An afternoon feast fit for newly weds

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Loki POV: 

As she left the bathroom I had to grapple to keep my jaw set as she stood in an astonishingly well put together, white lace gown that grazed the floor.

Her hair remained in a braided updo as she fiddled with her fingers still wrapped in fresh bandages, I tried to pull my gaze from her to elsewhere. "Shall we go?" she inquired and I quickly reassembled my cold facade "yes" I concluded rather stiffly. 

Something about what she had said that the marriage, that it was not about falling for one another, got under my skin, but I was supposed to know better, of course, it was only for protection my mother's orders.

 But I couldn't help to fight off the growing feeling that I actually enjoyed her company and that she wasn't only some sort of task to keep safe.

We quickly left my chambers but I decided not to link arms or hold her hand, she probably only stated that the marriage wasn't for feelings because she suspected I had felt something for her and she didn't reciprocate the feelings. 

It was fine. I would just have to keep my distance so I didn't give away anything, that's how she wanted it. No feelings.

We sauntered down the halls again remaining in silence we took the route to the gardens however because that is where the evening event would be held. We both stepped out and again eyes were set on us, I noticed from the corner of my eye her ears droop in what I could only assume to be unease. 

I fought off the urge to grasp her hand or wrap an arm around her shoulder as I stood stiff and unmoving, I decided to greet my mother leaving her to her own thoughts behind me as I advanced forward trying to brush off the countless conversing happening around me with other nobles and hierarchy. 

"Loki dear, why are you not with her?" She peered "I do not need to be with her constantly mother" I commented rigidly and she let out a sigh,

 "darling what has happened?" she inquired "nothing." I replied dismissively. That was just it nothing had happened, I have tried to bond or get along with her but I could not help the feeling that she simply did not want to even converse with me, and I was forcing it when I asked her to come with me somewhere.

I knew this was far from her home realm but she seemed to deny any feeling for me whatsoever sometimes it would be fun other times she would become shut off and dismissive like when she had openly lied to me.

I glanced back to see her talking with Frandal who kissed her hand and bowed to her, it made my blood boil and my fists coil at my sides. But I was glad to see her glare at him and say something that made him step back in shock with wide eyes. 

I saw Sif approach her and talk to her as they walked over to a white table filled with countless desserts and nourishments. The garden was lush and green full of all sorts of floral arrangements and white tables lined up outside for guests to eat upon. Of course, there weren't thousands here as before just a few special guests mother and a father had invited. 

"dear? what's wrong?" Mother asked as I turned back to her "she does not feel the same way" My brows pinched as I felt quite pathetic looking to the floor in defeat, I felt her gentle hand grasp my chin and I lifted my head up to meet her loving eyes that comforted me as I aged over the millennia. 

"I highly doubt that" she confessed looking over my shoulder, I turned and saw Megan glancing at me but she quickly looked away as she noticed me catch her. I turned around a bit shocked and mother smiled placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I can see she is holding back just as much as you are, but you are not the reason she's holding her feelings back" she mentioned and I raised a brow in curiosity.

Over the evening I vocalized with those from other realms, my brother on one occasion, and I noticed Megan talking with others as well as my mother. I decided it best to not go and talk with her as she would need some space to herself.

 But at one point I could not help myself, I noticed her nearing the dessert table tilting her head in curiosity at the display of treats before her. Gulping down the last of my mead I sucked in a deep breath stuck my chest out a little and stalked in her direction. I can do this.

I approached from behind but before I could say anything she spoke "what do you call these?" she quizzed and I raised a brow, did she already sense me coming? "deserts" I mentioned stepping to the side of her on her left. 

"I know that I meant this one," she claimed pointing to a swirl of chocolate with a special flavouring in the centre "its a butter creme chocolate swirl with a mango peach filling, they call it Rachó" I affirmed describing it from the time I'd read the menu before the venue for this evening "interesting.. and this one?" she mused pointing to another.

"that one is a red velvet chocolate casing heart with a vanilla pudding filling and crushed nuts, they call it 'star struck'" I told her glancing at the small red heart on the centre of a white platter.

 "does it taste good?" she remarked looking at me with those glistening golden eyes, I quickly looked away "I suppose so" I murmured "try one and tell me then" she griped, picking it off of the plate and gently taking my hand placing it in the centre. 

I tried to avoid marvelling in the feeling of her warm and gentle hands-on mine, I chortled "why don't you?" I quizzed "because if it's poisoned you can tell me" she speculated and I smirked. "very well" I asserted and took a bite out of the desert, it was sweet like her personality once you get to know her, the small nuts contrasted to the bumps in the road of our bonding and the creamy filling was soft and smooth like her hands gentle and kind. 

The tough outer shell of chocolate symbolized that stubborn exterior but it still held an outrageous amount of beauty. I swallowed as she turned to me waiting for my opinion on the treat "well?" she asked encouraging me to continue  "it's sweet" I suggested blankly "well I would hope so" she scoffed "describe it" she edged on. 

I fought myself to not tell her what I had originally felt linking it to her so I quickly made up an excuse, "you try it, and then you can tell me what you think of it, it obviously didn't poison me so it shouldn't you" I replied with a grin. 

She rolled her eyes but to my surprise took the half bitten desert from my palm and tossed it into her mouth, well there goes manners. I snorted as she chewed it making a couple of faces eventually she swallowed it "what kind of food is that?" she grimaced a bit disgusted "eugh no wonder we don't make these back home"  she frowned and I couldn't resist the urge to laugh "well they are an acquired taste"

"tell me about it.. yuck" she stuck her tongue out "care to try any more?" I asked but she shook her head "no way, that's not even close to what I thought it would taste like" she spluttered "what were your expectations then?" I inquired.

 "something meaty, anything meaty," she looked up at me and I scoffed. "you know not everything has to be about meat, it's about trying new things" I told her "yeah yeah" she waved her hand about.

Feral //  Loki Laufeyson x Wolf reader COMPLETED Editing!Where stories live. Discover now