Chapter 1-3: Poweroutage

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Bael POV

It was easy to gain her trust, Salem I mean. When I put the words son and death in the same sentence they gave me a look of assurance. I didn't think I was going to be this easy to be on her good side. Honestly I thought I had to jump to hoop, fly in the air using only one match so on and so forth. While we all gather in the chamber of gathering. The order went as follow, Tyrian and Doc Watts on the side Salem at the end of the table me sitting on the opposite end. I'd like to greet people directly instead of being off to the side.
"So prey tell Bael, what your motives are." Salem asked inner locking her hands over her mouth.
I couldn't help but giggle that transition to laughter into a explosion of happiness. The key players looked confused. I guess it can't be help, "as little you know Madam, is Kamwui have a resonance with each other. With that comes a intent that is so natural it's almost human. The need to kill." My words struck curiosity with everyone I continued my statement, "as it stands I would like to call or my action for having my wife and Y/N sent away. So they would be caught in the bloodshed I would befell my people."
"Your people? Mr. Bael, please if you wouldn't mind explaining a bit more." Watts said. I couldn't deny him at this point.
"When the guards had escorted my family out. After some time let's just say I began to clean house. As years passed I found myself always at the doorstep of deaths door. Until I visited the village of Valhalla, and destroyed any presents of my wife and child being there cause Hinoka Takumi And Ryoma were on a trail. To find Y/N and take him as their own. If they were to succeed at such a young and tender age he was he would have been quite useful to you."
"Then why your sudden actions?" Salem said.
"Can't say right now. Think of it as future preparations. All for this day. My bothers and sisters are dead my mother is dead, my wife missing. And yet the person who took it all way was my son. Call it karma, however there's only going to be one ending to this story. Which is why I'm here today to ask to aid  you and ask for your assistance."
"You have some big shoes to fill, Bael. How can you possibly be more useful to me than Hinoka and Takumi were?"
"Simple, Salem. I intent to watch the world burn."


We gathered around, Qrow, Summer, Milla and I, breaking bread with each other. Amazingly Qrow and Summers rations looks hell of a lot better than Milla's and mine. I glanced at their food every now and then mouth watering. Looking at mine bread and water.
Wow what a fucking huge difference.
"Here, have some of mine." Summer smiled splitting a piece of her ration with me. Guess its been so long since I had some sort of kindness that I just don't know how to respond right now. I looked at Summer reaching out for the gift, hesitant.
"Has it been a hard year?" Qrow asked, my hand froze pulling myself away, "being a leader of these people I figure you were gonna have your peepee pushed in. I didn't think it was going to be this rough for you. Raven and I experienced it when were young but we got by cause we had each other. But you, an adult, with more scars than I'd like to count. You don't have to keep doing this to yourself, Y/N you can walk away now."
"How can I? I can't say fighting is all I've known but the blood that's already stained these hands. I fit right in with these people." I muttered in self pity, "speaking of! How everyone doing Tai and Raven how are they doing! And you guys as well!"
I kept the up beat attitude Summer always has, but everyone looked away avoiding Eye contact.
Okay? Was it something I said?
"Raven is-"
"Qrow and I have started living together since we are working with Ozpin for a while so we thought, save some money and live together. After graduation Raven had went off, somewhere...she calls Qrow and I every now and then. Tai has been going on his own path, he's going to be a teacher at Signal so he's got that going for him." Summer laughed.
"Really. Tai is an amazing fighter I can see him guiding future huntsman and huntdresses."
"However..." Milla spoke under her breath loud enough for her whisper to be heard, "That doesn't mean down the road we won't be fighting those huntsman and huntdresses."
Sad to admit it she was right. The only people able to stop us or even be a threat were huntsman and huntdresses. Ironic how Raven and Qrow were ones to originally going to be the tribes counter force, but that turned a complete one eighty. We, Milla and I, eventually replaced them an upgrade if you insist.
That didn't change the fact that the people we fought off or killed were individuals that wanted to change the world for the better good. Keep everyone safe. I wonder? Is my mentality the same as Raven's and Qrow's when they were younger?
"Well enough beating around the bush," i openly joked, "what are you guys doing here?"
"A request came from Ozpin. He's been told of a rumor of two individuals with unique features that go a bit beyond any normal Faunes or human. We were to report anything we found back to Ozpin. The thing is Y/N" Summer tone shifted avoiding eye contact, "we weren't the only ones to take this mission."
"The ones that took this mission," Qrow paused for dramatic effect, "were the same ones you possibly killed during raids when they were protecting near by towns and villages."
"Oh..." I muttered lowering my head. Qrow sprang up from seat his hands curled into a tightly squeezed fist.
"'Oh'? That's all you can say is, oh! Some of those people were friends, mentors. And you killed them without a second thought."
I couldn't talk back to Qrow in many ways he was right. From my point of view it was killed or be killed.
It a quick instant my body raged in heat. Heavy breath escaped my mouth. As everyone looked confused my face became fluster.
"Y/N you okay?" Summer muttered leaning closer to me.
"NO!!!" I screamed pulling Aoi off my back swing her outward. A sudden attack from a Ursa while out guard was down. Clasping to my knees my vision became blurry, unable to make out even the rocks on the ground.
"Y/N what's wrong?" Summer called out, running to my aid.
Why...why am I feeling this away? I shouldn't want to kill right now...kill?

"Don't mind me, I'm just here to observe!" A man's voices called out up in the trees, "I've spent a good amount of time trying to look for you. So let me see it. The power that killed your aunts and uncles."
Who the hell? They held a deep voice, but they seem playful. They were getting a kick out of something.
My vision started to come together, Qrow and Milla held security on our left and right flaks. Summer at my side. That surprise attack from the Ursa was a single for a small group of grimm to surround us. How was something like this organized? There is not way this man managed to set this up. My burning fever wasn't helping me any...
"Come on! I know you're feeling it the sensation to KILL!!" He shouted with joy, "Now why don't-"
His instigation was cut short. Falling from the sky was a dark angel, only having one wing strapped to their waist a red rob wrapped around their body. A neatly folded red bandana on top of their long jet black hair. Their weapon slammed on the floor small rock rose in the air.
"Wow, dues ex machine! Showing up to ruin my experiment."
"R-Raven?" I muttered before passing out from my eruption of a fever.

"It hurts doesn't it. The past come from behind to rip what you worked so hard to keep safe." A voice so familiar it was almost painful to remember. Striking inspiration into one self. He should have stayed in my memory.
Where am I? A forest with orange leafs, these remind me of the season I left.
"Sorry little brat, you have to face this alone." Takumis voice echoed in my head.
Struggling to rise on one knee. Pushing myself up from the ocean of leafs.
"Y/N, you know you're not a line you've proven it many times." Hinoka laughed slapping my back. Gritting my teeth rising up with both feet on the ground, "you don't have time to for self pity. Just like that night we fought you need-"

A flash of light shot my eyes with it's stupid morning.
I'm not saying I wanna start my day late, I'm just say everyone's day should start in the afternoon. Except mailmen. They need to do their damn job!
"Your awake!" A voice struck the room clear as crystal, gentle as a running river, "How are you feeling? Hungry?"
I sat up from the silk bed sheet sliding off my body, "I'm fine just upset stomach." I rose my eyes looking at the warrior next to me, she hasn't changed much, she still kept her long her her weapon strapped to her side. Red still looked good on her. Still keeping that slim figure, "hey Raven."
I laughed as she wrapped her hand around her white mask removing off her face look at me with her crimson eyes of beauty, "hey."
Exchanging smiles for pleasant greetings, i threw off the sheets, my clothes were neatly folded on a night stand.
"Can you give me a minute Raven." I asked unable to retain my smile.
"Sure. Come down when you ready. Summer is making Tacos."
....Oh my god....
Summer, food in the same sentence! There wasn't a moment to waste her baking skills is so super sexy sexy! Whoops, I'm drooling a bit. I don't think it's summer part but the highlight is Tacos. Okay let's get this show rolling.

Summer POV

It was just like a rollercoaster events played out one after another after another. Friends suddenly being wiped off the map, meeting Y/N and Milla again, Raven suddenly show up out of no where. Now Y/N's mother and father. Just what is going to happen this time!
"Summer your burning the shell..." What? AWWW! CRAP! "You okay is summer you normally don't act like this unless something's bothering you." Qrow said sliding the burnt taco shell on the oily pan.
"I'm sorry...Qrow it feels like a big merry-go-round. We're dealing with someone from Kamwui again." I muttered. I'm exhausted from the years behind us. I know we've gotten stronger over the years but it's like playing a game on new game plus. In the same situation with a better tactics on how to handle a situation like this.
"Please Summer. I know you may think I'll of my husband but Bael is not someone that should be taken lightly." A voice who spoke maturely with wisdom and confidence. Clear as crystal and true in nature.
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Kamwui."
"Summer please call me Belle." Belle smiled. I couldn't help but be flustered.
"Well good news, Y/N's awake and hungry." Raven strolled down stairs, "bad news is stomach sounded like an orchestra so be prepared."
"It's been such a long time since Y/N had mom cooked meal." Belle teased.
That's right I forgot Y/N told us about his mother some time ago. I never thought she look this beautiful. Her long brown heathy hair tied in a ponytail, her rich skin, honey brown eyes, and a model's figure. Maybe this is where Y/N got his looks from. No no no I what am I saying!
"OKAY! How's the food coming!" To a T Y/N made his entrance. With a smile on his face he looked around as that smile of his washed away, "come on....what kind of a family reunion is this?"
"Well now that everyone's here maybe we can have a talk." Belle gathered key players around.

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