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Honestly, you aren't too bothered who you get, you aren't going to kiss anybody. Hell no. 

You intend to make conversation though to be polite and to "partake" in this game but if anyone tries to lay a damn hand on you, you'll have their guts for garters.  

Upon pulling out the silver lighter, you notice Nami suppress a grin as she looks over toward a certain tall blonde.  

"Rosinante! You're up!" She chimes.  

You make your way into the closet, your nerves beginning to go a little crazy. You had thought when you picked out a lighter, you had gotten Sanji. 

Apparently not.

You've got nothing against Rosinante of course, you just don't know the man very well so speaking to him for the first time during such a game makes you a little anxious.

Your eyes just about launch from your head when the tall blonde trips and falls flat on his face before even reaching the closet, the poor guy scampering up to his feet with a pale blush on his cheeks but he doesn't seem too bothered by it, entering the closet with you as the doors close behind him.

You can hear a few chuckles from outside but nothing too malicious at least.

"Is your face okay?" You question firstly since you distinctively recall that being the first thing to make contact with the ground, a small shuffle catching your ears, you can vaguely see that the male is nodding his head. 

Not a talker then?

"Hard to believe you and Doffy are brothers." The blonde merely tilts his head to the side at your comment, amber orbs watching as you lean back against the wall comfortably, sighing to yourself.

Better to be locked in here with him than Doflamingo, I guess. 

You shudder at the mere thought, the older brother would definitely take advantage of the small space and objective of the game, you're sure of that much. 

That guy is mental. 

"We were raised in separate households." The blonde finally murmurs quietly, his eyes scanning the closet walls, seems he's looking for something. "Doffy was raised by a man named Trebol after our parents died and I was adopted and raised by Sengoku, that's why our mannerisms are pretty different. I apologize if he has ever made you feel uncomfortable in any way."

He's so polite! 

"N-Not at all," A timid smile spreading across your lips as you follow his eyes, you're honestly wondering what on earth he is looking for by this point. "I barely know him, I can just tell that he's the louder brother."

I'm not seeing anything, maybe he's just trying to avoid looking at me. He seems like the shy type.

"Oh, that's good then." The blonde silently taking note of your slightly confused expression before he smiles softly, his sights finally resting on your face. "Sorry, it's just dark in here. There's a light on the ceiling but I'm not seeing a switch."

Oh, I see!

Shifting a little, you begin to search the small space for the light switch also, at least it'll put an end to the small talk. Rosinante seems like a nice man but small talk isn't your forte and it seems it isn't his either.

Your brows knitting together when you notice a switch positioned on the wall opposite you, sitting just behind Rosinante. 

"Ah, it's back here." You murmur, pushing yourself off the wall that you were leaning against and reaching for the white button just as Rosinante attempts to step aside to give you more room but as luck would have it, he trips again.

His body crashing into yours and sending you tumbling to the ground, out of instinct you grab his coat mid-fall, trying to save yourself but it only leads to him falling down on top of you. 

His lips touching yours briefly during the harsh landing as the closet doors swing open, Nami's eyes going wide as she takes in the sight before her. 

It sure doesn't look right.

"[F/n]! I had no idea you were that kind of girl!" The orangette blurts out in both shock and a bit of amusement, you can vaguely see Trafalgar Law leaning forward to get a look at the scene too, his expression seems to be looking...mortified, to put it simply.

The blonde is quick to pick himself up though, his hand reaching out to help you to your feet also as his face turns as red as a tomato. "S-Sorry!" His apology is somewhat muffled by a few of the other party guests whistling but you catch it nonetheless, taking a grasp on his hand and accepting his help with a blush decorating your cheeks.

"It's fine, it was my fault really!"  

You go back to your group of friends once leaving the closet and Rosinante goes back to Law, the raven seemingly questioning him immediately on what the hell just happened and causing the blonde's blush to darken.

So much for not kissing anybody tonight... 

7 Minutes In Heaven. {One Piece x Reader}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum