Chapter 14 ~ Detention

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I sit down in an empty chair while Zed and Walker space themselves from each side of the room. The history teacher places her glasses on top of her hair and adjusted them so they wouldn't fall off. She started explain the start of world war 2, she walked up and down the front of the classroom as everyone's eyes followed her.

I felt something touch my arm so I turn to my right to see someone poking my shoulder.

"Hello?" I whisper, trying not to speak loud enough for the teacher to hear me

"Your Maddie Brown, right?" They Whispered back

"Yeah?" I smile

"The girl that walker and Zed were fighting over?" Their Whisper was heard by everyone around us

Everyone around our table looked at us, I look down at the floor nervously. I wait until all the eyes are off me before looking back up from the floor, luckily the teacher didn't hear or notice everyone.

Once I finally look up, the girl is still looking at me.

"They weren't fighting over me" I snap at her, trying to keep my voice as low as possible

"That's not what I heard" She Whispers back

"Well you heard wrong" I roll my eyes at her.

I hate high school rumours! I haven't even been here for 2 weeks and they are already talking about me like I'm some dumb blonde.

Once the long awaited bell rings, I jump from my seat. I slide my jacket onto my body and then I swing my bag over my right shoulder. I make my way out of the door and into the hallway.

Zed comes into view straight away. He's leaning against a locker with his phone in his hands. As soon as he come into my view, he looks up and our eyes immediately meet. I walk over to him in an attempt to get out of the busy hallway.

"Hey" Zed smirks as I approach him

"Hey" I reply

Zed grabs me hand and starts walking the opposite way to the exit. While he walks I get dragged with him.

"Where are we going?" I question as we turn a comer

"Detention, remember?" Zed reminds me

Zed jerks to a stop making me walk into his hard chest. I look up at him with my cheeks burning up, blushing harder and harder as I stay against his chest.

"Welcome to detention" I hear a teachers voice call out from inside the classroom

Me and Zed both look through the open door, into the classroom. Walker is sitting down at a desk and the teacher is standing by the door. Me and Zed look back at each other, realising our position. We were both still pressed against each other in the middle of the empty hallway. We jump apart and look opposite directions, Zed walks into the class first and then I wait 2 minutes before following him. Zed sits in the back so I decide to sit in the front.

"What did you all do to get here?" The teacher asks, raising an eyebrow at me

"They were fighting" I shrug

"Well have fun doing nothing for 2 hours" The teacher huffs before picking up the classroom keys off the teachers desks, walking towards the classroom door and locking it on the way out.

I look around at Walker and Zed. Both ignoring each other.

"I thought it was only an hour" I break the silence

"Nah, in this school you have as long as the principal says" Walker answers

"That's ridiculous" I sound outraged

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