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Something small and solid yet smooth is the first thing to brush against your fingertips, a smile on your lips as you take a grasp on the object, pulling it out of the bag.

It's a stone with beautiful patterns decorating it, the sight causing you to smile contently, it reminds you of the beach. 

"Usopp!" Nami calls out to your curly-haired friend, gaining his attention immediately. "It's your turn!"

You rise from your seat with confidence, Usopp entering the closet first with you following shortly behind him, once the doors close you take a seat on the ground.

You've known Usopp for years and he's one of your closest friends so there's no awkwardness here at all. "It's a nice stone," You chime as the raven sits beside you, watching with a proud smile as you hold the pebble up to his face. "Where'd you find it?"

"Found it on an island in the sky." Your friend jests playfully, a cheeky grin on his face as he leans against the closet wall comfortably. "If I told you then it'll take the mystery away and the mystery is what keeps it beautiful." 

"Pssh, bullshit. You just forgot where you found it, didn't you?" A hearty laughter from Usopp following your question as he guilty nods his head, his happy state only making you chuckle yourself. 

Classic Usopp.

"Wanna play a game?" The raven asks suddenly, making your eyebrow raise as you shrug your shoulders.

"Alright, Jigsaw. What you got?" An adorable smile breaking out across his lips despite your small diss, he's probably used to your wit by now though. 

"Two truths and a lie!"

Your brows knit together at his answer before you hum to yourself thoughtfully. 

"I thought that game was meant to be for people who don't know each other well, I think I'll know most of your truths by now." Your response only causing the raven to shrug.

"We'll see! So here goes!" You stare at him observantly, awaiting his next three sentences, your orbs also reading his facial expressions for hints. 

"My father's name is Yasopp."


"I have amazing aim."

Also true.

"And I'm scared of needles."

...I feel like that one would be true also.

You stare at the raven thoughtfully for a few moments before pouting. "There was no lie in any of those." You finally grumble, causing your friend to burst into laughter.

"Hey, I'm totally not scared of needles!"

A slight devious smirk etching into your lips as you tilt your head to the side innocently. "Oh yeah?" Your sudden change in attitude is definitely noticed, Usopp beginning to look more and more sheepish by the second as he struggles to keep his composure. "I'll just have to ask Law if he'll be so kind to give us matching tattoos. I'm sure he won't mind--!"

"NO!" Usopp's reaction has you cackling like an evil witch, the poor thing wincing at the mere thought. "It's not against needles! Just him, he'll butcher me for fun!"

"Ha! Yeah, probably!" Your amusement only raising when the raven shudders. "Ah, a game inside a game! Only you could pull it off, Usopp!" The boy seemingly pleased with your compliment at least.

How adorable.

"Okay, this one will be trickier, [F/n]!" The raven starts again, your full attention settling on him.

"I've had a crush on Robin."


"I've broken my wrist once before."

Also possible, you're unfortunate.

"And I currently have a crush on you!"


"Huh?" Your response makes Usopp's face go as red as a cherry as he rubs the back of his head nervously.

"W-Would that bother you?" Honestly, you're at such a loss for words, all can really do is shake your head slowly.

He has a crush on me?

How could you not have seen it though? He's a bit of show-off at the best of times, sure, but he always seems to go the extra mile when you're around and is constantly asking if you're impressed.

Really, it was quite obvious.

"So...out of them, the lie is..." At this point, you're just trying to buy some time. Your heart going absolutely crazy inside your chest as your face heats up madly. "Robin...?"

Usopp only managing a very timid chuckle whilst nodding his head, depression already beginning to seep in at the fact that you don't seem too interested.

"I see. So, when are you planning to ask me on a date?" And just like that, the shred of hope lights up in his eyes again, a huge smile plastered across his face. 

"N-Now?" With a small nod of your head, the raven attempts to collect himself, the poor thing is as red as a beetroot and the sweat is essentially streaming down his face. "[F/n], w-will you go on a date with me? T-Tomorrow, maybe?"

You can hear Nami beginning to approach the closet door so you know you have to answer quickly, with a swift movement, you lean in and place a soft kiss on the boy's cheek.

"Of course." You murmur upon pulling away, the closet doors swinging open and light from the room of the party pooling in and practically blinding you in the process.

That went rather quickly...

"Time's up~!!" She chimes excitedly, her face only darkening when she takes into account how you're both sitting. "Seriously! You're supposed to kiss! Has nobody played this game before?!"

The rest of the night, you spend by Usopp's side, earning yourself quite a bit of teasing from Shanks but it's all in good fun. 

You just know that the date tomorrow will be amazing also. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2019 ⏰

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