Chapter 30 ~ Hospital

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We arrived at the hospital a good hour ago and all we've done is wait. There isn't many people waiting but they insist that we wait, I've shouted and screamed at them but nothing's working so I decided sitting in silence.

Payton has been asking me question after question but I can't give him many answers yet, not when I'm still lost in my own head. I can't wrap my head around the fact that Walker and Zed are brothers. They are blood related, They are siblings, They share the same parents!

It's still weird

"Let's just go home" Zed speaks out. Me and Payton look at him and then each other. "We have been waiting here far too long" he continues, trying to persuade us into leaving.

"We are going to get your knuckles sorted out" I state with no means of giving up. I notice a nurse sit down at the front desk and look through the cameras with a drink placed beside her.

I quietly push myself up off the waiting chair and I make my way towards the front desk. The nurse slowly looks up at me with a smile so I smile back at her. "How May I help you?" She politely asks me.

"We have been waiting here for a long time and my friends knuckle is still broken" I try saying in a calm voice. She nods her head and stands up, looking at the guys on the waiting chairs.

"Come on boys, follow me" she says and they obliged with ease. We all follow the nurse into a hospital room and stand around the bed as she gestures for Zed to sit on the edge of bed. He does as she says and then she starts to look over his hand.

"How did this happen?" The nurse asks. Me and Zed make eye contact for a split second, both knowing exactly what happened. Zed stays quiet as the nurse exams his hand, still waiting for a response.

"He punched a wall" Payton speaks up, "he is a damn right idiot for doing it too!". I glare at Payton but he ignores me, still keeping his eyes on Zed. I hope this is all over soon.

I hear Payton's phone buzz and then it starts ringing. He gives me a side look and then walks out, not saying a word to any of us. I hope the boys are calling Payton to tell him they are in the waiting room because i don't know what to do here.

"I'll be right back" the nurse says and then leaves, Me and Zed are alone at last.

"That nurse is disgusting" Zed looks at the window on the other side of the room. He scoots over; making room for me to sit next to him on the hospital bed.

"What do you mean?" I ask, not having a clue what he's talking about. He tries to flex his hand but he winces and hitched his breath. I lay my head on his shoulder and smile, trying my best to stay calm.

"Nothing, I just don't like her" He continues. He plants a kiss on my head and then rests his head against mine. If I didn't still have the thought of Zed and Walker being brothers in my head, I'd be truly happy right now; in this moment.

I'm trying my best to wrap my head around the idea of Zed and Walker being brothers but it's so foreign to me. I have so many questions but only a little amount of answers. I wonder if they'll become closer than they are right now, I hope they get better at forgiving and forgetting the past, I pray they don't kill each other in the process.

All things I know won't happen

But a girl can hope

"I know what your thinking about" Zed cuts my thoughts short. I raise my head off his shoulder and make eye contact with him. "I can't get the image of me and Walker being brothers" he admits with a slight shakiness lacing his tone.

"Maybe you guys should sit down and talk about it" I suggest. I think it would be good for them to talk about this and calm each other's thoughts. It would definitely put my mind at ease.

"You know, I hate him" Zed pauses with a short breath. "I hate him and now I find out that we share blood! I can't imagine us being family, not even friends" his words cut through the air, loud and firm. I knew he hated him but I'm starting to question what happened that made them hate each other so much.

Payton walks back inside the room and looks at us both. "Keep it PG" he shakes his head. I gasp and pull myself off the edge of the bed. "Any news on Zed's hand?" Payton questions the both of us.

"She hasn't come back yet—" i stop talking when the nurse enters the room again. She looks at us all and then walks back over to Zed, making sure she gives all 3 of us a glance on the way.

"You've bruised your knuckles and broken a bone on your index finger" she explains to Zed. He rolls his eyes and sighs, clearly not caring about the words coming out of her mouth. She turns to us after explain and gives us a weird look, "can you leave so I can see to his hand please" she tries to be polite.

"He is my boyfriend, I think it'll be okay if I stay" I stand my ground, crossing my arms and glaring at her. I'm not just going to let a nurse - who thinks she's sexier than she is - stay in a room with my boyfriend alone!

"I'm sorry but I think it will be better if your not here" she says, trying her best to get me and Payton to leave. Payton grabs my arm and starts guiding me towards the door, making me leave her and Zed alone.

We walk into the waiting room, where I see the gang taking up most of the chairs. I sit down next to Max, he pulls me into a side hug, wrapping an arm around the back of my shoulders.

"It's been a long night" I say as I lay my head on Max's shoulder. I want to just fall asleep in Zed's arms right now but he's busy with the nurse. They better hurry up because I don't like that women.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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