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"Tell me this isn't what it looks like."

Rainbow is standing above my messy desk, checking out the list I've made for the sleepover.


Her eyes widen and a loud chuckle escapes her lips. "I can't believe you made a list of activities for tonight...I thought only awkward, bad-written characters from movies did things like that."

I blush immediately. She's right. I'm such a weirdo sometimes.

"Well, I didn't know what kind of things you like doing in sleepovers. We can change some of these."

She reads the list again and her smile kind of flatters for a little while.

"I wanted to talk to you about something.", she takes a deep breath, obviously nervous. "We're friends right?"

"Of course we are."

What could she possibly be nervous about? I haven't seen her like that before.

"Sit down and close the door, no one can know about this.", she gives me a pleading look.

I close the door, even though my mom won't be ecstatic if she sees it's closed.

"You can talk to me.", I suggest and sit beside her quietly.

She inhales sharply and nods, clearly trying to find the courage to continue.

"I think I have a crush on someone.", she mutters between her teeth.

My heart literally stops.

She has a what?

"I...don't understand.", I say in a small voice, before finding a small part of my confidence again. "I mean, where did this come from?"

We stare at each other, equally confused.

"Your list...the crush talk...", she tries and a smile forms on my face.

"Oh, so you told me you have a crush so we could talk about...our non-existent crushes?", I sigh in relief.

She was just messing with you.

"No, Jade.", her expression is still serious. "I think I actually like someone. Like, for real."

And that feeling is back in a moment.

"Are you serious? Who..? Who is it?"

Please don't say it's me.

"Is that a bad thing?", she quickly asks.


"Of course not. I am just surprised, that's all.", I lie almost miserably.

She's nervously fidgeting with her fingers and I can tell this is a little too much for her.

"Okay. So, a few hours ago I was at the library. And I was reading something about...well it doesn't matter.", she rolls her eyes nervously, "A girl came in. A gorgeous brunette with sparkly brown eyes. Short and cute.", her little smile is suddenly kind of annoying.

She's not talking about you...

For some reason, a knot of jealousy messes with my stomach. Who could that brunette be? She can't be that cute...

Get it together Keneston...

"Looks don't matter for me. Never did. But then she sat down next to me and started talking about the book I had in my hands. She'd read it before and was very excited that someone she knew had started reading it too."

Someone she knew?

"And..?", I grumble impatiently.

"We talked and chatted and discussed and babbled. It was so amazing...having someone to share your thoughts with. And all that, just for a book I haven't even finished yet.", she giggles, "Don't get me wrong, you're a cool company too. But there was just something in this girl...I've never had a crush on someone before so I don't know if that's exactly what it feels like. How does it feel like Keneston?", she turns to me, with a disgustingly dreamy expression on her face.

"Like that I guess. If she's different from other girls...I mean, she's not, but that's how you see her.", I explain, a weird, unwanted feeling settling itself inside me.

She has a crush on someone.

And it's not me.

Isn't this what you wanted Jade?

No...no it isn't.

"You said she already knew you?", I wonder emotionlessly.

"And I knew her, yes. I've seen her a couple of times but I never noticed..."

"That she was so endearing, yeah I get it.", I reply, harsher than I intended to.

"What's up with you now? I didn't even get to tell you who the girl is. Even though I don't think you're going to be very happy.", she hesitates.

"So I know her too?", my tone is surprised.

"Actually, you introduced us."

You probably hate me right now don't you?
Sorry for not updating for so long but I've had a lot of issues lately and couldn't find the time.
Also, Billie supposedly has a crush on someone...and someone else is jealous. Are we really surprised? 🙃
If you wanna make a move on someone, do it before it's too late.
Missed ya. >3

P.S. Guess who's Billie's crush🤧💀

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