chap26-2(yes or no)

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"baby" she shook her hands causing my head to shake along with them, allowing air to pass through the strands of my hair as they seemed to be flapping around "baby.. babe!" she called for me to wake me from my embarrassment...i didn't plan to tell her this way...

ButI DID!... and that was the source of my embarrassment.



 it was supposed to be 'one second'!! but it turned into another embarrassment!

"what was THAT?! " she asked before she cracked up and laughed at my misery and all I could give her in return was an unamused warning glare, even though her laughter sounded like music to my ears after spending numerous nights of her screams and cries of pain... BUT-

"stop laughing... this is serious" I wanted it to sound somewhat strict and stern but thanks to her palms pressed on each side of my face it sounded like some stupid mumble, it was similar to talking with a mouth that is full and that is incapable of putting an ending to her laughter nor make her take me seriously.

"BABE!" I groaned throwing both of her hands aside, before I pushed my body to rise slightly so that my hands can reach her head after she threw it back, laughing at me.

with my hands on each side of her head and my thumbs pressing on her chubby cheeks forcing her lips to form an O and forcing her to stop her laugher and look at me, I asked her "can I get an answer now?...what do you think?"



she rolled her eyes in response before she shook her head, well barely shook it as I was holding it in place





"what is it?!! a yes or a no?!" the frustration started building up again as I was trying to decipher what she was trying to say...before I realize it and in a very swift and a fast movement her hand smacked my left one, making me pull both of my hands away from her "BABE! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!"

"NO! I don't want to go on a honeymoon"

"wa-why not? "

"it's a hidden card I want to use when the right time comes"

"what card and what right time? just when is that? hm?"

"When we're trying not to lose each other.. when we want to give us one more chance..When we feel extremely down.. when we want to run away. Just then, that will be the perfect 'when' "

i am not a replacementTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon