Chapter 7-2: A Far Off Memory

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Who once said a far off memory is like a scattered dream. A scattered dream is like a far off memory. they would sum up my life as of now.
I was coming to a point where I lose sight of the little things in life. Never the less cherish what's in front of you and never forget your roots of who you are as an individual. Character sometimes goes a long way.
"You don't look so good dad," yang looked up at her father who was without a doubt clinging onto life as ride after ride rose my blood pressure higher and higher. I may fight Grimm, pillage villages, eliminate family. Put me on a ride thats going 45mph doing flips and shit. No! Screw that! I ain't having that shit! I'm throwing in the towel. I don't think I've told anyone from STRQ how much I'm afraid of rides or heightsb
"Do you wanna take a break hon," Raven rubbed my head parting some of my bangs away from my face. Worst two hours...ever.


"Whose idea was it to go to the carnival?" Qrow asked concealing a small metal flask.
"I thought it would be nice if we saw Yang and besides those three can be locked in their house forever. She's your niece Qrow you don't see her often cause of missions or other activities. Being out at a carnival should help a lot." Summer remarked. Tai Xiao Long had returned to Summer and Qrow with a bag of peanuts and cotton candy in one hand, and a wooden tray with two cups of lemonade.
"Here you go summer. It's like killing three birds with two stones." Tai openly heated handing cotton candy to summer.
"You mean two with one." Qrow brow rose.
"No, three birds Y/N and Raven are one, Summer and I are the second. Yang and you are the third. The both of us go on a double date that's one stone. while you spend QUALITY niece and uncle time, that's the second stone."
"Oh thank god they're finally here."


The cheers and laughers of the town filled my ears. Raven and Yang had gone with the rest of the group leaving me with my thoughts. With clouds flying by one after another. It looked as though someone just got white paint and slapped it were they thought there was an empty space in the sky. I laughed at such a silly notion that's how clouds are created.
A long time ago I had days like this going out to Mantle to do activities as a group. There wasn't much out there considering it was just a tundra out there. We kept best to be entertained. My teams screams and laughs that's what made me happy back then. Now it's wake up next to a woman who you felt as though the world put her on this world for you. you've fought day in and day out just to be by her side. Now you're not able to find a perfect word, a phrase, to express how much she's means to you. How she can level you with her eyes, able to get pass the walls you put up for yourself. How you can love her more than you can love yourself. With that love you're able to creat something so small, precious, that can mean the world to you as well. You want to be there for her for life experience. Her first walk, words, heartbreak, a bundle of joy and memories for the three of us.
I'm getting to sentimental.
"Hey. You alone?"a new voice had on snapped my train of thought they were hesitant like talking to a stranger for the first time.
Lifting my head I looked at a woman with long blond hair that was braided hanging on the left side of her shoulder. Her wear was casual for a nice summer day. With such formality it was hard to believe it was Milla Kin. Not my Milla I knew who I always butted heads with who I e fought time and time again, who sides with my father. She was more STRQ's Milla, who somewhat grasped the concept of having a bit of humanity. It was hard to believe she had amnesia. I never got around asking her about her past.
"Y/N, can we talk." She seemed rather hesitant and eager to talk.
"What's up?" I asked siting up from my uncomfortable position on the bench.
"I wanted to talk about you and I. I never really got around to it. When we meet you looked at me as if I had done something wrong. That's not right, but..."
"You and I had a history Milla. It had ups and downs. But at the end of the day you and I were once friends. We were on the same team. With two other people that treated you like family, and you them." I grinned avoid the miscellaneous details. I looked up further to see Milla had begun to shed tears falling from her face.
"So I...I actually had, Friends I called family. I'm sorry. I can't remember who I was from so many years back. I thought maybe you could be some sort of hope for me." Milla buried her face into her hands.
"Tch, take a seat Milla. I'll tell you as much as I can about the infamous, Einhander, of team KMSN."

My story began with our first meeting. Back in Argus, I skipped over the little details of the reason why I was there. We meet on a dime. It was just one of those days where you befriend a stranger that was a few years younger than you. Then enrolling in the same academy. We were close even ending up on the same team with Nero and Shiro.
The reason Milla was given such a name as Einhander. Due to the fact her overly large weapon buster blade, that most people needed two hands to wield, Milla only used one hand. Since she had a handy cap which was her semblance she could thrill that weapon like it was a spirit stuck for cheerleading.
She laughed at the thought of me comparing a weapon that could crush a death stalkers body without any problem to a cheerleading stick.
"Aside from. Being teammates was their anything between us?"
Anything between us? The one and only time she slept with me. I rejected her, I didn't know what she was upset at first. After a while I figured it out she was jealous of Raven. Someone that could love her for her fault her up brings or her down falls and still lover her though think and thin. Seems that's why Milla tried to mimic Raven in appearance. No ones perfect I thought and I hope she would understand that.
I couldn't believe Raven and I had so much history together when we were kids. I feel so ashamed of myself when I think about it. Then again we both had our separate life's to live.
"No there wasn't anything Milla we just always butted head whenever we disagreed." Butted heads was right we fought countless times in Atlas, several times outside of that. Not once could I see myself as her ally in the years to come. I guess that was after her memory lost. I wanted to ask her how she lost her memory. after watching movies and reading comics I figure it would be a touchy subject or it would be better not to ask.
"DAD! Hurry up!" Yang shouted getting both of our attention.
"Well it's the little girl's day best to not keep her waiting."
Milla and I stood up from the bench seeing everyone waiting for us. Summer, Tai, Qrow, Yang, and Raven. We stoke to our party with smiles on our faces. As we continued the rest of our day.

Whoever said a far off memory is like a scattered dream and a scattered dream is like a far off memory I wish they didn't summarized my life to damn well.


Present day...two years later.

My body doesn't feel like my age. I'm still young so why does it hurt so much. Actually is it my body physically or my body emotionally.
Qrow had asked me if I was running away again. I looked him in the eyes telling him, he's my brother family whether I look like a terrible father or playing my card wrong. I can't help but have this unsettling feeling something was coming not for me but for everyone else. Something was going to happen, a change in everyone's lives. Good or bad today or tomorrow it was coming I was only trying to prepare myself.
"Leader." Lancer entered my tent after all this time they still kept my house in the tribe clean.
I sat up from my bed rubbing the crust out of my eyes I gave myself a moment. What a shit dream. Thought it was something I wish had continued.
"What is it Lancer?" I asked stretching my body more crack and pops ran down my spin.
"Raven's, back." She stated. My attention snapped. Why did she come back? Maybe she heard a rumor from Summer or Qrow.
"Y/N," her voice was stern innocent in its own way. I looked at a woman whose body naked body was still fresh in my mind, "you're going to Atlas aren't you."
"So what if I am."
"Let me go with you. You need someone to watch over your idiot self."
"You need to watch Yang."
"Uncle Qrow is taking care of that. Maybe help from summer and Tai later."
I sat up back straight, I started straight at her eyes like daggers piercing ones soul, "do you realize what you're saying Raven. Starting this means you won't come back to the normal life you have. You'll be throwing it all the way."
"Well, sometimes a leader has to make the hard decisions." Raven smirked.
Now my next destination is Atlas. James and I need to have a little chat.

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