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     A call came. The area code for Bordertown. I already knew my fate and I began to except it.
I sat in my room for days after the funeral. I had fallen into a deep depression that there was no climbing out of. I would never go to work. I would never eat. I was helpless. I had lost 10 pounds, in a week. Talking was a chore, without getting choked up and crying. My mother was gone, way before she died, but when she died, so did I.

     Normally when I heard a knock on my door, I didn't answer it, but I was feeling a bit generous today, so I opened the door. I was met with an overly excited Ray.

     "Are you ready for a day of fun?" Ray asked, inviting himself into my house.

     "No." I groaned.

     "It's 7 pm. Ella, you have to leave the house sometimes." Ray said, putting his arm around my shoulder.

     "It's already 7?" I asked.

     "Yes, when your blinds are closed all the time, it's kind of hard to tell what time it it." Ray joked. "Come on, everyone is in the Man Van, we are going clubbing."

     "Clubbing?" I asked. "Look at me! I'm a mess. Half of my clothes don't even fit me anymore, I haven't showered since the funeral, and my face has permanent tear stains."

     "I was worried you'd say all that stuff, so I told Charlotte to bring makeup, and clothes." Ray said.

     "Well, I'm not putting up a fight." I gave up, Ray had seemingly planned for an argumentative me, so I wasn't going to test him.

     "Yay!" yelled Charlotte as she burst through the door. "I was listening to the conversation the whole time."

     "That's creepy." I said, looking at her.

     Charlotte got me all gussied up for this 'night of clubbing'. I looked like a goddess. You would never have guessed that I was just a depressed, suicidal, maniac. I hopped into the Man Van with an excited look on my face. The boys were staring at me.

     "You look-" Jasper began.

     "Gorgeous." Henry finished, sliding over to me.

     "Thanks." I smiled, kissing Henry on the cheek.

     "Keep it PG tonight, okay kids?" Ray asked.

     "Okay." We all answered.

     "You can tongue kiss, but not her other tongue." Ray said, looking at Henry. [im losing my fucking mind, what the hell is that suppose to mean kat? huh? you tell me.]

     "Is- is that a Lil Wayne reference?" Jasper asked.

     "Yes?" Ray asked. "I don't know, I heard it in a song that Henry was listening to."

"Henry? Listening to Lil Wayne?" I asked, laughing. "I don't believe it."

"It's true." Henry smiled. "What can I say?"

We all laughed until we got to the club. I don't even remember what it was called. We all were drunk before we got there (because we couldn't legally order drinks) and Ray continuously drank throughout the night. Indestructible men don't get the same drunk side effects as normal people.

"Get over here!" Henry called out.
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I ran over to him and almost fell. Luckily he caught me before any real damage was done.
"You're goofy." Henry laughed, pulling me close to him.
"You're goofy-er!" I chuckled, letting out a small burp. "I'm too drunk."
"We all are." Henry smiled.
Everything was calm, until 'Shots' came on. This was my CLUB JAM MUTHA FUCKA!!! As soon as I heard that first beat, I started swinging myself around and twerking all over the place. People started crowding around to watch me dance. Then, I started to spin slowly. The pace picked up and people began cheering. I kept spinning faster until I was in full cyclone mode. The gang had noticed what was happening and they rushed over to the crowd.
"Ella!" Henry yelled at me to stop spinning, but I didn't, because I wanted people to cheer for me.
After yelling at me to stop, Ray finally went out into the "dance circle" and grabbed me.
"What the hell?" I asked.
"What was that about?" Ray asked.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Do you want people to find out that you are," he mouthed 'Girl Danger'
"They aren't gonna find out!" I yelled. "Stop trying to be my dad."
"People know what Girl Danger can do, and if you can do the same things, that's a big hint on who the hero really is." Ray said.
"Let me dance." I demanded.
"No." Ray stated.
"Let me dance." I stated again, raising my voice slightly.
"No." Ray almost yelled.
"What are you gonna do?" I asked. "Are you gonna ground me? I'm not a little kid anymore. I'm 18."
"You are still a child." Ray said. "These are adult men, watching you 'twerk'."
"Okay?" I questioned.
"We're going home." Ray pulled me out and got everyone else with us. Ray had me sit in the front seat of the van, so I didn't get into trouble with everyone else.
"Why did we leave?" I asked.
"Because, you were doing something dangerous that could get every person in this car killed." Ray said.
"What? Are my butt thrusts deadly?" I asked.
"I was spinning." I said, rolling my eyes.
"You were cycloning." Ray said.
"Oh my god, here we go." I groaned.
"You are a tornado. Every time you do that, you start collecting stuff in your cyclone. You could destroy whole worlds, but please don't destroy a club while we are having fun." Ray said. I made a snoring noise. "That was pointless, you're drunk, you're not going to listen."

     Ray dropped Henry and I off at my house, Hen decided he would stay at my place to watch over me. As soon as I got into my house, I cycloned through it to clean it up. That of course made me dizzy.
     "Oh shit." I wobbled around, the world spinning.
     "Hey, you good?" Henry asked, holding me steady.
     "I'm gonna hurl." I groaned, running to the bathroom. "You know, cyclone powers aren't fun when you have motion sickness."
     "Tell me about it, I had hyper motility for a couple years. That shit hurted, especially when I first got it." Henry laughed.
     "Look at me." I said, looking at Henry from where I stood, washing my face. He glanced up at me.
     I smashed my lips into his, him letting out a small grunt, allowing me to slip my tongue into his mouth. I grabbed his hand and brought him to my couch. I pushed him onto the couch and sat on top of him. I laid flat on him and started sucking on his neck, leaving hickies all over.
     "Mmm. Ella." Henry groaned.
     "I love you." I whispered into his ear.
     Henry took his hand in mine, and reached his other hand down to my pants. He slid his hand under the waistband and started rubbing my [here it comes] 🆑it through my underwear.
     "Henryyy." I moaned, biting my lip.
Henry grabbed my waist and lifted me up he carried my to the kitchen and set me on the table.
"Are you ready?" Henry asked.
"I'm as ready as I'll ever be." I said.
Henry ripped my pants off and started sucking on my 🆑it.
"Fuck." I moaned. I could feel his hot breath on my ... [🤮 i swear to god im asexual]
I wrapped my legs around him and he pushed me against the wall. He took his pants off and started to adjust himself to my *eNtRaNcE* [what is this a goddamn mall] He wrapped his hand around my throat and slammed into me. Once I got adjusted, he began to move in and out. As his thrusts became faster, he loosened his grip on my throat. I was moaning like a whale.
"Immmmm gonna cummm." I moaned.
Henry pulled out and [jizzed] on my stomach. I made a grunting noise as Henry rushed me over to the couch. He laid down and stared at me.
"Sit on my face." Henry said.
"Fucking what?" I asked.
"Just do it." Henry demanded.
I positioned myself, and plopped down right on Henry's face. Well, this was new. He stuck two fingers right inside me without warning and I almost screamed. He moved them in and out and he began licking around my 🅰️rea. He took his fingers out.
"Sit down all the way." He demanded, I complied. His tongue plunged into me and I let out the loudest moan EVER [no moan in the history of moans could surpass this bitch] "Ride it." Henry demanded. I began to grind his face. It was WONDERFUL. I was wet like a slipnslide. I spelled coconut and coco-nutted.
"Fuck." I moaned as I rolled off the couch.
"I love you so damn much." Henry said, poking his head off the couch to look at me. He rolled off the couch onto me.
"It's impossible to love me more than I love you, ya know?" I asked.
"Really?" Henry asked.
"Truth." I said. Henry grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head. He placed his lips atop mine. It felt like I was a puzzle, with a missing piece. As the piece was placed, I was complete.
"You game for round two?" Henry asked.
"Fuck yeah." I said, jumping onto the couch.
"Top or bottom?" Henry asked.
"Oooooo." I said. "Bottom."
"Get ready." Henry said, tackling me down and kissing me.

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