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A cold metal is the first thing to brush against your fingers, taking a firm grasp on the item, you pluck it out of the bag.

A pen...

Honestly, you're silently grateful that whoever put a pen into the bag had remembered to put a lid on the tip, the last thing you wanna spend your night doing is washing off ink from your fingers.

"Law~!" Nami blurts out, gaining the young med student's attention. "It's your go~!" 

The boy doesn't look at all impressed, a sigh escaping his lips as he rises to his feet, making his way into the closet as Nami shoves you inside also before slamming the doors shut behind you both.

"Have fun~!" You hear Nami yell from the other side of the wood, her voice muffled and Law merely grumbling as he re-positions himself, his back leaning against the closet wall and arms folded over his chest as he stares you down.

You sense that he's studying your every move and it honestly makes you feel all the more nervous, your eyes doing their best to hold his gaze and your legs beginning to tremble mildly.

Damn, why did I have to get the hot guy?! I don't know how to go about this game with him!

"You just gonna stand there and stare?" The tattooed male questions, gaining no response in return since your brain short-circuits, a barely-audible whimper being the only thing that barely manages to struggle past your lips.

He's going to think I'm deranged or something if I keep this up...

With a sigh, Law steps forward. "I'll make the first move then, shall I?" You're about to ask him just what the hell he means but you immediately find your back being pressed against the closet wall and Law's mouth quickly finding yours.

A spark ignites inside you the second your lips touch and your face flushes but he doesn't pull away, instead he takes a firm grip on both of your wrists, pinning them above your head as he deepens the kiss, his tongue running along your bottom lip.

Of course, you're not going to deny him access, you wouldn't dream of it. 

His tongue hungrily slipping between your parted lips and rubbing against your own hot muscle, your heart pounding rapidly in your chest as you try and fail to at least dominate the kiss. 

You only end up sucking on his tongue submissively, silently begging him for more, your arms eager to wrap themselves around his neck but he's still holding you firmly in place, his goatee tickling your chin as he toys with your tongue some more.

He breaks the kiss and pulls away all too soon though, stepping back into his original spot against the opposite wall with his arms folded over his chest as you struggle to gain your breath. "We'll never speak of this, [F/n]-ya."

Just as you're about to argue, the closet doors swing open. 

"Okay, time's--Aw, Law! You didn't do anything?! How rude!" Nami scolds the nonchalant male with a pout, stepping aside and allowing him to slip out of the closet, you don't miss that smug smirk decorating his lips either as you stand bewildered. 

How the hell did he know she was about to open the door?! Was he keeping track of time or is his hearing just that good?!

The rest of the night is complete torture, you find yourself staring at him a lot from across the room but he doesn't seem to notice it, not until home time anyway. 

Kid had kindly offered to walk you to your house, a strange occurrence from him, he's usually careless toward other people and their safety. Although, Law doesn't allow him to express his newfound manners, stating that he will be the one to take you home since you don't live too far from him.

Naturally, your red-haired friend wasn't impressed with this but he accepted it anyway.

7 Minutes In Heaven. {One Piece x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now