Chapter 6-3: Fates Of Unknown

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"Before we start our little fight. What are your real names." Y/N narrowed his eyes. The names of Odysseus and Penelope were names in Kamwui's records as robotic armor with super mech like features. It covered the user like white on rice. With power that equaled or was greater that of a fully realized maiden, "taking the names of weapons is a bit cliche."
Penelope and Odysseus stares at Y/N emotion faded from their eyes. Empty puppets, "I am Ein Phantom."
"I am, Zwei Phantom."
Zwei Phantom the user of Odysseus, Ein Phantom the user of Penelope. The names who Y/N will never forget was etched into the bad of his mind. The people that abandoned his mother cause of their actions they had left her unprotected. The reasons of their action weren't of any concern to Y/N.
Y/N stepped forward, slowly advancing toward the Phantoms. Jumping into action Penelope and Odysseus ascended into the sky, while Aoi crushed the ground below them veils of rock rose from the ground. Penelope had spread out its arms and legs dozens of small flickers shinned like they were being ignited.
"Your Majesty!" Archer shouted pulling back on his bow letting lose several arrows. As the arrows exploded causing a large explosion above Y/N.
Saber and Archer had begun their attacks. Putting pressure on their Majesty's enemies. "Be carful. I'm not sure how strong these suits of armor are." Lancer approach Y/N from behind handing him Xi as well as twelve flame shells for Aoi and Xi.
"Archer was pretty good at the shot. Those tiny flickers we saw, weren't some light effects, those were miniaturized Dust missiles." Y/N explained storing Aoi on his back sprinting towards Saber and Archer.
Saber thrusted forward at Odysseus, cutting diagonally horizontal. Only swish whoops passed his over Odysseus head. Retreating backs one distance Odysseus pulled a small hilt over his shoulder from his hilt a long blue beam emanated from the hilt. The weapons clashed as electricity shattered between Saber and Odysseus. Grabbing Saber by the head raising their feet inches off the ground before smashing them back on to their Remmants ground. Archer approached from the rear releasing three arrows before breaking his bow into two single edge blades.
Odysseus burned the arrows away with one slash of his sword. Archer's speed had caught Odysseus off guard losing his center of gravity, bobbing and weaving every strike coming from archer. Regaining control weapons clashed as distant lightning struck within the sky.
"Fighting a royal guard such as yourself, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't having fun!" Archer had pushed Odysseus's weapon over his head, flipping backwards while Saber rushed from below, her hand in a tight fist. Stepping into a straight punch her arms pressed against Odysseus lower abdomen armor plating. Saber stepped once more as her fist pierced through the armor. She had made contact with Zwei's abs. Twisting in a clockwise motion digging deeper in his body.
"Eye. For. An. EYE!" Saber pushed Odysseus back yards away. Digging his arm into the ground to shorten his flight time.
"Saber and Archer. Same I don't know your names. I won't need to once your both dead!"

Penelope speed through the sky's like a grimm wyvern. Sending down a meteor storm of Dust missiles towards Lancer and Y/N. Y/N, stored Xi behind his lower back, grabbing Aoi flicking out its cylinder loading six round. Twisting Ali's handle counter clockwise pulling on the swords handle revealing a trigger, the blade extended before swing back exposing a barrel. Pulling the trigger the rounds fired from Aoi.
The smoke has cleared up, Penelope had vanished without a trace.
"What the hell?" Y/N thought to himself stopping his advance.
"MY LORD!" Lancer could only scream to alarm Y/N. A flash of lightning stuck the sky, blinding Y/N's vision for only a moment. Penelope had dropped down to Y/N's level charging straight ahead.
Oh SHIT! Y/N panicked leaping back, only to be caught by Penelope's grasp. Storming the forest ramming Y/N into tree after tree. Y/N felt air being pushed out of his lungs gasping for air.
"You should know you place little BOY!" Penelope slid her arms underneath Y/N armpit flying towards the sky. Diving back down to Remmants soils, "burn in a thousand suns." Penelope muttered releasing her grasp on Y/N, as he fell to the sky. Raising her hand to the sky another flash of lightning stuck behind her. Dust missiles surround Penelope, she lowered her arm pointing at Y/N. the missiles launched towards their target.

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