Chapter 17 ~ Messed up

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Hey! I can't believe I've nearly wrote 20 chapters already. Thanks for all the support guys, hope your enjoying the book

I lay on my bed, looking up at my ceiling. When did life get so complicated? My life was okay before I arrived in California!

I can't possibly like 2 boys at once, that's just sick. My minds playing tricks on me because I don't want to like them. The sad part is, Nether of the boys know I've made out with the other.

I roll onto my face and groan. I hear the door creek open and when I turn to see who it was, Liam stood by the door frame. I offer him a small smile before placing my head back onto the beds pillow.

"Are you... okay?" Liam ask's as if it's not obvious enough

"Yep I'm great" I say with so much sarcasm

I feel Liam sit on the bed next to my body. I sit up to be polite but I would much rather continue laying down. I know Liam is looking at me with worry so I look back at him, but I just stare blankly at the wall over his shoulder.

"You've been up here for 2 hours straight" Liam points out

"It's been 2 hours?" I'm shocked that the time has pasted so quickly

"Yeah, we were worried something happened" He states

"I'm fine" I assure him

Liam looks around, trying to look at anything but me. I realise he's trying to say something but I honestly don't know what at this point.

"What's up?" I ask

"Huh?" Liam looks startled

"You need to say something so just say it" I state

He stands up and sighs. Is he going to tell me or not? I don't think I've ever seen Liam this nervous. This is definitely something important because he wouldn't be making such a big deal on telling me.

"Just say it Liam!" I shout

"Are you and Walker a thing?" Liam blurts out

My eyes widen as if I've just seen a ghost, I feel the colour wash out of me and I'm left speechless. Why would he make such a big deal over that? Am I not supposed to be friends with him or something?

"Maddie?" Liam sits back down and stares at me. He waits for a reaction or a reply but I have nothing.

"Maddie answer me!" He repeats

I think I've gone into shock. My minds racing 100 miles per second and I don't know what I'm supposed to do or say. I don't even know the answer myself so I can't exactly answer, and how would he know about me being around Walker? Have they been spying on me!

"N- No" I stutter, trying to get words to come out of my mouth. "Why would you think that?" I manage to say a proper sentence

"I saw you" Liam admits

How could he see us? We were under the window, away from the door and he was inside! This is which craft I swear. There is no way on earth he could of seen us. Unless he's got Z-Ray vision I never knew about!

"What did you see?" I question, narrowing my eyes onto him

"You and Walker making out by the window" Liam claims, "Zack didn't see anything but I saw you just as we were heading out" He continues

I have no way out of this, I have to come clean

"We were making out, but only because...." I stop mid sentence. I have no excuse for kissing him back, I just did. Nothing more. I kissed him and I liked it. Sue me!

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