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A slight frown etched into your features when something solid pokes at your fingers, you can't place exactly what it is but it's the first thing you touch so deciding to go with the flow, you wrap your digits around it before pulling the item out.

Your curious orbs landing on a pair of goggles dangling from your fingertips by their strap.

Where have I seen those before?

"Paulie, you're--! W-Wait--!" Nami trails off, her wide eyes boring into the blonde as he rises to his feet and her mouth falling agape. "Why the hell are you playing a game like this?!"

"I didn't choose to play this trashy game, Iceburg made me!" Paulie begrudgingly responds as he passes the orangette, making his way into the closet first, you following shortly behind him.

"It's all in the name of fun, Paulie!" The mayor's deep voice being the last you hear before the closet doors shut behind you.

This is going to be troublesome...

You've had a quite the crush on Paulie for a while now but he's such a distant man that it's hard to tell him and even if you did, he'd most likely reject you flat-out. 

He has rejected a lot of girls in rather humiliating ways before.

"Hey, [F/n]." The blonde greets pleasantly with a sweet smile on his face, his hand reaching out for his goggles. Paulie has been a good friend to you though and for that, you're grateful...although he did yell at you when he had first met you on account of your skirt being way above your knees. "Long time no see."

Although he doesn't comment on your clothing anymore, you do still catch him staring sometimes.

"Indeed." Slipping the goggles into his hand, you think hard on how to go about this, you've only got 7 minutes after all but this game might just be your saving grace. 

At least if he rejects you here, you're being shielded by a closet door and you could just blame it on the game's objective if he doesn't reciprocate your desire for a kiss, there's no reason for it to slip that you like him at all.

And yet...

"I-I have a crush on you!" You still manage to mess it up.

On the outside your expression says nothing at all, no emotions flashing through your eyes and no smile or frown upon your lips, just a dusty pink blush colouring your cheeks. 

But on the inside you're crying--no, sobbing. Your heart seemingly shrivelling up inside your chest as your mind breaks down into a circus of screams.


"...Huh?" Paulie blurts after a moment, confusion as clear as day in his eyes and his jaw dropping ever so slightly. 

You can't tell whether he genuinely didn't hear you or if he just can't believe what you've said and is waiting for you to repeat it.

Just end my life now... 

"I have a...crush on you, have done for a while now." Your voice merely sounds like a croak by this point, your cheeks growing hotter and hotter by the second as you sheepishly smile up at the blonde.

Just reject me fast so I can go outside and drink myself into a coma, Paulie!

"I heard what you said! J-Just gimme a second to...process it!" The poor man now looking as red as a beetroot, his eyes fall closed as he hums to himself thoughtfully, he really doesn't seem to know where to put himself. "You? Crush? Me?"

Honestly, how much time does a man need to process such a thing?!

"No, I'm not going to crush you." The sarcasm is lethal in your tone but that's just your way of protecting yourself, you're not a fan of being in vulnerable positions so you often try to appear cold.

Especially when you've just landed yourself neck-deep into a love confession. 

"Y-Yeah, I just...gotta say, I'm shocked. I--well..." The expression on Paulie's precious face growing extremely shy as he gazes down to the ground, his cheeks a blinding shade of red as he weakly clears his throat. "I...k-kinda like you too, I just hadn't planned to tell you during a...a game like this."

During a game that goes against all his morals? Yes, what a match.

"Well, isn't that funny." You may or may not still be on your guard, trying your best to hide that fluttering in your chest and the deep blush that's beginning to burn your face. 

The both of you stand in an awkward silence for a few minutes before you huff inwardly to yourself.

Oh, screw it!

Taking a step forward, you grasp onto the collar of Paulie's denim jacket firmly before tugging him in, your lips connecting with his and your stomach turning into what-feels-like butterflies.

Your anxieties slowly washing away when he starts to kiss you back, his hands trembling nervously as he places them on your hips and his face is burning so hot that you can feel it radiating against yours but it only makes you smile against his lips.

He's so shy and adorable.

The kiss gradually deepening as you guide him back against the closet wall, your tongue slipping into his mouth and wrestling with his own although he doesn't put up much of a fight, you're beginning to wonder if he has ever kissed a girl before.

If not, he's a quick learner, his tongue melding perfectly with yours and his fingertips digging into the skin of your hips greedily, a small huff leaving his lips as he breaks the kiss for air but he's rather quick to return to your embrace.

Although this time it's your back being pressed against the closet wall, the blonde now taking charge and his hands slowly beginning to trail down to your thighs.

Well, that is until the doors swing open anyway.

A drunken Nami being first to greet you, her face flushing slightly as he giggles at the scene before her.

You and Paulie both break away from each other and try to fix yourselves up but Nami makes it very clear that it's far too late for that.

"W-Wow! I didn't think you were the type, Paulie!" The orange-haired girl teases, stepping aside so that you can both leave the small space, Iceburg immediately flashing his friend a suggestive smile. 

The shy blonde spends the rest of the night by your side and you manage to convince him not to gamble with the guys on other people's reactions to the game since you remember how bad he is with gambling. 

It would seem that you're going to be an amazing and much-needed influence on his life.

Looks like this 'trashy game' has it's perks after all...

7 Minutes In Heaven. {One Piece x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now