Chapter 7-5: Are You Still My Family

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I slept peacefully every single night after, like a baby in their crib. One night in particular had me chasing my tail non stop. It all started on one cloudy night. A calm breeze blew through camp, the world was at peace for only a moment. I miss my childhood like many other adults.


"Y/N!!! Where is that little brat!" Hinoka stomped her heel into the dirty her cheeks puffed at of a squirrel hoarding food, "Y/N!!!"
I could hear my aunt's voice screaming in anger across the world of Remnant. I remember why I made her mad I stuck mud and worms in her shoes out of pure innocence. So it was. I was only a kid I didn't know the difference of right and wrong. Maybe. Lifting my head to the sky it was as though the weather was reacting to Hinoka rage. That being said I didn't really mind the grey clouds shielding is from the sun. It was the type of weather I prefer. Kamwui's estate had a unique atmosphere that welcomed those who entered rain or shine, snow or heat waves. It was like your aura itself was being healed very weird.
For now it's best to stay out of Hinoka's view. I made my way to the back of our estate where Lady Mikoto was on her legs with her hands clapped together her eyes shut and a thin stick being lit from the ends.
I made one movement the floor squeak. Maybe she didn't hear me.
"Well Y/N, causing trouble for my kids?"
"No," dragging my lie in the air, "what are you doing grandma!"
"I'm just paying my respects to my husband, our late grandfather."
"Late? What's he late for? Dinner. Mom always gets mad at me for being late." I said walking in the room.

It was just a photo of a man I never knew even something that was never brought up when I came back to talk to them again

"Maybe one day I'll tell about him. Until then..." Mikoto grabbed me pulling me in close running her fingers all across my body. I fidgeted back and forth, my body twitched my air escaped my body tears formed from my eyes, "we better hide you from Hinoka."
"O-okay! J-Just st-t-t-top. Can- breath!"
"I'm sorry Y/N. Your just the most adorable grandchild I have." Mikoto snuggled me with grandma kiss, better than a pinch on the cheeks, "try training with your uncles maybe they will protect you from Hinoka."
"I found you!" Words of the boogie man haunted me. I jumped up on my feet fleeing from Hinokas clutches, "your not getting away you brat!"
"Speaking of Hinoka, I've been meaning to ask you have you found a worth man to wed."
"Mom seriously is now the propriety time?!"

Seriously I'm gonna have to get my grandma a present or something. She always saves my rear.
Making my rounds once more Ryoma and Takumi were at the front of the house. We're they going on a trip to the Branwen Tribe? I haven't seen that girl or her brother in a while.
"are you guys going out! Can I come!" I shouted. I really wanted to leave the estate and go about the town.
"Sorry, Y/N. We're just doing our rounds outside of the town. Maybe when your older. Besides I think your mother was wanting to talk to you." Ryoma picked up his weapon before those two left.
Mom wants to talk to me. If it's coming from Ryoma I wonder what it could be. Dad's never here when I wanna spend time with him. Well might as well go see.

"Oh you don't say." My mother was in shock. what is she talking about. Her voice sounded so muffled through the door even if it was just a sliding door. Making my introductions there was a total of three people in the room. My mother, one another child, who kept a cape around them even having a hoodie cover their face. and another adult, "oh Sweetie you made it. See honey you can spend sometime with my son while your mother and I chat. Y/N, can you take them to the yard."
"Sure!" I projected a welcoming atmosphere like just this home of ours. Strolling up to the child holding out my hand, "come on, it's not far." They just stood up not even taking my hand.

We both walked throughout the house the clouds still covered the sky. Overcast was still peaceful. But hopefully they can part soon.
"So where you from? You live around here?" Silence, "umm I like your cape it's flaps the wing like a super hero." Serious what's it going to take to make this kid talk. Adults makes this look so easy why is that kids have a more difficult time doing these things.
"Those plants. What are they?"
"He speaks and even have a question!" I taunted. I turned to look generally what their head was looking at, "those? They're just roses. My aunt Suzuka loves flowers so she tends to them whenever she gets a chance."
I don't think he heard me. Regardless he still strolled up to the roses without a second thought.
"Why are they white? Aren't roses suppose to be red?"
"I don't really know much about flowers. So I can't say. But looking at them they match you cape really well. I can imagine rose petals fluttering in the wind off your cape. I don't know I read a lot of comic books. Make a lot of stuff like that up." I was embarrassed I was showing my nerdy side to some random kid. But I was able to get a chuckle out of them which was good.
"What would I be? A hero or a villain."
"Hmm, let me think. I wanna find some meaning when making up a hero. Suzuka said, these white rose represent purity and something else. And I read in a book once of many gods that had rolls they played. I got its! The protector of the pure and innocent! Artemis! Nah but that's a girls name. Doesn't fit a guy." I scratched my head I really was shooting for the moon with that one.
"No, it's not bad. I like it. Artemis. My hero name." He reaches out for a white rose pulling its stem of the bush as they turned their hand to look at me I felt time flashing before my eyes.

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