Chap8-2 (our meeting)

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"Sir" the director and writers turned their heads to me when I entered the meeting room; acknowledging my presence.

"Morning" I said, taking a seat at the end of the table and checking the pile of papers sitting in front of me "You may proceed"

"Sir, Madeline is still not here"


"The host .." he noticed my unchanging expressions, so he added "The person that came up with the idea"

"Are you implying that I should wait for her?"

"No, sir" he answered in a hurry "Sorry, sir"

I looked back at the papers, hoping all of this can end as fast as it can so I can go meet Amanda. I haven't heard from her for a while now and that was getting to me. It felt like we were separating once again and that thought was capable of making me feel anxious.

The door flanged open and appeared THE STAR.."So sorry, we finished the rehearsal last minute an-" she noticed me and just how uninterested I was, which made her seal her lips tight and chose the right thing to do later. She moved to her assigned seat clicking and clacking with her heels, pulling a chair and taking a seat as the first thing she did was sip on water to calm her pants down...

Did she really run all the way here? with those high heels?!!...
Women must have some superpowers.

"You only have twelve minutes to end this meeting" I stated like a gunshot beginning the race and every single soul in the room sprinted to conclude its task...

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