Chapter 7-6:Pray, To See Eye to Eye

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The two warriors meet once more on even grounds. The higher ground had no meaning to ether one. It was their beliefs, their ethics, their ethos, they had felt was righteous and better for the world of remnant.
"I'm not surprise you came!" The warrior of heliotrope eyes shouted to the warrior of silver eyes.
"It was our promise to see this through to the end right. But I would never had thought our place would be here where your life had seen may twist and turns." The sliver eyes announced. They looked at their surroundings. A once lively village. Where child would run and play on the streets. Which vendors would sell and trade for goods. Where life would greet everyone in the morning with flowers nature singing, the morning sun rising. Was now nothing more than burn wood and destroyed buildings.
"I once called this home. Once. Until I saw it burn with my own eyes. I killed my share of grimm here as well as enemies, friends, and family here."
"I am sorry, I wish we were there. then maybe things wouldn't have turned out like this."
"That doesn't matter anymore! Snow White, Summer Rose! In order to see her vision come true, I will eradicate all silver eye warriors!"
"So be it! Seven Sword, Y/N L/N! For the next generation to have a future I will overcome the challenge you set before me! With all my heart and mind I will over come you!"
Both warriors drew and readied their weapons. Wind blew vigorously in the town. As their eyes narrowed. They grit their teeth to the battle that will transpire. A tell that will be written off and forgotten. Only those that know of these two warrior will always remember who they were and what they had fought for.
They both war cried each others names. Sending a veil of dust in the air their weapons ran across their body.
Their war had begun far later in the months to come.


I fell flat on my back hitting the cold floor of the patrol tent.
Y'know after bestowing the title of tribe leader to Raven I figured I would still get good treatment. Not instantly being brought down to the bottom of the food chain. I miss my bed back in the main tent. Shit even Raven took that from me. It's not that she forced her way in the leaders tent that's just how these people operate.
Raven offered to let me live in the same room as her but let's face it, if me and her are together there's gonna be alarms going off in ever direction. I don't me the guard post ether. I can't help it, when I'm around Raven my hormones just run wild. What I wouldn't give just to spend a long night with her.
Never the less Raven has managed very well in the time she's been in charge. I've had to much drama coming in one after another to even be a leader. Maybe Terra had the wrong idea about me. Or was it Milla?
"Hey, Y/N. You okay?" A member crawled over to me whispering.
"Yeah just fell off the bed. Can't imagine how that happen."
"No I mean you tossing and turning in your sleep as well as grinding your teeth."
"Couldn't day for sure man. Nightmare I guess." I jested.
"Yeah, sure as hell scared the hell out of that nightmare."
As soon as he left I dusted myself off. We really need to keep these tents clean. Shit at least when I was participating in the Tribes leader bullshit I had a tent of my own. It was a way to make sure the contestants didn't pull do anything shady. How...ironic.
Shit what time is it? Maybe I should get some food before it's to late. I squinted my eyes the scorching light of the outside. Truly it doesn't get any better than this.
Strolling my way to the tent for food, slowed my pace as I noticed congregation of people. What's going on I wonder. Curiosity killed the cat, in other words it killed me if I don't eat. The real buster is that the food tent is passed all these people.
Come on move!
"Lord Y/N!" Nope nope nope don't do that. I'm nothing no one, "Lord Y/N it's us, Moka's guardians! Cage and Rita!"
Okay! Fine! No food for me I guess!
"Rita, Cage, what are you doing here." Shuffling my way through the crowd now I'm the monkey in the middle, "this doesn't concern any one of you! Scatter!" Everyone followed my instructions without hesitation. Not because I was the leader. If they didn't listen well they know better, "well people are doing their own thing. So tell me why are you here and preventing me from getting lunch."
Cage and Rita looked at each taking a moment to collect themselves.
"What you've done at Atlus is still keeping the kingdoms on their toes. Which made it more difficult to keep the person Moka has ask us to watch over." Cage gave a brief summary.
"Okay, not my problem....I did what I had to do for myself."
"That's not it, Y/N." Rita stepped forward inserting herself in the conversation, "cause of what you did the person we're suppose to look after has gone through rigorous training. You've become Remnants enemy number one. And they are will to use people like her."
They both opened a path behind them was another person who kept their face covered. Reason being was not clear to me.
"Use her like in the fashion sense?" I jested.
"No, Using the maidens to fight you!" Rita's tone rose seems to be very serious. Maidens seriously, why would anyone go to such length I'm only one man. That just happen to do a terrorist attack on one of the kingdoms and get away with it.
Hold on a second...maiden, Moka, mission.
"Did you just kidnap a maiden and bring them on to camp!" Sure this wasn't the time to panic. But from another point of view this was the perfect time to panic! "Do you have any idea what you've done!"
"Lord, we can say the same to you. If it was for your actions Asuka wouldnt in the situation she's in now." Rita stepped forward, "This was the last thing Moka ever wanted to do for her first and only friend!"

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