chap29 (Dear Ivy)

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Dear ivy,

I will keep it short ...I hated the idea of being your replacement, not that I hate YOU ,but, for the fact that I was slowly losing myself ..


I realized ..that didn't get into my life to use me as your replacement after you left, on the contrary it was to give me the best things i could ever get ..

I am happy now , I'm lucky with no doubts

I was just too blind to see my reality and myself

But now that I look at it once more

I see this girl in me ...again

 I am Amanda parks.


.I am not a replacement

"did my eyes betray me or did you just write parks? "

"huh? "

"Amanda parks? "

"it's my diary Henry!" i said closing my diary shut

"and you're my wife Amanda! " he held my hand up close to my face showing me the ring on it

"fine!.. it was just a typo "

"and now is the time to fly, so?"

"i'm ready.. let's just go "

"nah, you're not moving till you correct that typo of yours "


"correct it" he gave me a deadly glare

"we will miss our flight"

"let us miss it"

"I'm going" I left this stubborn man behind and got up leaving the waiting room and marching towards the checkpoint to get my boarding pass checked

"Miss?" the man asked me

"Amanda ..Stephens" I said looking behind at the smirk that was pushing its way to Henry's face after he followed me

"here you go " the security gave me my passport and ticket back granting me passage but I waited for Henry to follow after taking few steps down the hallway that leads to the plane

He came running to my side after he got checked "you're lucky that I'm a forgiving husband ..but still need to fix that typo "

"yeah're super forgiving for something I didn't even apologize for" I answered while we were making our way down the hallway

"Amandaaa" he stretched as a sign of  warning, a palyfull warning, and before I know it .. I was head locked.

"Henry! " I tried to get away from him

but ...I failed..miserably

all I did was wiggle like a worm, trying to break his deadly hold on me as people passed by us eyeing our stupidity....for god sake! we were in our thirties and in the eyes of others , this wasn't a behavior that matches our age..

but lucky enough, I wasn't living to please them, we were  not sinning in any's fine,but not that fine since i am starting to feel dizzy so i gave up, lifting my hands in the air, signaling my defeat..

All of a sudden I felt him peck my head before he lossened his hold on my neck, taking my hand in his and fixing my hair with his other free hand "shall we now, my lady, Amanda.. Parks "

"Parks?... not Stephens?" i said catching my breath

"I was going to head lock you again if you didn't correct me ..lucky for you you did " his hand went from my hair to my nose to poke it


I am!


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