Chap11( for MY OWN liking )

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I don't know how my father got Louis to come here exactly, all I know is that he helped make a great decision for me..
A decision that has changed my life, a decision where Louis might not be with me all the time, but at least I can see him from time to time with us both being comfortable in each other's presence

"I got a famous sister! " Aiden exclaimed getting in the house while the rest of us were in the living room chatting casually about our day

"what happened? a new article? " Joshua asked, curious about the reason for Aiden's excitement

"yeah, about her and Edwin, guess who published it?"

"Please don't tell me he did" I muttered annoyed by the many weird articles that have been published about the show and the cast members; including me.

"yup .. it was his orders, I called him to ask if he knows about it and if he  can drop it but apparently it was his idea, so he refused "

"how come we didn't hear about any of this?" Joshua picked up his phone and searched for the article, while my parents looked at me

"don't look at me that way, I had no idea about any of this"

"Why would he then?" dad asked me which I replied to with a simple and clear 'I don't know'

As I fetched my phone from my pocket and searched for his contact number, and just as I was about to call him, Aiden spoke "he heard that you are getting back with Henry "..well it was more like a murmur

"WHAT?! " we all looked at him

"IT WASN'T ME! " he yelled back with his hands up in the air like we had guns pointed at him

"no one accused you dumbo!"

"knowing the rising popularity of the weekly show starring the famous host Madeline, we will share today with you shocking news about the show's psychiatrist Amanda parks .. bla bla bla...oh! here it is! Edwin snow one of the three heirs of snow corpo and the snow station's owner was once a close friend that lost contact of her for more than nine years and now fate has reunited the two of them as employer and employee but will it still remain that way? " Joshua looked at me after reading that out loud and I'm quite sure he wasn't the only one giving me his full attention now ...the type of attention that I wasn't needing NOR asking for.

"he is moving quite fast and pretty strong sis" he stated passing the phone to my dad who wore his reading glasses to check the article

I excused myself as i was about to get up and call him but dad's words stopped me before I could "invite him for dinner honey, I need to talk to him"


"please" he added to which I answered with a deep sigh before I did as asked, all the while holding my anger inside ...I don't like being put in the dark, and I truly don't like it when men do things with no respect or thought given to the women involved..

just why would he react that way to some news he heard and weren't even true to begin with!

He should have asked ! he should have ju-...UGH!! FORGET IT!!..the damage is already done 

"hi " I really want to punch that face right now! and he dares say 'hi'...
I hate the fact that I had to open the door!!!

"get in" I said and turned around getting inside not even bothering to wait for him to enter, I know I was acting childish but guess what?...

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