Gold Chain.

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A jingle reaches your ears as your fingertips brush against a cold metal-like material, wrapping your digits around it, you pull the item out to find that it's actually a gold chain, the sort you'd attach to your pants.

"Marco!" Nami yells out excitedly, her hand waving in the air to fully gain the blonde's attention. "It's your turn!" 

The bored-looking male in question simply rising to his feet with a small nod and making his way into the closet with you following shortly behind him, the second the doors close, he stares at you with a small pout.

"Why are you so willing to make my night miserable yoi?" He's a little sulky since you unintentionally screwed him over during UNO earlier...multiple times. 


"Sorry." A guilty smile on your lips as you offer the male a small shrug, it's nothing new to you though, you've been friends with Marco for many years now and you're always unintentionally causing him grief. 

During the card game, you were actually trying to screw over Ace since he had been taunting you all game and you placed a card down that requires him to pick up 2 from the deck but as luck would have it, Ace also had a card that requires the next player to pick up 2 from the deck. 

So in total, Thatch would've had to pick up 4 but instead of that, he saved his own ass and ALSO put down a '+2' card so Marco was left picking up 6 cards from the stack.

Then the rotation was turned around and you kept putting down cards to skip his turns, not that you meant to do that either, they were just the only colours you had. 

Needless to say, the blonde got slaughtered that game. 

"If it's any consolation," You start with a chirp in your tone, causing Marco to raise a curious brow. "You look really good tonight, glasses suit you!"

The adorable blonde immediately growing flustered as he takes the glasses off, folding them neatly before slipping them into his shirt pocket, the blush on his face practically melting your heart. "Eh, I don't know about that yoi..."

He's so cute when he's shy!

"No, really," Stepping forward, you run your fingers gently through his hair, a sincere smile embedding itself into your lips. "I mean it." 

Your gesture only leads to the blonde nuzzling your cheek gently as he wraps his arms around your waist, not that this is an odd occurrence, Marco has always been rather affectionate toward you for some reason.

His brothers say that you ease him, he doesn't talk much about his life before he was adopted by Edward Newgate but you get the impression that he wasn't very happy at all, maybe he had seen things that no child should have to see - you're honestly not sure but whatever the case, the brothers claim that you have a calming effect on him like they've never seen before.

It makes you feel good though, to know that your mere presence can soothe ones soul so easily.

Your fingers rolling down the back of his neck and to his shoulders, tugging him slightly closer to you and holding him in your embrace.

He's always so warm.

"What a precious birdy." You tease softly, the nickname being inspired by one of his many drunken shenanigans, he had been completely wasted when playing charades one night with Shanks and tried to mimic a crow...honestly, it was the funniest thing you've ever seen, especially with the crow-like noise he made to elaborate.

He doesn't seem to mind the teasing much though, he usually chuckles whilst turning slightly red-faced but he has never been openly upset with you for making a joke at his expense. 

With a small smirk, Marco gazes into your eyes, his hand cupping your cheek whilst the other sits on your hip. "You're such a tease yoi." Without allowing you the chance to argue, his lips find yours.

Your eyes falling closed as you return the affectionate gesture, your arms wrapping themselves around his neck and his hand slipping into your hair, the other still on your hip and tugging you closer.

His lips meld perfectly with yours and your tongue is quick to find it's way into his mouth, usually you wouldn't move so quickly with a man but with Marco, it just comes naturally and feels so right.

The blonde's fingers combing through your hair as his hot muscle dances with yours, a small smirk tugging on his lips as he presses your back against the closet wall, his hands sliding up under your shirt to caress more of your bodily warmth. 

Breaking the kiss for air, you slide your shirt off over your head, pulling Marco's chest against yours firmly with a deep blush burning your cheeks. It feels so good though, you love this compatibility, it's like you were made for him. 

Your lips reconnecting as you drop the discarded clothing onto the floor, the blonde beginning to unbutton his own shirt just as the closet doors swing open. 

"Times--Oh!" Nami's face going bright red as she re-positions the door slightly, trying to protect your modesty from the rest of the party, Marco doing the same thing but rather, using his body as a shield instead. "A-Anyway! Time's up, I'll give you two a second to--"

"WHA?! DID THEY--?!"

"Ace! Mind your own business!" Sabo saving you from a lifetime of embarrassment as you quickly pluck your shirt up from the ground, slipping it back over your head, although it's now inside out.

Marco leading you out of the closet by your hand once you're ready, you both get teased for most of the night but it doesn't bother you much, you even end up spending the night at his house once the party ends. 

It's strange what joy a simple game could bring.

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