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'Pete do you think I'm right or am I making another mistake?'

'you said it yourself marriage seems to be the best solution to make it work'

'is it though?'

'second thoughts?'

'...fear I guess'

'i was confident when I spoke to josh but now strange thoughts and emotions keep dawning on me' i added before his message popped to fill the screen

'it is better for the three of you, you are right, the possibility of conflict between you is there just like any other couple and maybe more considering the history you two share, so dating is basically proving that you are not going to try to work things out and you are leaving yourself a chance to turn your back at any given moment, marriage will make the two of you work harder to maintain a healthy relationship and not add a second divorce to your biographies'

'Sorry for the long text...I'm in a hurry need to drive the kids to school' he added

'it's okay, I am already thankful that you spared me some of your time this early in the morning..'

'have a good day Pete..thx again'

'you too... anytime'

 I guess as a human doubt is inevitable, as fear is a never perishing ally...


"Good morning " I went into the station greeting the staff as usual before heading straight to the studio, finding the three people I needed just right there "Morning," I saluted with a wide smile on my face

Two were tense and one was happy to see me "morning dear, how were you these days?" he asked with his eyebrows raised as if he knew something

"am I being followed or what? " I asked him teasingly

"I can't say no to that "

"really? "

"no" he chuckled slightly " it's just that it's been six days since you came In here, thought I would ask "

"well since the show is doing great the producer and the higher-ups decided that we can take our time and shoot everything once a week instead of shooting so many sequences every day or two "

"true! doesn't mean I didn't miss seeing you "

"I know sir .. how are you? "

"doing great, my daughter is getting married two weeks from now so I was hoping you would come" he handed me an invitation and I took it gladly, giving him the brightest smile I could, after all, she was my patient before, so I was happy for her.

"congratulations .. I will try my best to be present that day "

"you better "

"well...only if you promise me to come to mine"



Madeline spoke... while Edwin choked on the water he was sipping on since I came in

"yeah " I chuckled at her reaction

"to whom dear? " I turned to face Julian again

"my... ex-husband "

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