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The very first thing you find your fingers brushing against seems small but also smooth, taking the mystery item between your fingertips, you pluck in out of the bag to observe it more closely. 

An earring? It looks familiar, where have I seen it before?

"Oi, Zoro!" Nami calls out to a certain greenette, he looks a little drunk but happy all the same. "It's your turn, get in the closet!" Shockingly, for once, the male does as he's told and rises to his feet although he's about to leave the room until Sanji grabs him.

Oh, boy...

"Where are you going, mosshead?! You can't leave a girl like that!"

By this point, Nami has taken a grip on your bicep, guiding you toward the closet also.

"To the bedroom! That's where closets are usually kept, right?!"

Zoro, please... 

"No, idiot! That closet right there!" A few of the guests giggling at Zoro's slight dimness as Sanji drags him over to said closet, shoving the greenette in beside you before slamming the doors shut on you both. "Seriously, no wonder why that guy's single!"

Zoro merely pouting at the blonde's comment and causing you to chuckle softly yourself, you've known him for a while now and you're fully aware of the fact that his sense of direction is truly awful so this misunderstanding doesn't bother you at all.

"Here, let me." Slipping your fingers behind the greenette's earlobe, you gently slide the earring back through it's hole and unknowingly causing Zoro's face to light up like the 4th of July. Once you've clipped the earring into place, you pull away. "All done."

"Thanks." Out of instinct, Zoro's fingertips come up to his ear and brush against the jewellery you had just put on him, seemingly making sure you did it properly. "So, what was the objective of this game again?"

Wow, Zoro! Have some faith in me!

"According to Nami, you have to make out with the person you're paired with." 

Your words successfully freezing Zoro into place, his hand dropping down from his earrings as he raises an brow, side-eyeing you. "That's all?" 

"Sometimes it escalates...depends on the people inside the closet, I guess." By this point your face is as hot as the sun, you had agreed to play out of curiosity more than anything else, you wondered who you'd get but you hadn't actually thought about what you'd have to get up to once you're in here.

And it's especially scary with a man like Zoro, he's handsome as hell and that's a well-known fact, you can't imagine that a man like him would want to kiss somebody like you. 

"Huh...alright, come here then."

Or you're completely wrong and now on the verge of having a heart attack.

Excuse me?!

Before giving you the chance to even respond let alone move, Zoro steps toward you, his hands resting themselves on your hips and his lips hovering just over yours, brushing against them lightly and his breath fanning your face briefly before he finally claims your lips fully.

You're sent spiralling for a moment before your nerves subside, your lips returning the gesture and your hands laying against his firm chest, kissing somebody all in the name of a game isn't something you'd usually do but here you are.

In your defence, the guy is drop-dead gorgeous so you refuse to appear inexperienced, you want to blow his mind since this may or may not be the only time your lips will touch his, you at least want to be memorable. 

Running your hands up his strong chest, your fingers soon find themselves combing through his green locks, your tongue running lightly across his lower lip, asking for entrance but he doesn't grant it.

Instead he pinches your hip and causes you to gasp, his tongue then slipping into your mouth and wrestling hungrily with yours as he presses your back against the closet wall, his hands slipping down to your thighs and lifting them, pulling you off the ground slowly and causing a small moan of protest to escape your lips. 

A moan he gladly swallows.

Your hands dropping down to his broad shoulders, gripping onto him as if he was a lifeline, desperately trying to stop yourself from falling, not that the greenette would even allow such a thing to begin with. Your tongue finally giving up the fight and allowing Zoro to dominate the kiss. 

Wrapping your legs around the male's waist, your nails begin to clutch into his shirt, a silent plea to remove the damn fabric but one he doesn't agree to, not yet.

His hands skimming your sides and gently kneading your breasts through your shirt before he breaks the kiss for air, tauntingly licking his lips as he smirks down at you, a slight predator look in his brown eye.

Damn, he's a good kisser... 

The fact that he had lost his left eye in an accident only makes him all the more hotter to you, you really love a man with scars.

The closet doors suddenly fly open to reveal a smirking Nami as well as a blushing Sanji, the blonde rushing away from the scene nervously as Nami giggles.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" The orangette blurts as Zoro lowers you to the ground, trying his best to tidying himself up as you do the same thing, a burning blush decorating your cheeks. "If you two wish to continue, there's bedrooms upstairs~!" 

"Sh-Shut up, Nami!" Despite his embarrassment, Zoro takes you by the hand and leans you to the upstairs bedrooms where you won't be so easily disturbed.

As for the rest of the night? Well, bliss would be an understatement.

7 Minutes In Heaven. {One Piece x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now