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"We're gonna have so much fun!", Sarah squeals excitedly.

"Why? What are you two planning?", Lily wonders.

Tanner and Sarah have been trying to organize something for an hour now, but refuse to tell us what it is.
I am pretty sure it's one of those parties they always try to make successful, but never manage to keep in control.

"Are we all invited to this...thing?", I lazily ask.
I am really not into parties, especially the ones that Tanner sets up.

"Not only you, but all your other friends too. We need as many people as possible. This is gonna be amazing!", Sarah exclaims, her eyes wide and shiny.

"Who do you want me to bring? My sister?", my sarcasm is evident enough, but neither of them bothers to look at me.

"Bring whoever you want. The alien too.", Tanner notes.

"The alien?"

Lily rolls her eyes and shakes her head in disapproval. "Billie Eilish.", she explains.

"I didn't know she had a new nickname.", my tone is defensive, but I really don't care right now.

"With all the other strange things, we never really noticed the blue hair.", Sarah shrugs and keeps writing down things.

"You know, I once wanted to dye my hair purple. I guess I wouldn't be accepted in this squad huh?", I don't even bother to hide my annoyance.

"Oh, come on, we're just joking."

I can't stand their careless attitude anymore.

"Just joking huh? Because it's so easy to joke around! It's so easy to talk shit about a person you don't even know personally! It's damn easy to call someone an <<alien>>, a <<freak>>, or even a weird, creepy person, just because you don't have anything else to talk about, anyone else to literally bury under your feet! I don't get it. I don't get anything, I don't get why people have to be so heartless, so judgemental....such monsters! Just stop judging, stop trying to solve everything around you and stop trying to figure out people who are not exactly like you! Because people are not the same. People are different and that's what makes them special. If you think being different is something Billie Eilish needs to be ashamed of, then you should be ashamed of yourselves, because Billie Eilish is going to be hurt by your words, but she's also going to get over it. You, on the other hand, will end up miserable, only receiving enjoyment from terribly commenting on other people's insecurities and fears, to the point where you'll stop receiving it, because you'll finally start realizing that no one even still cares about you and your fucking comments! So just stop! Okay? Stop!"

Tanner's jaw is locked in shock, Lily gasps and Sarah lets her pen down to stare at me in complete surprise.

"We just...we didn't want to...", Tanner finds his voice again and tries to form a proper sentence, but he's failing miserably.

I take a deep breath and try to relax as much as I can. Damn, that was intense.

"Look, we're sorry okay? We didn't know you were such good friends with the...with Billie.", Sarah takes over to explain.
Her expression is unreadable and I can't say If she really meant that apology.

"We were only joking and yes it wasn't funny but...that's always the way it was. I mean, everyone called her names and stuff. I guess it's just some kind of a...habit.", Lily murmurs, her voice filled with regret.

"Not anymore.", I decide, right here on the spot.

"What do you mean?", Tanner asks, his expression worried.

"You're gonna be the first ones to give Billie Eilish a chance. She's going to be invited to this thing-whatever you're planning-but not to be the center of attention and the source of amusement for any asshole. Deal?", my tone is firm and angry and I almost don't recognize myself.

"We'll try okay? We'll try to be kind and welcoming. But don't expect us to be her besties or something." Sarah huffs and Tanner lowers his head in embarrassment.

Lily doesn't say another word and maybe, just maybe, this is the start of my first revolution.

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