Ever Changing

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Megan POV:

After a few moments, they managed to coax me into the bathroom and showed me how things worked.

 I stood a fair distance away still unsure of the one called Rona. But Feya took over and showed how a sink worked with a tap. The mirror was most interesting she said its what I looked like to others around me.

After a fair amount of hesitation, they managed to coax me into a bath. It was filled with what they explained were 'bubbles', they didn't look Harmless though so I was still hesitant. 

Eventually, I entered the warm water as Freya cleansed my dark brown hair. I tensed and she senses it but her movements were gentle. She delicately avoided my ears with smooth movements. Rona has been preparing the clothing options and asked my opinion on colours. I did not like the bright fabrics so I choose a calm camouflage shade of brown.

She was hesitant but nodded and tended to the clothes in the other room. Freya handed me a towel and showed me it was for drying. When we bathed back home we simply swam once each month due to merfolk complaints then we would curl into balls on rocks and bask in the sun to dry.

I seemingly got the hang of it and Freya handed me different undergarments with a smile. I hesitantly took them and put them on and then stepped out to meet them both uncomfortably tugging at the tight fabrics.

They both smiled warmly and signalling me to walk over to them. As I did so Rona took out a long white strip and wrapped it around my arm. I growled and scratched her hand causing her to yelp and pull back quickly. I glared as she held her crimson hand and tears gathered in her eyes. "Hey, hey it's okay" Freya rushed comfortingly to Rona "head off to the healing room okay? I will deal with it" she added comfortingly and with a nod Rona fled.

Freya turned back to me trying to suppress a frown "we don't do that here," she scolded. "We won't hurt you I promise, this-" she continued holding up the white stripe "-is for measuring so we get your size correct" I tilted my head to the side slightly. She huffed but put it on her own hand to show it would not harm her so I reluctantly agreed to her taking these 'measurements'.

After a short while and something she called sewing she signalled me over and put the new garment over my body. It was interesting as she buttoned the back it was uncomfortable, to say the least. It covered most of my bare body and cling to me causing me to shift every so often. She stood back after tying something off behind me then smiled her hands on her hips.

Before I could protest she gasped at the remembrance of something the

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Before I could protest she gasped at the remembrance of something the. Used brown fabric to drape over my shoulders like a cover. ^^  

She then gently asked me to sit down on the large bed and I did so as she approached behind and began untangling my hair with her small fingers. She then grabbed a rounded thing with a handle covered in spikes and instantly I caught her wrist as it was in her hand. I growled at it but she squirmed "Hey! Hey, it's okay!" She reasoned and I frowned slowly realising my vice-like grip.

"They call this a hairbrush, it untangles your hair see?" She informed brushing her own red-tinted locks. I took it from her hand gently and sniffed it curiously then handed it back to her allowing her to continue. It was uncomfortable but quiet in the room as she untangled my hair entirely causing it to drape down my shoulders.

She then took it into her small hands gently tying it up into a high 'ponytail' atop my head with a small braid lining my scalp as well. She sighed in content when she has finished "done!" She squealed and hopped off of the bed. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow and she signalled me to stand. She asked of me to follow her to the mirror, as I did I noticed how my golden eyes were much more prominent but the camouflage of dirt had now been cleansed off of my face.

I felt bare and fragile two of the worst things for me but I sucked up the feeling and inspected the so-called 'dress' I was wearing. 

It was soft and small golden dots lined the wrists as I ran my fingers down them also cleaned of dirt. My nails were naturally long and sharp but I would refuse to get them cut. They are one of the things for my protection along with my canine teeth so with careful fingers Feya had scrubbed beneath them. "So what do you think?" She said cheerfully proud of her work next to me. 

I glanced at her then back into the mirror and nodded once in approval. She seemed to be slightly disappointed at my lack of words but she was hired to help me not to befriend me. I still did not trust the Asgardian entirely to allow my speech to her.

"Well I'm glad you like it, prince Loki has requested you meet him in the dining halls in a few moments would you like for me to escort you?" Freya asked and I looked at her slightly wide-eyed but nodded. She smiled back happily and with that, we left the comfort of the room I had been staying in.

Feral //  Loki Laufeyson x Wolf reader COMPLETED Editing!Where stories live. Discover now