A Glove.

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Something warm touches your fingers and immediately draws a smile to your lips as you pluck the mystery item from the bag, your eyes lighting up when you see it's a glove.

You're not sure whether you're coming down with a cold or what but for some reason, you're freezing cold tonight. Without hesitation, you slip the glove onto your own hand, you'll give it back to the rightful owner later. 

"Saboooo~!!" Nami yells out whilst waving at the blonde. "It's your turn~!"

Aw, good! He's the nicest brother!

It takes mere seconds for the cheerful cutie to appear beside your seat with a smile, his orbs immediately taking into account the fact that you're shivering.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Nevermind that!" Nami chimes, taking a rough grip on him and shoving his butt into the closet before pushing you inside also, slamming the doors with a drunken giggle escaping her lips.

Thanks for the push, Nami...

The blonde beside you still watching with a concerned expression as you shiver, your hands rubbing against your biceps roughly in attempts to warm yourself up quickly. 

A small shuffle reaches your ears before a warmth washes over you, the blonde smiling politely as he drapes his black coat across your shoulders. "Here, you must be cold." And just like that, your heart is doing backflips. 

You know Sabo is a kind guy, you've heard many people say so before and he's often the one most find themselves warming up to first out of the three youngest brothers but you hadn't expected him to give you his coat. 

What a sweetheart!

The smell of his cologne is radiating from it and it's so damn warm, it makes you want to snuggle up in it and go to sleep.

"Thanks..." A calmer smile taking over your features as you slip your arms properly through the sleeves, tugging the collar up a little to your face and fully embracing the warmth with a content grin. 

His body heat feels so nice!

Although guilt soon sets in when you notice the goosebumps beginning to rise on Sabo's skin, the cutie folding his arms over his chest in attempts to subtly keep himself warm without making you feel bad.

Too late, Sabo. I've noticed it.

"You're wearing my coat and glove, soon enough people will start getting us mixed up." He jests playfully with a small chuckle, causing you to giggle also as you step closer to him and give him a timid hug.

The gesture only causing the cutie to tense as his face turns red. "You seem like you're cold too." Deciding to explain your actions so that he doesn't think you're weird, you smile as his arms slowly slip around your waist, an adorable grin decorating his reddened features.

 "Yeah, that's courtesy of Eustass Kid..." The blonde murmurs sheepishly. "He got into a fight with one of the guests then decided to rip the front door off it's hinges and use it as a weapon."

Oh boy...

"Lemme guess, the fight was with Trafalgar Law?"

Your questions draws a soft and heart-warming chuckle from his lips as he shakes his head. "Nah, not this time, it was actually Ace who got under his skin. Turns out having two hotheads at one party is...a bad idea."

You can't help but snort at the new information, you knew Ace has a temper but you've never seen it first hand and you surprisingly didn't even hear the door being brutally dismantled either. 

That poor door.

"Well, I hope neither of them got hurt." You finally manage to chirp in between giggles, burying your face deeper into the blonde's shirt to try and warm up the tip of your nose that had began to grow cold, his cologne now engulfing you completely.

Damn, he smells so good!

"Eh, just a few cuts and bruises. It's nothing compared to what pops is gonna do when he finds out."

You shudder at the thought, Edward Newgate is not a man to be trifled with, apart of you is already beginning to sympathise for Ace and Kid. 

They're so dead...

The closet doors swinging open to reveal both Nami and Koala, the latter pouting at the scene before her. 

"Sabo! You're supposed to kiss her!" The strawberry blonde scolds her childhood friend, causing his blush to darken some more as he nods his head slowly, turning his attention back to you.

"S-Sorry, I'm bad with these things!" His soft hands cupping your cheeks gently as he leans in and captures your lips in a sweet kiss, you can feel the deep heat radiating from his face but considering how cold it is in this house, you're pretty thankful for it.

You return the kiss without hesitation, your lips melding with his perfectly and admittedly causing your heart to race, you hadn't expected to like the sensation this much.

But the contact is broken all too soon when the blonde breaks away for air.

"This was fun!" He blurts before abruptly exiting the closet.

'This was fun'?! Of course, it's just a game! He isn't going to take it seriously!

You're left feeling a little stupid for a while.

Well, that is until he comes up to you during the party, his adorable face redder than ever as he asks you on a date and you swear your soul had left your body at that point in time.

You also didn't miss his older brothers watching on in the background with huge grins, you're almost certain they had encouraged the cutie to take the plunge...not that you're complaining.

The rest of the night, you spend by his side, mainly cuddling him to escape the chill in the house that only got worse the later it got but he didn't seem to mind at all. 

On the contrary, he loved the closeness.

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