Chapter 4-1: Continuing Day by day

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"The doctor will now see you," the front receptionist called me. I was a bit under the weather, so I wasn't able to hear her very well. Raven nudged my leg pointing towards the receptionist.
"You want me to wait here?" She asked.
"I would prefer it if you came with me." Holding my hand out Raven, without hesitation, took it.
It had been Five months since the battle of black seas. Being the leader of the tribe it hadn't felt any different from when I had been a contender for the title. But since my condition came up I had asked Terra to stay until I figured out when was happening to me. I couldn't just go to any hospital. I need to see specialist. I have put myself in a position I don't mean to incur myself in. Asking Winter to speak to Ironwood on my behalf, to see professional medical personnel. Five long months have passed without any answers. Test after test examination after examination. Instead of being homeless in Altus or stay at Schnee's estate, I managed to find an apartment that was pretty close to the hospital.
Five long months. Five months being a leader, five know I don't have a family anymore, five months with Raven. Now that does certainly put a smile on my face.
Entering the usual room I've been going to for the pass months room 13 had already set us all the equipment need for another examination.
-hope this get done quick, Raven has had the urge to attack me when we get back.
Raven took a seat on a isolated chair in the back corner, while I sprang on to the medical table. Y'know the nice one where you are sometimes told to take off your shirt then lay down branching yourself for the cold leather to touch our back, but in the end you still twitch a little. The one that feels uncomfortable a for second then they slide out the feet extension and you just feel like taking a power nap.
We waited in silence, as the sounds of the clock faint ticking echoed.
"Good morning Mr. Y/N correct," a man greet me he sounded a bit from the backwoods, the voice of a father who just wanted to tell a good joke every now and then.
"Just Y/N, is fine. I'm sorry, but where's Dr. Nedessco? He's been my care provider since day one?" I asked.
"Well you see Dr. Nedessco took some time off, he recently had a baby so you know how that goes. Sweet baby girl, he showed the office a few pictures. That aside Dr.Nedessco has asked me to cover your case for the time being. I had to look at you previously medical records. You were a student at Atlus academy correct?"
"I thought so. This was a bit usual but I'll like to show you a few scans." Pinning two scans on the wall of two body silhouettes. One of them had layers of Aura around their body. While the other scan had a very dim light of aura, "this is the time laps between your aura at Atlus to time now Y/N. Whatever happen between then and now drastically altered your body."
"But what does that have to do with my left eye?" I asked pointing directly into my eye.
"Can you tell me was there a moment in time where you needed to use an extensive amount of Aura?"
Extensive amount he says? My semblance is enhancement but at a cost of color in my eyes the way I would normally see the world would change. It was difficult to think of a time. Battle after battle, corpses after corpses, I was leading a trail of blood behind me and with each new conflict that arises more blood will spill. Speaking of I've been using my Grimm a lot between that time span. I tried to case a silhouette of a grimm's arm over my robot arm, but it not was happening. Well that's not completely true. My left eye started to burn.
"Is something the matter Y/N?" The doctor stepped forward lifting my head up flashing a light in my eye, "that's very unusual."
"W-What is it?" I caught my breath even if it was a burning sensation the pain was still pain.
"Your eye it still reacting to light you say your color blind am I correct? It's almost as if theirs an extra layer covering your eye."
"Your saying i have another eye growing in me? First eww, second that doesn't seem possible!"
"I'd like you see you again tomorrow morning. In the mean time I'll see what I can do on my end. Good day Y/N, Madam."
I looked at the charts again reviewing them over and over wondering what happen to me. The more I thought about it this eye almost remind me of a scar of the past. Sometimes the truth is painted in black and white. Whoever thought of that should get the Nobel prize of stupid shit sprouted from someone's mouth. Again I'm left with no answers just doctors being doctors.
"Should we head home?" Raven asked fixing my collar on the button up shirt I wore today.
"Yeah sounds nice, I'll in the mood to eat actually so I'll just go the store and-"
"You don't have to worry about it I can do that!" That was quick to respond to. Maybe that's for the best. I need to check up on a certain errand just Incase anybody found the body, whose apartment we're staying at.
-that's right, I'm not playing by good-to-shoes rules anymore. It was a corrupted Manager that stuck his nose in the black market of faunace trafficking, just for extra pocket money as he said. Made even more easy to put a bullet in his head. Guess no one really cares for that man if no one is looking for him.
"Yeah that's sounds fine." I smiled at her. Raven pinched my cheek before walking off. Commit a great evil to over come a lesser evil. That ideal is that of one who would want to change the world. Bael, couldn't change anything with the lack of resolve he had.
I took a look at myself in the mirror a nice long look. One eye normal the other grey. If you think about it, it's almost symbolic. One eye feels a fake like it's a lie of everything I've done for myself to myself. living in a dream with patches of reality here and there. The other feels like a scar that reminds you of what was, how it was like. Before you know it the lies and the past blend together and you forgets what really brought you here in this moment.
Well that's my way of looking at it.

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