Chapter 5-1: Its Hard To Remember

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"You've been awfully quite. Something wrong." Hazel asked out of concern. Concern wouldn't have been the word I would use for someone like him who worked for someone like Salem. It wasn't easy being the most popular man in Remnant. I had to hide my Face most of the time with the mask. Except for this case having a private train cart to ourself so took I off that oven mask looking at the scenery that pass through the window.
-I could go for a nice cup of coffee.

"Are you still looking over the menu?" Ravens voice was the first thing I thought about, I looked to the door seeing her are Qrow enter the cart. She had her hair in a ponytail she pulled off her band as her hair fell hanging over her shoulder.
I adjusted my eyes no one was there. Just the empty feeling of being alone, "something is wrong. When a man is truly upset he tends to mask it with other emotions to keep him and other confused at the moment."
If this is the best heart to heart moment I'm going to get with this large animal I might as well make the most of it. Well looking at Hazel more he kind of reminded me of Nero. If he was still alive he would look a little bit like Hazel, minus those hairy arms, "have you been close to someone that when you leave or they leave there's just an empty whole you can't fill no matter what you do." I said my eyes spoke with lament.


"You've been think about, Y/N, haven't you Raven."  Belle stated starring at another woman whose become unsure of herself. Raven knotted her head tightly wrapping her hands around a cup of coffee starring at her pale reflection through the black coffee, "I know my son can be every impulsive. Nu had told me many stories about him and team STRQ when they came to visit her. One of them was when Summer and Tai were in danger, he had to create a portal to both of them. He acted before even batting at eye."

"No way your sister sounds reckless!" Y/N laughed.
"She was a bit on the outgoing side. It was cause of her action she place trust into Ozpin which lead to her early death. Which is the reason i am with Salem to stop Ozpin from sacrificing anymore lives to fit his agenda."

"So Even back then Y/N has always been like that." Raven managed to smile even if it was a forced smile, "but what if Y/N see Yang and convinced himself she's Tai's child."
"Raven, that's not going to happen." Belle giggles covering her mouth before continuing, "I'm sure you know this but have you taken a notice to Y/N eyes. He had natural E/C eyes then he had crimson red cause of his ability."
"sure I've noticed for a while." Raven responded.
"Then did you ever realize the reason why you don't remember what Y/N looked like before was because his hair changed from Blonde to his hair color now." Belle explained as Raven's eyes widen completely almost popping out of her eyes, "I'm not a brunet, Raven. I'm a natural blonde. Y/N inherited that trait, but again because of the Kamwui's quote blessing his body started to alter completely changing is looks. So theres no doubt in my mind Y/N will believe Yang is his child. Don't worry about the little things Raven. Banish those thought of worry and bring Y/N back. Not just to you, to Yang as well." Several knock came from the front door drawing Ravens attention. Belle stood up from her seat strolling her way to the door, "so now you Raven Branwen are give a chance a choice."

"I'm not completely sure if I could have trusted someone like him to begin with." Y/N lament once more, "but I don't ant to abandon the people I care about."
"If you truly love something you have to let it go."


So the the heart to heart talk really didn't go anywhere. What a waste of conversation. To think Hazel had a sister who died following Ozpin orders. Would I really be able to leave people I care about around someone like him, around Ozpin. Hazel knows more about him than he's letting on. As a matter a fact everyone on Salem's side knows about this.
Suddenly the rocked back and forth skidding off the rails. After a moment paused the passengers began to scream. Grim! Grim attack everyone shouted panicking. I stood up from my chair.

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