Chapter 8-1: Jewel of Life

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Long ago a boy I remember faintly in my childhood had given that name to me. Artemis was the most respect out of their complex family.
Respect was something I had little to none. I kept my face hidden from others. I was told by my father never to show my eyes to anyone. All I could do was look at the ground beneath this boys feet when we were together.
Even so when he gave me something so simple as a name I wanted to live up. Become a hero myself. Yet before I could actually talk to him things just happen. Our last days together were something I regretted then.

I had gone with my father once more to a local town a few villages away. There my father would alway talk to a certain group of people. While I waited for his meeting to end that young boy found me, sitting down outside on the edge of the wooden floor. The heat was baking my head in this cape. Rules are rules. I thought at first I would be find if I could reveal my face when I'm not around others I guess I was wrong.
I kicked my legs back and forth to and fro.
"Here." The boy handed me a blue popsicle, " I didn't get it from a local vendor. My aunt has an act for frozen treats."
"Thank you." I muttered. He sat an arms distance away from me resuming to eat his ice cream. His head looked to the sky biting down. I wonder what was going through his head at that moment.
"You should eat it before it melts and gets all over your hand." One bit sent a chill through my teeth around the back of my neck. It was sweet but also salty? "Good right. My aunt will be selling these to the locals for the festival tonight. I'm sorry. Even after all this time we spent together we- I couldn't get to be friends with you. Some hero I turned out to be right?"
I looked at the boy as his ice cream dropped between his legs the ice began to melt.
to this day I wondered why I did what I did.
I dropped my ice cream cradling the boys head close to my chest. His body shook he was holding back emotions, "don't write yourself so short. Hero's never die. Specially the pure ones. Even ones that give the names to the hero's."


His reaction spook volumes. I can see my reflection in his eyes. My body felt terribly weak. I leaned against Y/N body pressing my head against his chest. Y/N tried his best to lay me down but all he could do was keep me in his arms.
"S-Summer what...why...why didn't you just kill me?"
"Easy..." it was difficult to breath is was like air was crushing my lungs, " it would have gone let hero's die...even the ones that brought be the hero that I am today."
"Maybe I can still. If Aoi!" Y/N panicked attempting to grab his sword. I stopped him grabbing his grim arm. I knew what his black flames was capable of. It saved Raven once from a fatal wound. In my soul I needed to let this happen. I made a bet with the devil now it's time for my debt to be payed. "Summer do you understand you'll die! If I don't do something! Think of the people you'll leave behind! Tai, Qrow, Raven, Yang, Ruby!"
"Silly. I did...everything I could. To give them. A road to the future. Now." I used my strength to raise my hand cresting his cheek, "you need to do. Everything you can."
"I can't I'm just..." the world seemed so black and white to him.
"We are only human. We make mistakes. Rights turn to wrongs. wrongs turn to rights. So Listen to me. James is going. To attack Ravens Tribe. You have to stop that. Save everyone you can."
"What? I can't go back. That's not my problem."
"We both know. Those people called you family after. Everything."
If both gods; life and death, creation and destruction, made us. Then could we warriors of silver and heliotrope make something from nothing as well? Hands of warriors can only make one things. Tools. "Y/N, grab your sword."
Y/N looked into my eyes shocked, "but what about?"
"I'm going to die ether way. I can only give. My will. And my. One. Last. Breath." We both pulled Aoi out Y/N did most of the pulling though.
Please, gods. Hear my prayer give Y/N on last chance to rewrite his wrongs. Just one more chance to protect the people he could when his world burn to ashes right before his eyes. Please hear my prayer.

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