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"What idiot put a knife in the bag?" You bitterly grumble whilst licking up a bit of blood from the small wound on your thumb, your eyes narrowing as you inspect the object more closely.

I've seen this somewhere bef--No! No! Hell no!

"Uh...Kid! Y-You're up!" Nami's voice dripping with worry as her brown orbs glance over at your ex-boyfriend. 

Badly would be an understatement of how your relationship with him had ended, you can barely stay in the same room for long without tearing into each other, you had been avoiding him most of the night but looks like fate is working against you now. 

You watch with a slight glare in your eyes as the redhead enters the closet before reluctantly following him inside, if he wasn't going to back down from this stupid game then neither were you. 

"No killing each other, please..." Nami voices before closing the doors on you both.

Kid's quick to huff irritably, leaning himself back against the closet's wall with his arms folded and that damn scowl etched into his features, apart of you just wants to slap it off his face but you know it'd only complicate the already-awkward situation. 

With a sigh, you lean against the opposing wall, your eyes drifting off to the side in attempts to avoid staring at him as you also cross your arms over your chest, almost mirroring him. 

What a fun game this is going to be... 

"I see you turned up with Drake, I didn't know you two were friends." Sarcasm lacing your tone as you try to make conversation at the very least, it's about time you buried the hatchet after all, it has been 4 months.

"We aren't, he's Killer's acquaintance." Your ex grumbles bluntly but at least he isn't giving you any shit. "Why you got a thing for that guy or something?"

Or so you thought.

"Well, you're living proof that going for the strong loud type didn't work for me so maybe I should try the strong silent type instead, Drake seems like the perfect candidate."

You suddenly find yourself wishing the closet was a lot bigger when Kid pushes himself off the wall, taking only two steps forward and he was already inches from your face, your hand balling into a fist about ready to swing for him if he tries anything.

"Sure, if you like guys with dinosaur addictions." His voice low and harbouring a dangerous bite to it as his orange orbs bore into your small frame before they trail down to your fist. "Heh. Thinking of hitting me?"

On impulse, you swing for him just to make short work of that annoying smirk on his painted lips but much to your dismay, he grabs your wrist before it even reaches his face. 

With one quick movement, you find yourself pinned to the closet wall, his free hand diving at your other wrist and pinning that above your head also and positioning himself in between your legs so you can't even kick at him.

Damn asshole!

"Get off, Eust--!" His lips slamming into yours and shutting you up immediately, there's a hunger in his actions, a certain heat radiating from his body and causing you to stiffen. Heart pounding like mad as you struggle to collect your thoughts and your body betraying you completely and melting into the kiss.

You swear up and down that you hate him yet you still crave him like you did when you were still together, possibly even more so now, it's always in the dead of night where your heart screams for him most but knowing you can't simply go to his house like before and embrace your wishes is what kills you the most, almost every night too.

This is your own fault though, your stubborn pride that forbids you from reaching out to him and admitting that you were wrong. 

You had accused him of cheating because he always worked so damn much and then there was a message from a woman named Whitey Bay saying that she was ready for his visit and you just lost it, you immediately assumed the worst and got into a huge fight with him over it.

You didn't believe him when he tried to tell you he was getting a necklace made for you, not until you had learnt from your friends that Whitey Bay actually crafts lovely jewellery for a decent price.

You've felt a hole in your chest ever since but you're much too proud to tell him you were stupid and mistaken. Kid was also much too proud to beg for understanding when he knows he hadn't done anything wrong so you two would often just argue with each other instead.

And the most disturbing thing is that you actually liked it. 

You liked being able to rile him up, knowing that you had ruined his decent mood and he'd be so angry with you that you'd be the only thing on his mind for the remainder of that day.

You liked this because at least this way, he was still thinking about you.

But none of that matters now, the second his lips touched yours, all the anger and frustration simply just boiled away.

You tauntingly take Kid's lower lip in between your teeth, pulling gently before releasing the sensitive skin, an action that only leads to the redhead roughly slipping his tongue into your mouth. 

His hands finally letting go of your wrists, one gripping onto your hair instead whilst the other greedily caresses your lower back, pulling you firmly against him. 

Despite having full control of your own limbs, you still can't bring yourself to push him away.

Instead you find yourself clutching onto the collar of his coat, sucking on his tongue eagerly as your hips grind against his, you've waited months to feel him against you like this again and you want to finally satisfy your needs.

Of course, the closet doors swing open and light up the small space, causing you both to groan fiercely as you break the kiss and shoot a glare toward a slightly relieved- looking Nami.

"S-Sorry guys, time's up! There's bedrooms upstairs though if yo--"

The poor girl doesn't even get to finish, Kid taking a rough grip on your wrist and dragging you out of the closet, his orange orbs sending Drake a glare as he passes the older male.

"Oi! You go anywhere near my girl and I'll rip your throat out!"

"Uh...? 'kay?" Drake looking beyond confused but doesn't argue at least.

This allowing you and the fiery redhead to be on your way and up the stairs without any further arguments. 

The rest of the night consisted of rough gropes and thrusts, load moans and whimpers and a silent but sincere apology from you to him. 

7 Minutes In Heaven. {One Piece x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now