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"Earth to Keneston....Jade! Hey!", Billie snaps and once again, I leave my torturing thoughts aside.


"You're not paying attention again. What's wrong?", she sighs.

I stare at her like a complete idiot, not having a single excuse to tell her.
Since my sister brought up the <<feelings>> subject, I am literally having fights with own mind, that doesn't want to stop over analyzing everything.

"I am just not feeling it today."

She raises her eyebrows suspiciously and frowns.
"Last time you told me something like that, you wanted to end our...partnership.", she clears her throat.

"It's not like that. It's just that...", I pause, not sure how to bring up this. "What are we?"

She blinks confused.
Then, her eyes widen comically. She starts laughing, completely amused by my question.

Did I say something funny?

"You just sounded like I am using you for sexual favors or something. I don't know.", she chuckles, shaking her head in amusement.

"I just..."

"I know what you meant. No one can really be sure with me. Don't worry. I consider you my one and only friend Keneston.", she genuinely smiles.

Her words make me grin, but at the same time a small glimpse of disappointment settles in.

We're friends.

"It's settled then. We're friends.", I nod and she giggles.

"I didn't know we had to analyze it so much.", she says.

"I mean, If we're gonna do this right, we might as well have everything cleared up.", I shrug.

"Friendships are complicated too, I see.", she rests her head on the edge of my bed.


"What color am I today?", I abruptly ask.

It catches her off guard and she narrows her eyes in confusion.

"Why do you ask?", she wonders.

"Just curious."

"Hmm...", she thinks about my question, "Grey, I think. You're kind of skeptical and hesitant.", she confirms.

I am more than persuaded that I am basically an open book. Or maybe it's just her who can see right through me.

"How do you always know? I can never get your mood right, but you always sense mine.", I huff in half annoyance, half admiration.

"You're so easy to read Keneston. Maybe you should work on your facial expressions if you want to hide your feelings. I can literary see that shit all over your face, it's like you have a neon sign on your forehead or something.", she chuckles.

"Oh, come on, you always have a poker face on, you insentient.", I pout.

"I am not insentient. I just don't like it when people know exactly how I feel. I prefer keeping my feelings to myself."

"Me too.", I complain.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but you're failing miserably.", she snorts sarcastically.

"You don't tell."

We stare at each other before bursting into laughter.

"So. We're friends.", I clarify.

"Oh my God, is that so hard to believe?", she laughs at my expecting tone.

I blush, completely aware that I've probably embarrassed myself again.

"I am being an idiot again, I am sorry.", I shake my head in embarrassment.

She approaches me and does something that absolutely no one that knows Billie Eilish would have ever predicted.

She leaves a soft kiss on my cheek.

A kiss.

I turn to look at her in surprise, only to find her face a few centimeters away from mine.
It catches me off guard, and I blink rapidly, absolutely stunned.

"It's okay.", she mumbles with a smile and pulls away from my face in a quick motion.
My heart is beating so fast, I am afraid she can hear it and my face must be redder than her blouse, while she looks completely unaffected and calm.

She lies on her stomach and picks up her phone as nothing happened. "And by the way, we are friends.", she cackles, clearly amused by my awkwardness.

What did just happen?

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