Used Napkin

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A soft fabric brushes against your fingertips, mistaking it for a piece of clothing, you pluck the item out of the bag only to find that's actually just a napkin.

A used napkin - smothered in gravy and crumbs from many different foods. 


"Luffy!" Nami yells out with a drunken smile, immediately catching the boy's attention. "Your turn! Get in that closet!" 

Luffy? That's not too bad, I guess.

An adorable and excited grin spreads across the raven's lips as he gets up and makes his way inside the small space, you following behind him with an uncontrollable blush plastered across your face. 

This game isn't necessarily one you'd choose to play given the objective of it but you're single and so are most of the guys here and Nami is drunk and bored so you're left with little to no room to argue.

You're pretty grateful you got Luffy though, he's a cutie at least, you definitely could have ended up with worse. 

"I believe this is yours?" With a small smile, you hand the napkin over to the raven, the boy politely taking it before staring at the dirtied material with a confused expression and soon enough, deciding he doesn't want it so he simply just drops it on the closet floor.

Oh, such manners.

"I don't use napkins, Ace put it in the bag on my behalf." He explains with a cute grin. "So, how do I play this game?" And just like that, your heart has just about launched itself into your throat, the blush on your face only darkening as you try to think of a way to explain it to him, he's the most innocent out of the five brothers and surely wouldn't know how to make out with a girl even if you told him.  

Damn it, Ace! Why'd you make him play this?!

It sure doesn't help that Ace is your ex-boyfriend either. 

"It's a kissing game, Luffy...of course, if you don't want to kiss me then you don't have--"

"I wanna kiss you!" The boy's outburst has you spiralling once again, your voice stifling in your throat as cold sweat begins to pour down your face, nervous twitches erupting inside your chest. "How do I kiss though?"

Oh, to hell with this game...

"I'll show you how to play just don't tell anybody." Luffy simply nodding in understanding to your words as you step closer to him, your hand resting softly on his chest as you lean in close to his face, slowly claiming his lips.

It doesn't feel as bad as you thought it would though, in fact it feels pretty nice. 

The boy picking up on your movements and sensations and returning them, his lips meld with yours perfectly and his warm arms wrap themselves around your waist, you can feel his heart beating rapidly in his chest against your palm.

Seems he likes the sensations too...

You allow him to get used to light kissing for a couple of minutes before escalating the speed, your tongue rolling along his lower lip and much to your surprise, he parts his lips for you and grants you access inside.

Although judging by his slow movements, you can only assume he doesn't have a clue what to do, he's just following your silent instructions. 

Your chest resting up against his as his tongue caresses yours, his body feeling very hot all of a sudden, his skin is radiating against yours as he gasps into your mouth a little whilst catching some air before continuing the kiss.

You find it amusing though, you had expected his mouth to taste like different varieties of food but all you can really taste is orange juice since he was guzzling some of the liquid just before you picked his item out of the bag. 

His hands slowly making their way up to your cheeks as he sucks on your tongue tenderly, of course you return the hand gesture but yours end up in his dark locks rather than on his face, your fingers gently kneading his scalp.

You'd be lying if you said the kiss didn't feel amazing, Luffy is one hell of a quick learner.

The sudden sound of the closet doors opening causes your eyes to flicker open wide as Luffy finally breaks the kiss, his face is a little red and his hair is slightly dishevelled, the boy pulling away from you and shooting a smile at Nami.

"Shishishi~! Hi~!"

Poor Nami looks as if she has seen a ghost, the orangette's widened orbs ping-ponging between Luffy and yourself before she finally speaks.

"Oh my--!"

"Luffy!" Ace's voice cuts in, the freckled raven looking a mix between shocked and amused as he appears into your view also. "Have you never heard of loyalty between brothers?! You don't kiss our exes!" 

Of course, Ace is only kidding, you and the older raven had broken up about a year or two ago now and it was a mutual decision so there's no bad blood there, thankfully.

Besides, it's his own fault that you picked Luffy in the first place, he was the one who put the napkin in the bag. 

It's a shame your turn is over now though, that kiss felt pretty damn good...

Probably the best kiss I've ever had.

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