Chapter 3-4: One Step Closer To Home

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Many years ago...

"Will you think about it?" I asked Raven, fixing her hair putting her clothes back on. All she could do was stare at me, "what's the problem?"
"Nothing forget about it."I hate when she gets like this, but I love her all the same. If I don't pester her now it's going going to bite me in the ass later. Then again, we spent mostly all day in bed together. Maybe she wasn't mad at me, but herself, "I have to get home. It's almost time for Yang's bed time story."
"Still on with that. Now who's not letting go." I dragged my words with exaggeration.
"She looks up to the story of Kamwui. The struggles you harbored, the triumph you did. That story alone inspires her-"
"That story is nothing but blood on someone else hands. I'm sorry Raven but I won't have that child look up to someone thats just a murder."
"That child?"
-fuck... I didn't mean it like that.
"Raven, I didn't mean it like that. I just, i messed up my words."
"Instead of trying to hiding to protect us. How about you actually try to be the man you use to be before all of this."
I pissed off the Raven this time. That child. What was I thinking saying words like that. Raven was gone before I had a chance to even explain myself. Honestly did I even want to attempt dialogue?

Many years ago....

As the battle of the Black Sea raged, Bael looked down at Y/N, Siegfried impaled his right shoulder. Black goo oozed down Y/N's forearm. Storm clouds covered the sun, the last day of hope shined on Moka, resting in peace in Ravens arms. Raven clung to Moka with tears swelling her eyes.
The two ships had nearly destroyed each other in the chaos. The clouds had been to cry for STRQ, for Y/N, for the life's of the fallen.
"Do you feel that, boy." Bael said, his eyes were cold lifeless as if the very emotion of sympathy phased through him like a ghost, "this is what being powerless looks like, feels like. You depend on your friends like some kind of magic charm. Learn how you cover your own back and your friends. Moka didn't understand that. Thus cost her, her life and the powers."
"I-I'll Kill you..." Y/N grit his teeth his eyes burned bright red biting the side of his lip until he drew blood , "ILL KILL YOU!!! You DEVIL!!!!"

Aquarius Port 12 hours earlier....


How the weeks went by without a care in the world. Well I shouldn't say that. I still lived with the news Terra had given me. Having to watch my words, watch what I do. It's not like the collar around me neck was completely tighten. Terra scavenged a few bodies to help out with my mission. So we trained being able to combat on boats and sea. I took Winters words to heart, the first thing I did was call her for an Atlus Saul boat. Preferably something with a lot of POW and a lot of cannons. She said me she would look around. Can't see how you'd miss something as big as a boat that fits that description.
The past few weeks reminded me of my first month at the tribe. Raven and Qrow ran most of the drills and training. Most of my sparring matches weren't with Raven anymore they were with Moka. She sure as hell didn't go easy on me. Moka threw everything she had...everything. I didn't fully grasp the ability of a maiden, after a few sessions with her, a thought crossed my mind. Having power like that it only placed a little fear in me wondering what kind of a person would use it and for what purpose.
I've spared with Raven, Summer, Qrow, Tai. Summer and Qrow, Tai ands Raven, Summer and Raven, Tai and Qrow; I mean the pair could go on and on. Each one of them fought different I needed to develop a a style that was an embodiment of everything I've learned from them. After falling one after another after another after, AFTER another. I just put one foot in front of the other one hand on top of my weapon. Pain tolerance was raising the time I had was being cut short day after day.
"Again!" Raven shouted I starred at my vomit for a while the reality of it didn't hit me yeah as much as her fist. Qrow stayed behind me ready to attack in a moment notice. If I so much as flex my ass cheek I'd lose.
One foot in front of the other. My body aches but my heart was telling me to get my ass in gear. I was able to stand on both legs it was a struggle to breath even forcing my head to raise itself place strain on my body. Eventually I passed out form the fatigue.
I woke up back in my room Qrow and Summer stayed looking out for me. Brother and sister is how I saw them at one point. Summer passed time cutting up apples into small slices making the skin of the apple look like bunny ears. Qrow had dug himself in a book, a familiar cover, a young man behind a large Mecha and several supplying character off to the side.
-wait! That's my book! Raven!
"Ah! Motherfucker..."
"You should take it easy" Summer laughed handing me an apple slice. I couldn't say now to "freshish" cut fruit.
"Sorry, Qrow where did you find that book." I asked slowly elevating my body to sit up. Talk about pins a needle. I felt similar to being inside an Iron Maiden, screw pins and needles.
"Book aside, why are you pushing yourself this far? I've seen how strong you were before. But this! This is just pure stupidity. Your not going to beat Milla or Bael like this."
"I know I know! But I can't shake off this feeling of caution Qrow. I won't let what happen last time happen again! Not to the rest of you." Damn it my eyes are swelling again. Why do I keep getting emotion with these people.
"You're talking about the battle of Kamwui. Very few people know of it. Those who'd o try to forget that it ever happened. Moka Raven and you, are survivor." Summer set the apple slices on my night stand
"The people I trusted, the ones I fought side by side with. They killed... but I had no choice!"
Summer stood up from her chair Qrow closed my book, "you and the main protagonists are quite fight for what you believe in, you always look at for your friends before yourself. You're not good at shouldering burned something the both of you lack. They both had friends that were in the same field as him. He never took kindness for granted he took it as weakness towards himself. Get stronger, don't rely on others. The cons can go on. You're not a character in a book Y/N. You're a huntsman, hopeless romantic, a man, above all else your human. Quit trying to shoulder the weight of the world on yourself share it with the rest of us. It's not just you and Raven in this fight, you have the rest of us. Anyway that's my piece. It was a good book. Wonder if his war will ever end."
-Wonder if his war will ever end. Funny I never got to finish the book she bought me. Maybe I should read it again after all this is...over.

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