Chapter 6-7: Fake to Original

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I was told about this place by my dad long ago when I was only a child. Where the sky and ocean are one and the same. The clear crystal water reflects off the sky. While the blue sky mirrors the clear water below. The water doesn't rise any higher pass your lower feet. If you looked down at the water if would be as if you were trapped in the water below. A world that had no beginning nor did it have an ending.
My eyes opened to a sky that was almost a paint worth of a master artiest. I was trapped in my own thoughts, my mind created this world out of memory of my father. A beautiful place where the world belonged to one individual.
I felt so trapped my emotions had taken control of me. Whatever that Seer did to me, it felt as though something in me grew little by little enveloping over time in my soul. The funny part is Summer once read a book about a person with two souls one desperate trying to take over of the body. In my contexts I was the one being over powered eventually i was consumed by anger, hate, death, pride, lust, envy. Little by little I lost my humanity. And yet with my friends I still manage to cling onto life. What little live I had left.
I stood up from the water behind my back, actions of my moments distorted the water. I was finally on both my feet.
Why am I still here? I thought everyday since my mother died. I tried to keep my family safe if I just stayed away from them but that just causes more problems than solutions. Raven, Yang...Tai, Qrow, Summer, Milla. Help me please.

"So what You're saying is the Y/N that's laying in that bed is not the Y/N WE know." Qrow pointed towards Y/N who laid unconscious on a prepared bed. His head resting peacefully hands interlocked feet together.
Lancer brushing her lose hair behind her ear exhaled slow. As she explained to the group both STQR and Saber and archer. Lancer herself had secrets of her own. Knowing of Y/N's past as well as her connect to Kamwui Lancer had personal duty to be loyal to the Kamwui blood line. To serve the next king of the throne. With events the had taken place years prior she was never able to hold up her duty until now, "like I said, with Y/N's curse or rather Kamwui's curse as time march on a new 'infection' begun to take form in his body. I'm not sure when it had started. But ever since Y/N had contact with Salem his routine, action, tone, words, decision making have changed. Right now what happens next will determine whether he comes back the same person or he died on this bed, by ether himself." She stopped in a long pause starring directly to Summer Rose, "or you kill him where he lays."

I looked down below my feet my eyes were most catching thing in my reflection. Until reflection became distorted, the blue sky and white clouds faded in to its polar opposite. The blue sky changed into a darker crimson color like the sky itself was burning. The white clouds looked like smoke as the sky burned. My instinctively turned my back to see myself, his long bangs covering his eyes a body posture that seemed somewhat professional. He or it didn't look exactly like me. He had Esperanto the grimm makeshift arm. His aura was more dark and menacing. then again it was like look at myself in a funny mirror. Even if I wanted to laugh on how ridiculous I looked that undeniably fact what, he was me and I him.
Why he had an arm of death I had an arm of people's hopes and dream.
"I don't understand you?" He rose his head finally revealing heliotrope. He cocked one brow high, "this world that you desperately try to hmm, 'accept'. Has taken so much from you your will to continue is slow and sure breaki crack after crack. Like a mirror. You may see small cracks here and there but eventually you just see a spider web and bits and pieces fall off. Why don't you just let me take care of everything."
"Cause," pivoting on my left foot reaching behind my head I felt for Aoi's handle. Swing over my head down to myself the the breeze I generated from that fluid motion distorted the little puddle I was beneath, "I won't be someone's else slave, I can wipe my own ass and clean up my own mess."
"You didn't say that when you fought Penelope and Odysseus." He smirked reaching behind his grabbing Mikazuki Karasu. Aoi and Mikazuki two swords that have stuck with me for my long haul of life. It matters who has a bigger or better stick but it sure as hell matter more whose swinging the damn thing, "okay then. Y/N Let's see who will have control of this body at the end of this!"

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