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A cold metal brushes your fingertips whilst you feel around in the bag, you don't exactly pick the item though, it picks you.

Your bracelet gets hooked on the mysterious object so when retracting your hand, out comes a watch too, your brows furrowing as you try to remove the expensive time-teller from your own jewellery without breaking it but it's far too fiddly for you.

Great, now it looks like I'm trying to steal somebody's watch.

"Iceburg~!" Nami waves at the purple-haired male who has already began making his way inside the closet, a wide grin etched into her drunken features. "It's your turn! But I see you've guessed that already!" The orangette leaning in close to your ear as she takes a grip on your bicep, dragging you toward the closet. "Congrats, you got the mayor~!"

And with that, you're launched into the poor man's chest and causing a squeak to erupt from him as the closet doors slam shut behind you, Iceburg's hands gently coming up to your shoulders to help you balance yourself.

Thanks for that, Nami!

"Ah, sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you!" A small smile on your lips as you step away to give the mayor some space, wrapping your digits around the watch that's still dangling from your bracelet and gently trying to wiggle it free. "Or steal from you, heh...I can't get it off."

Kill me now.

You're admittedly a little nervous to be sharing such a small space with the handsome male, he's extremely chic and so kind, it's definitely a rare combination - even more so when he's also the damn mayor.

You've always known mayors to be grumpy, old and selfish men but this one is totally different. 

He's an adult but still pretty young all things considered, he's extremely nice and understanding and he's...well, sometimes selfish but never to be malicious. From what you've heard, the guy just hates appointments and will cancel them often which you can't really blame him for, meetings and appointments are rarely any fun.

If you've got the power to cancel something you don't wanna do, why not? 

A smile tugging on Iceburg's lips as he places his hand over yours, carefully holding your limb up so he can get a better look at it. "Don't apologize, it's the design of this watch that's the problem, really. It's always catching on my skin." The purplette taking over your attempt and successfully tugging it free without breaking it or causing any damage to your bracelet either. "Sorry, I was going to put a cheese cube in the bag instead but Tyrannosaurus wouldn't be impressed if I did such a thing."

Honestly, I think I'd prefer getting hooked up on a watch than having my fingers smell like--wait, who? Did he just say Tyrannosaurus? Like the dinosaur?

Just as you're about to ask who he might be referring to, a small white mouse peeks out from inside his suit pocket and suddenly, the squeak he made when you fell into him makes all too much sense.

"Oh my--! I'm so sorry, I didn't know you had a mouse!"

The purplette thankfully just laughing it off, slipping his watch into his trouser pocket before raising his hand to his chest, you watch as the white mouse climbs into the male's palm as if it was trained to do so. 

Iceburg sweetly smiling as he shuffles slightly closer to you. "This is Tyrannosaurus, would you like to hold him?" Honestly, the sight is so damn cute you can't bring yourself to decline, your hands coming up beside the mayor's and a smile etching itself into your features when the rodent climbs into your hands without hesitation. 

Aw, he likes me! So cute!

The purplette chuckling softly in your ear as his orbs watch you handle the small mouse, his smile is simply adorable and his cologne smells so good, it's almost intoxicating.

Is it weird that I might have a thing for the mayor? 

"I'm honestly amazed," Your sudden comment catching the male off guard it seems, he tilts his head to side and hums curiously, encouraging you to elaborate. "It's rare for men as important as yourself to care about animals, it's a nice sight to see."

"Ah..." He's not too sure how to respond to such a comment, his face growing slightly warm as he runs a finger along the mouse's fluffy back gently. "A life is a life as far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter whether you're a human or animal, life is sacred so I like to treat animals with the same respect as I offer humans. Besides, I often find that animals are a lot nicer than people also." 

Well, that's the truth.

"Can't argue with you there."

"You seem like a decent person though," The mayor's response sends your brain into complete turmoil and causes a goofy grin to break out across your face. "I like to think I can tell a lot about a person by how they treat animals." 

The mayor likes me! Oh God, I must look like a psychopath with this damn smile!

You wouldn't usually care what anybody thinks of you, least of all a politician, but this one is has definitely won you over for reasons you can't even fathom. 

He's just...special.

Apparently the handsome mayor's legs are growing tired though, the purplette deciding to take a seat on the ground, legs crossed. Admittedly, you don't think it's a bad idea since you're holding a small animal, you'd be pretty mortified if the mayor's pet were to jump out of your hands and hurt itself so you slip down beside the man on the ground.

This action causing him to smile as he leans over to watch Tyrannosaurus nibble at your sleeve. 

"He doesn't usually warm up to other people so quickly." Iceburg murmurs softly, his voice making your heart clench in your chest and the warmth of his body radiates against yours, making it seem like you're sat on a cloud.

Wow, am I going crazy?

Your heart only sinks when the closet door swings open though, Nami stood with a smile that soon enough morphs into a pout when she sees that you two aren't doing anything other than playing with a mouse.

"Guys, this isn't how you play the game!"

"Apologies." Iceburg smiles politely, a small chuckle leaving your lips at his mannerisms, I mean he's apologizing for not kissing you? It's rather amusing, especially considering his position.

He's awfully cute...

"Ah, Nami, you spoiled it. We were about to declare our love for each other and everything." Playful sarcasm lacing your tone, anyone with ears and eyes could tell you weren't being serious...everyone except a drunken Nami anyway.


Iceburg's warm hands brushing against yours, one taking Tyrannosaurous and slipping the little cutie back into his pocket and the other hand taking a gentle grip on yours, giving you a gentle handshake. "This was pleasant, I'd like to spend some more time with you whenever you're available."

"I'm available tomorrow?" Your words blurting out before you've even had a moment to think it over.

Yep, way to sound desperate, [F/n]! Real attractive! 

"I look forward to seeing you then." The purplette calmly rasps before bending down and planting a soft kiss on each of your knuckles, the gesture having your face burn as hot as the sun. "I'll come and find you tomorrow."

Find me? How could he--of course, he's the bloody mayor. I'm sure he has his ways.

Sadly, Iceburg doesn't stick around long after his turn due to having some business to attend to early in the morning but he promises he'll come and find you by noon and honestly, you believe him.

It's going to be like a date...with the mayor.

Yes, you're both flustered and excited.

7 Minutes In Heaven. {One Piece x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now