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Parties were never my thing. It's not that I don't like having fun, I just don't like being grabbed every time I try to reach a different room.
So my arrival in Bradley's house tonight wasn't planned.

"I am surprised you showed up.", Sarah exclaims.

"Same.", I huff. "I guess there isn't anything more interesting than Brad's lame parties."

"Jade, oh my gosh you're here! I need your help.", Lily appears and grabs my arm, pulling me with her.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you see the tall guy standing in the middle of the pool table?"

My eyes land on a blonde tall boy, playing a round of pool.

"He seems like a good player.", I comment.

"He is. I wish he could just say something to me. Anything at all.", she sighs.

"Ugh Lily...why should he make the first move? Just go over there and talk to him. You have a mouth too."

She looks at me like as if I was crazy.

"I can't just do that! He'll think I am a freak or something."

"Why? I mean, he's not that fancy anyway. You are an absolutely amazing girl and he would be lucky as hell to be with you. Just talk to him."

"But I am too shy to even smile at him. What am I supposed to say?", she asks concerned.

"Greet him I guess. Tell him he's caught your eye and ask him out."

"Oh, no no...i certainly can't do that. I'll just sit and wait...maybe he'll notice me and come talk to me.", she surely insists.

I sigh and pull my arm out of her grasp.

"Do you want me to go talk to him for you?"

Her eyes open widely and she gasps.

"You'd do that for me?"

"You're my best friend, I don't think I have a choice.", I roll my eyes and smile.

"Thank you, thank you, oh my God I love you! ", she shouts and hugs me tightly.

"Okay okay, let me go now."

"Sorry.", she giggles and sets me free.

I approach the table and wait for the game to end.
When it finally does, the guy actually comes to me first.

"I saw you staring at me...", he starts with a grin.

Oh no...let's hope he's not a moron like most of the guys.

"Actually, I think my best friend likes you and...she's a really cool girl. You could try, I don't know, asking her out. If you're single and you're interested."

Before he can answer, a familiar voice interrupts us and we both turn around to see Bradley.
He's drunk and clearly ready to say something really stupid.

"Hey, Parker! What are you doing bro? You know, asking the school's new lesbian out isn't the smartest idea you've ever had.", he laughs.

Most of the people in the room are now paying attention to the scene.

"What are you talking about Kevin? This girl here came to talk to me about her friend.", he says defensively.

He's clearly embarrassed about our encounter.

"Of course she did. She's not into guys, she's a faggot ever since she started hanging out with the freak."

"Don't call her that. You don't even know her!", I raise my voice.

What's this dude's problem with Billie Eilish anyway? And why does he care so much about this project and this partnership?

"And you do? She can hardly say her name when someone asks her, did you even manage to have a normal conversation with her?", he continues.

"I inform you that she can speak perfectly fine. We've had several conversations. Have you ever thought that maybe she only talks to people that actually treat her like a normal person?", I ask angrily.

His shocked expression makes me even angrier. Who does this dude think he is?

"I bet that dyke is into you. Yeah, that's it. She wouldn't have bothered to speak to you otherwise."

My rage is on its peak and I can't even shout at him anymore. I immediately jump on him and start hitting him as hard as I can. Screams can be heard from everywhere, while many already drunk people laugh at the sight.

Lily grabs my arms and pulls me back in an attempt to calm me down, while Tanner and Sarah do the same to Brad.

"What the fuck is wrong with you people?", Tanner shouts. "Did you seriously just start fighting about Billie Eilish?"

My need to defend that girl somehow overstepped all the other feelings and made me act that way.
Great. Now everyone will make fun of me.

"I want an apology.", Brad simply states.

"For hitting you because you disrespected another person and called me a faggot? Hell no!", my anger is back.

"Well then, get out of my house."


I free myself from Lily's arms and leave immediately.

I can hear her coming after me while yelling "Sorry" and "Jade wait!", but I don't stop.

I need to be far away from this house right now.

ƈʀօȶƈɦɛȶʏ, ռɛա, ʟօʋǟɮʟɛ • ɮɨʟʟɨɛ ɛɨʟɨֆɦTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon