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When Damien presses the elevator button to the third floor, I give Lily a curious glance but she just shrugs.

"This is like, the best ice rink in the region.", Damien finally solves the mystery.

"What the hell Damien? There's no way an ice rink is on the third floor of a hotel.", I grunt.

He turns around and gives me an amusing smile. "You turned into a lesbian in like what? Two months? And you think an ice rink in a hotel is the weirdest thing ever?"

I huff in annoyance. "Rainbow could've at least came with us. I can't take your teasing all alone.", I keep grumbling until we reach the third floor.

"She's probably waiting for us there. She had something to do before our double date.", Lily stops absurdly when she realizes what she just said.

"Oh.", it slips away before I can even control it.

Damien flushes immediately, turning around once again to stop facing us.
Lily shakes her head in disbelief.

"I can't believe I just said that.", she whispers as quietly as she can.

"He's totally into you too. Just tell him.", I exaggerate as quietly.

She just shrugs but she's clearly upset about what she said.

"Here we are!", Damien finally opens a huge door to lead us into a huge-indeed-ice rink.
It looks amazing until I remember I don't even know how to ice skate.

The thought quickly vanishes though, when I see Billie standing on the other side of the huge rink.
My mouth falls open as soon as I notice her appearance. She's wearing a freaking dress and her hair is decorated-or rather, accidentally painted-with a few mixed colors.

I close my mouth in astonishment and start walking towards my girlfriend.

"Rainbow?", I grin widely and fall into her arms, holding her tight.

"Hey, sweets. Missed me?", she smiles softly and gives me a small peck.

"So much."

She giggles and turns to greet Damien and Lily as well.

"Why don't we get to the ice skating part? I mean, it's great here but we're here to ice skate right?", Lily awkwardly fumes and leads the way.

Damien follows, also looking flustered

"What's wrong with those two?", Billie wonders.

"Lily likes him and thought this was a double date. So...she kinda mentioned it."

"Sheesh. Must be hella awkward."

We put on our ice skates and follow Lily and Damien to the main rink.

"Ehm, babe. I don't know how to...", I shyly start, but she's already back for me, chuckling adorably.

I slowly enter the rink and it feels like I'm going to collapse at any moment.

She holds my hands reassuringly and leads me to the side where I can hold myself up without dragging her along with me.

"This isn't fun.", I decide, pouting at my clumsiness.

"Of course it is. Look at them.", Billie points at Lily and Damien, holding hands and sliding upon the ice smoothly.

"Oh, well. I guess I'm the only one who doesn't have extra talents here.", I hiss, trying to keep myself from falling once more. "Stop laughing at me!"

"I'm not.", she keeps laughing in front of my face, while trying to keep me on my feet at the same time.

"That's it. I quit.", I whimper, disappointed I didn't learn how to ice skate. I reach out and take the stupid skates off, staying only with my socks on.

"What are you doing?", she looks at me in complete shock.
As if she's never seen anyone with their socks on in an ice skating rink!

"I'm getting out of this coldness.", I grumble, already wetting my socks from walking on ice.

She's too shocked to move or follow me, while Lily and Damien spot us and burst out laughing loudly.
Great. I'm a hilarious sight for all my companions.

Finally, as expected, I slip on the damn ice and fall right on my butt.

"God, this is the worst day of my life.", I groan, not even trying to get up again.

Billie slides to me quickly, offering me her hands, half-amused, half-concerned.

I take them and get up painfully. My hips are seriously killing me after the awful fall.

"Are you okay sweets?", Billie asks, kissing my hands tenderly.

"Whatever. Get me out of the ice.", I demand, leaning on her to help myself stand and walk again.

When we finally reach the safe territory of the floor, I'm freezing cold.

"What were you thinking when you took your shoes off?", she asks, wrapping me up with her huge jacket.

"Are you guys okay?", Damien and Lily arrive, looking really amused by the whole scene.

"Yeah, if you exclude the fact that I probably broke my ass.", I grunt painfully.

We're sat in the rink's restaurant to eat a quick meal, when I start feeling cold and dizzy.

"God, I think I caught a cold.", I whine, picking at my fries.

"Why what's wrong?", Billie immediately goes on full-protection mode.

"I'm really cold and a little dizzy. I think I might have a fever."


After that, we return to my house after saying goodbye to Lily and Damien, who head off to some bar.

"Seriously, I'm okay. You can go home.", I murmur even though I don't mean it. I definitely want her to stay with me.

"I didn't give you medicine. Wait up."

She returns with two febrifuge pills to ease my fever.
After taking them, I curl to myself, feeling awfully cold.

She closes the door and curls up next to me, holding me close. My bed is big enough for both of us so I really wouldn't mind sleeping like this from now on.
Of course, mom would've had a very different opinion.

I sigh in satisfaction. "Thank you Rainbow.", I mumble.

"You're welcome Sweets. I lo-", she stops absurdly, taking back everything she would've said.

Suddenly I'm wide awake, knowing very well what she would have said. Why didn't she say it? Was it just very impulsive and not true?

I want to ask her, I need to ask her why she held back. What if I'm not ready to hear the answer? What if it's not what I want to hear?

"Good night.", I mumble instead, closing my eyes quickly.

She relaxes behind me, still holding me lovingly and sighs, relieved. "Goodnight Sweets."

I feel like this was just so bad but I don't have the time for something better. Thanks for your support, always☻💕

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