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"This assignment sucks.", Billie murmurs.

Well...I know social relations isn't her thing, but the project is actually pretty good.

"Hey, it's not that bad. You've done great so far and I think we're really close to finishing.", I declare.

"Yeah, but what's the point of an assignment if you don't learn anything from it? ", she asks.

I think I am blushing, or maybe the room is suddenly too hot.
She's probably talking about me. She's still hurt from my behavior.

"I guess you're right. I didn't learn anything from the project.", I sigh. "The experience wasn't that bad though."

She rolls her eyes, but a small grin appears on her face. "Whatever."

Well, that's a start.
"You know, I certainly think my friends would like you. You could maybe...I don't know...try to get to know them? Maybe you can sit with us tomorrow morning...", I try, but her glare stops me right in my tracks.

"Are you asking me to sit with you and your friends for breakfast?", she asks, half surprised, half horrified.

"I guess I am.", I giggle nervously.

"Well, I am not interested.", she simply replies, writing something down.

My disappointment must be really evident. She chuckles and closes the notebook. "Don't be like that. I am not mad anymore okay? I just don't like your friends.", she responds, as if it's the easiest explanation to give me.

"You don't like my friends? Why?"

"Well, for starters, I don't know them.", she starts slowly braiding her short blue hair.  "Secondly, I am not interested in getting to know them."

I huff, shaking my head in disbelief. "This isn't fair."

"You know what's not fair? Their immediate outcomes and assumptions. We both know that if I sit on that table tomorrow morning, at least one of them will be ready to attack."

I open my mouth to protest, but I can't disagree with her, after all, she's right.
It's very soon to ask her things like sitting on the same table as my friends.

"Come on, you know I am right. I can't even figure out why you're still hanging out with me.", she snorts. "Oh, right. The project."

"Hey hey, it's not just that. I wanted to clear that up but I didn't have the opportunity. I think we can really be..friends. Like, actual friends. After the project too. I mean, If you want that too.", I scratch my neck nervously.

"That's what you want? Or what our teacher, your friends and your reputation want?", she asks, and my mouth falls agape.

"It's not like that. I am not like that!"

"See? That's what you're trying to do, even with me! Once again, go ahead and save your good girl reputation!"

"That's what you think I am doing?", I huff.

Is that what I am doing?

"Yeah, I am pretty sure that's what you're doing.", she concedes.

"I...I...", I am speechless. I haven't even thought about why everyone thinks I am this good, obedient girl that never causes trouble. "You're...you're right. That's exactly what I've been doing.", I realize, blinking rapidly.

Her expression softens and she sighs. "Yeah. Seems like it."

"I...don't know what to do.", I admit.

She stares at me for a little while. "That's your decision to make. You can keep this stature of yours, or you can...I don't know, stop caring about what everyone else thinks?", she suggests.

"Actually...", I mumble, still shocked. "That's a pretty good idea."

Her hesitant smile is weak, but she nods, an expression of relief plastered all over her face.

Sorry for this awful chapter, I don't know why it ended up like this. 
P.S. That's the first time I have so many readers, I am kind of nervous xd, I hope y'all like the book.

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