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     Work for the next couple weeks was normal. Swellview welcomed me with open arms, well, they welcomed Girl Danger, Swellview probably didn't even know who Ella Manchester was.
     My relationship with everyone else was as if we had known each other for years. Which I thought was weird because I was the most socially anxious person God ever laid on the surface of the earth. I didn't judge them and they didn't judge me. I would get glances from the boys, including Schwoz. I thought nothing of it, until everyone (except Schwoz) came over to my house for drinks. They were alcoholic of course, so we had fun.
     After an hour of  me grinding on Henry and flirting with Jasper, everyone got together for truth or dare.
     "Okay, Ella, truth or dare?" Jasper asked.
     "Ooooh, dare." I said, looking deep into his eyes.
     "I dare you to go do it with Henry." Jasper said.
     "Deadass?" I asked.
     "Deadass." Jasper said, staring at me. Since I was DRUNK, I dragged Henry to my room while he had the biggest smile on his face.
     "Are we actually gonna?" Henry asked.
     "Why not?" I asked.
"Okay!" Henry said, ecstatically. He started to walk closer to me, until we were inches apart.
     "Are you ready?" He asked, his voice sounded deeper. I nodded my head. He leaned in and his lips were on mine. It felt amazing. Like someone had just brought me back to life.
The kiss got more intense and before I knew it, I was up against the wall with a hot blonde kissing my neck. I could feel something hard on my leg and I knew it wasn't a cell phone. 😉
We were both half naked on my bed when Ray burst in.
"What the fuck?!" I yelled, grabbing my blankets and covering myself up.
"Jasper told me what was happening in here! That is enough of that! Put on a damn shirt Henry!" Ray yelled, he grabbed my clothes and pulled me out of the room, me holding the blankets around my body.
"What? I thought you wanted this to happen?" I asked.
"Not with people in the house you dumbass!" Ray yelled. As I walked down the stairs, Jasper was whistling at me.
"Go home asshole." I said, waving at him.
"Looks like someone had fun." Jasper said. Ray let go of me and ran to Jasper. He had one hand ready to slap and the other flipping him off. I have never seen Jasper run faster, but Ray caught him.
"Don't ever, EVER speak to her like that! You understand, fluffball?" Ray had Jasper by the collar on his shirt.
"Yes, Yeah, ok." Jasper managed to speak.
"Good." Ray dropped Jasper.
I ran to my room to put my clothes on. I forgot Henry was there and he scared the crap out of me, I almost peed my pants.
"I heard the yelling." Henry said, smiling as I put my bra back on.
"Ray is pretty protective." I said, looking at Henry, looking at me.
"I bet. He's an indestructible superhero with a hot niece." Henry said.
"You think I'm hot?" I asked, blushing.
"I'm not even that drunk. What do you think we just did?" Henry asked. I didn't answer. "Friends don't do that."
"Not your friends." I said.
"Aha." Henry said. "That's what you think."
"No that's what you think." I said.
"This argument makes no sense." Henry said. I realized that every time we spoke we inched closer to each other, we were now touching noses.
"Lock the door this time." I commanded.
We got straight to the point. He laid down on the bed and I sat on top of him.
"You're pretty 'hot' yourself." I said, smirking.
There was that hard thing again. Again, not a phone. I slid Henry's pants off and began working my way back up to his lips. He pulled the blanket over us and flipped us over. He friggin slammed into me. Lord bless us on this night of unholy ness. As soon as he slammed in again, I was ready for more. He kept his lips in time with his thrusts. Thank God his lips were on mine, if not, Ray would already be in here murdering somebody.
As the night went on, Henry kept thrusting no matter what. I felt like screaming, but that would draw attention. His thrusts became sloppier and I was becoming restless. I had 3 [orgasms] (hate that word) in the past hour. Henry pulled out quick and I took action. I jumped up and started sucking his [weiner???] (I'm childish). Sure enough, this bitch nutted in my pie hole. I ain't no BITCH so you know I swallowed those kids WHOLE. (It's the middle of the night, I'm delusional, leave me alone)
Henry unlocked the door and went to open it. There sat Jasper staring at me. He had a boner. 🤦‍♀️ 🔞🔥🍆🍑🥑
     "You have a right hand, use it. Just not right here." I said, smiling.
     "Uhuh." Jasper grumbled, staring at me. I realized I didn't have a shirt on, so I stood up on the bed and started jumping up and down, which made my boobs bounce. Jasper got up and started walking towards me.
"Nuh uh." I shook my head and pointed my finger at him. He stopped. Being in control of Jasper was kind of fun.
"Why?" Jasper asked.
"Don't ask questions." I said. I got off the bed and walked over to him. I placed a kiss on his lips and slid the palm of my hand over the bulge in his pants. I don't know how, but the bulge seemed to get bigger, like magic. Like he was hiding extra penis in his pants, like it was a spare tire.
"Why?" Jasper asked me, his breathing slowed.
"Why what?" I asked, lowering myself down to the bulge. I ran to shut the door and came back. I pulled his pants down and began sucking his [weiner?]. I heard groans and grunts galore. When he was finished, I swallowed and gave him a kiss on his lips.
"Hyw" Jasper made a noise that was indescribable.
"This means nothing. Just a gift." I smirked as I put my shirt on.
Jasper ran out of my room and rolled down the stairs. He's weird.

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