The Party - Introduction.

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Well this sure isn't how you had intended on spending your Friday night.

You've somehow been roped into playing a party game called '7 Minutes In Heaven' it's a game that often leads to a pair being locked in a closet and supposedly making out for 7 minutes but with these guests, it's hard to tell what might happen.

"Known my luck, I'll get locked in with the last person I'd want."

A figure in the corner of your eye captures your attention, Nami practically dancing as she makes her way over to you, a big smile on her face and the bag containing objects in her hands.

She made all the men attending the party slip an item from their person into the bag and if you pick something that belongs to, for example, Shanks then you have to spend 7 minutes inside the small space with him.

There's plenty of choices here too.

The brothers; Thatch, Marco, Ace, Sabo and Luffy.

Luffy's closest friends; Zoro, Sanji, Shanks, Koby and Usopp.

Luffy's more distant friends (more like people he had forced his friendship upon); Trafalgar Law, Killer and Eustass Kid. Even mayor Iceburg is here as well as his right-hand man, Paulie.

Then there's people who were simply dragged here; someone that Shanks had dragged along called Mihawk. And a tall male that had dragged Law to the party in attempts to make the usually-quiet male socialize, his name is Rosinante. Luffy forced the friendly blonde to stay, of course.

And then there's another tall blonde, his brother apparently, he wasn't invited but he gatecrashed the party; Doflamingo.

"It's your turn~!" The orange-haired girl chimes at you whilst waving the bag under your nose, it's all too clear to you that she's absolutely sloshed.

Not that you're surprised, she has been trying to keep up with Zoro and Shanks during drinking contests, you assume she'll need a new liver by tomorrow.

Reaching into the bag before you, you pull out a...

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