chap9-3 (barbie)

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I heard her say the moment she came into my office

"How can I help you miss Madeline?"

"you asked Samuel to find a new host!"


"the producer!"

"can you watch your tone? I believe you made a great scene for everyone already when you yelled at my assistant to get you in, now that I grant you passage doesn't mean you lose your manners and make another scene in here"

"oh I'm sorry, you're right... I!, I! should have watched my manners! YEAH! but where are YOURS mister Edwin Snow?!"

"what do you mean by that?"

"I mean it the way it is! you told Samuel 'the producer' that I wasn't fit for the show and that he should use one of the newcomers since that would be helpful for their debut!"


"AND?! was MY idea!! the whole show was my idea! and you approved of it and approved of me being the host then you just go and eat your freaking words up without informing me or giving me any reason!"

"I don't work for you, you work for me... I guess that's enough explanation"

"WOW!...I can't believe your friends with Amanda! how can she put up with you?!"

"I know you two got close while working together but she is not a part of THIS subject Madeline"

"Madeline?...huh! Madeline?! excuse me, are we on close terms ? are we friends?"

this woman is making me lose it !!


"I want either a reasonable explanation or you get me back on the show!"

"your idea is good, but you have a serious and professional image that you managed to build with the genre of shows you appeared on which is totally the opposite of the image that this show entitles"

"didn't you think that I'm trying to change that image?"

"that is not your decision to make"

"then who's is it? "


her blazing wide eyes slowly lost their fire as they returned to their normal size but never for a second wavered and looked away "I really am just a puppet in your people's hands; I say what you tell me to, walk, talk and move the way you want me to, and now you expect me to think the way you want me to...actually it seems like you don't even want me to think"

"I will ask you to stop being dramatic miss Madeline and try to be logical-"

"I will leave that to you, since you know how to do that..I am just a barbie in your hands after all and I will always remain that way to you people"

she turned around stomping her way to the same door she busted through like a hulk, but before she walked away and out, she turned with a cold demeanor that managed to shake my heart a bit...with fear...what nOW?!! 

"I still have the copyright and I will sue you if you start this project... I will show you what a brainless barbie can do"  she said before she turned and slammed the door behind her

I know I was heartless and pretty much rude to her but she was the one to make a scene and lose temper

And where did this barbie thing come from? quite sure I never called her barbie...

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