Chap2(just the beginning)

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"When does our real-life start?"

At the age of eighteen, the answer was University ..In the first year of university, we say it's when we start to work.
Then the answer changes yet again the moment we start to work, to when we make our own families.

What I found to be the answer to this question is...

Every intake of a new breath is a new start. There is no specific age for a start, any type of start for that matter. And here I am one of the so many living proofs in this world; a twenty-nine years old woman with a stable job, and a divorce paper in hand, having full hope for a new beginning.

"Hello, I am here to check-in"

"Yes madam, may I know the name" the receptionist asked.

"Amanda Steph- I mean.. Amanda Parks"

She typed my name in the system then handed me my room card smiling.. Nice service..."Here you go madam, VIP suite, on the top floor". TOO NICE OF A SERVICE!!!

"What?!" I checked the card she gave me before I left it back on the marble counter separating the two of us "I think there is a mistake, I booked a room here for a month, my name is Amanda parks"

"Yes, I am aware of that madame. We got orders from the owner to make sure to give you the best services and to give you the VIP suite"

"Wait. Excuse me. What?.. I mean, who is the owner?"

"Sir Julian snow "

"Wait! So this is called snow hotel because it's owned by the snow corporation?"

"Yes, madam"

"Oh God! Listen, I would love it if you canceled the booking and just gave me a room for tonight, I will lea-"

"THAT! will not happen... I even took a leave for three days just to meet you miss Amanda. PARKS"

I turned to the old man that appeared behind me right on time, and smiled at him weakly knowing quite well what was about to happen... I know for a fact that this man is the most persistent man I have ever met "Mister Julian! How are you?"

"Great, it's been so long since I last saw you"

"Which is good"

"Yes it is. But I heard you were coming so I gave you the special treatment and you decline it, that is a bit rude don't you think ?"

"I like to call it respectful, I truly appreciate it, but i-"

"Then just accept it... I heard about it all and I know why you are here"

"Am I being followed or am I just too famous?" I smiled at him so I don't come out as rude, since it is never my intention, and he smiled back as a first response before he added the second.

"I just care enough to ask about you dear. After all, you did so much to help my daughter"

"It was my job"

"Then you should have gotten your payment"

"You were in a bind with the corpo, and your family situations, I just couldn't add to that. People are meant to help each other"

"And now I am helping you, so just take it"

"*Sigh*Then. I won't be courteous, I guess" I took the card that was still laying on that cold marble, giving a tight smile to the receptionist there when she grinned at me after witnessing the whole exchange.

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