Chapter 7-9: Memories of Nobody

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"My lady if you don't mind me asking where have you been sending Y/N? I haven't seen the...experiment in for a month." Arthur asked.
We had just ran into each other by chance.
Y/N, he has only experienced a small crumb of hell I had experienced in my life time. His personality is so devoid of live that he's basically a walking corpse for fight and destruction. Its almost as if he feels nothing but negative emotions and a certain point he shut down. Like a white canvas his thoughts are clear but he can form a single painting.
I've had Hazel keep and eye on him wherever I needed to send Y/N to cause a bit of panic.
Hazel has mentioned that Y/N has become that of an animal. Fighting ferociously quick in his feet. Like a blend of a prey and a hunter, knowing when to run and when to strike. He's had plenty of combat experience in the past and it carried over to now. I need him for something larger, a plan that could help me out in the long run. For now the scrolls of the fallen huntsmen and huntdress is more than enough to stir up a bit of panic on This world.
"Don't worry to much Arthur, if your curious have a chat with him yourself. He should be coming back. If you would mind taking a look at his right arm it's been...missing some maintenance." As if it was written in a play a carrier had returned. Hazel carrried Y/N over his shoulder. Another accident?

While Arthur had Y/N under his care I decided to ask my own questions.
"Hazel, care to explain what happen to your partner?"
"We had gone to the south border of Vale like you instructed to cause a negative flow. But there were a lot more huntsmen than predicted. It was as if we were sold out. It was to much for Y/N or I to handle..." Hazel paused. Dramatic effect or did word truly evade him? "Y/N drew in more Grimm. Mostly all of them were burned to ash by a white light."
"So one happened to be a huntsmen."
"Yes ma'am. It effected Y/N severely. But it was as if the Grimm took control. His body froze, I thought he was effected by the light. Actually he was absorbing the negativity in the village. Before I knew it he had the Silver eye warrior was faced down on the ground. Along with all the other huntsmen and huntdresses. He didn't stop with just them he kept going until everything was burned to ash. He stopped once everything was gone building, vegetation, life. He isn't the course force I thought we need. He's a demon to both Grimm and humanity."
"Which is why I need him for this operation. The god of light had a lot up his sleeve with the relics and ozpin. But their was one thing he didn't account for. A woman's determination."


When I woke up, I couldn't feel my body from the waist down my left arm felt completely paralyzed. Yet my right arm moved with no problem.
What happened? I recall someone yelling at me. They had blue hair and sliver eyes. Right. That's what Salem has me doing. Hunting down and killing most of the silver eye warriors. How long has it been since I've returned to her.
I'm hungry...and thirsty.
Raven was right about me. All I do is run away. Yet why am I still fighting. I wish my sense of smell was gone. I smell iron. I taste iron. Blood. Mine? Or someone else's? It doesn't matter for now. If I can taste something then that's enough proof I need. Proof I'm still alive, proof that my will to survive is stronger than the ones I face in combat.
I fear that the more, the longer, is use the Grimm without any limiters the greater effect rather toll it will have on my body. I can't even use my legs anymore. Even say several sentences has become difficult. All I have are my thoughts. I never would have thought negative emotions could effect someone like this.
Is that the same for Milla? Cause she over used her curse she lost her memory? Then is it killing her like it is me?
I closed my eyes waiting. Waiting for the next operation she wants to send me on. It's hurts to keep going on like this. Even so... I feel the most alive on the battlefield.

"How are you feeling? It seems you weren't much for conversation with Arthur." Salem jested. I pushed my body laying on my side that was practically useless. There is so much about this woman I don't know, and I rather not know, "I know you just got back so I'll wait..."
"No. another task you need done. Anything just to move my body again."
"Your friend Milla she possesses the same power as you. You too have over used your abilities far to long it's starting to take effect. Find her bring her to me. And if you happen to run into anyone along the way be sure to get rid of them."

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