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"Are you a virgin?"

Did she seriously ask me something like that?

"What? What does that have to do with anything?", I ask slightly offended.

"Just answer the question."

"I am not going to tell you something like that when you're not telling me the reason!"

"I told you about my preference for girls."

"Ugh. It's not the same thing..."

"It's too personal though.", she insists.

"Okay fine, fine! Yes, I am a virgin. Happy?", I huff annoyed.

"That explains a lot."

"Excuse me? We're sixteen years old...we're not supposed to be having sex that soon. And what do you mean <<that explains a lot>>? It doesn't explain anything."

"First of all, I didn't say you should hook up with anyone that passes by, I was talking about a relationship. Secondly, you're way too romantic to not be a virgin, so I figured it out before you told me.", she keeps annoying me.

I am not that predictable! I am just a romantic soul. I want to wait until I find my only one.

"Next question.", she suddenly says

"Hey, these are not the rules of the game!", I snap.

"Who said we're playing?

"You did. You said we're playing 20 questions."

"I did? Well then, we're not playing by the rules. The whole point of this stupid game was to get to know you. So spill.", she simply responds.

"Whatever. Just ask your questions and get over with it already."

"Tell me about your family first."

"Well... I have an older sister, Maya. My parents are divorced as I've mentioned before and we're living with my mother. Dad is always busy so I never get to see him. I am kind of used to it though. I told you about my future plans so I don't think there's anything else you need to know about me.", I try to end the conversation as quickly as I can.

But she's not having it.

"What about your friends?", she asks.
I sigh. I'm not going to get out of this easily am I?

"My best friends are Tanner Will and Lily June. But most of the time, we hang out with Sarah and Bradley too."

"Bradley Kevin? The bully?", she asks surprised.

"He's not a bully. He's just intense sometimes."

"Yeah right."

I am not in the mood to defend Brad right now, so I just huff annoyed.

"Is there anything else you really need to know about me? I am really not in the mood anymore."

"You're grumpy you know that?"

"I am not."

'Yes, you are.", she smirks.

She's doing that on purpose, isn't she?
She really wants to piss me off.

"Why are you so talkative? You didn't look like a rambling mess when I first met you.", I ask annoyed.

"I guess you were quick to judge.", she simply notes and grabs her notebook to check today's progress.

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