Max snaps at me like I've just done something wrong.

"He's yelling at me for taking you to Drugless ally yesterday" Zed explains

Max turns red and glares at Zed like he's about to attack him. Just as Max was about to run for Zed, I hold my hands out to the boys. My hands reach their chest and I hold them back as they both wanted to kill each other.

"What's done is done so can you not kill each other today!" I plea as they both look at me.

What did I ever do to deserve this?

Just as I question my existence, the front door knocks. I walk towards the knocking and to my surprise...... I open the door to Walker. His hands are in his pockets and he's calm. As I open the door his eyes widen onto me, he looks around my body and I cross my arms at his actions

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"Where is Zed?" Walker answers my question with a question

"Not here" I lie, I don't know why I'm lying. I just don't want any more fighting or arguing today

"Are you sure?" Walker raises an eyebrow. Does he know I'm lying?

"I'm sure" I lie again

"Fine, can you step outside for a minute?" Walker asks

I nod my head. I step out of the door and Walker closes it behind me. I step to the side and Walker does the same. Before I can get a word out, He pins me to the wall and starts kissing my neck. Everything slows down and for a minute I thought I was about to wake up from a dream, I didn't expect Walker to just suddenly kiss me.

His lips reach my lips and I kiss back, his kisses are hungry but soft, different from Zed. Walker's arms are snaked around my waist for support, the kiss doesn't deepen but it just goes on and on until I hear footsteps coming towards the open window above us.

I pull away from Walker. I push my finger to his lips to motion him not to talk, it doesn't work.

"Why did you stop?" Walker questioned

"I hear footsteps" I reply in a quiet whisper

Me and walker look up at the window to see who it was, Zack and Liam. Liam is grabbing a jacket and Zack has I phone at hand. We walk away from the window and onto the grass.

I try to walk back inside but Walker spins me around and kisses me one more time. I give him a peck before heading back inside.

I think I actually like Walker, But I kind of like Zed too!


Sorry this was sorta shorter than the last one,
It feels like it's been a while since I've updated this so here ya go. I've actually started writing another book bc I wasn't into the shattered one, but I'll still update this one regularly so don't worry 💜

 I've actually started writing another book bc I wasn't into the shattered one, but I'll still update this one regularly so don't worry 💜

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