✦ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙 : The Hell is going on here?!

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A/N : Hello and good to see you again here 😉 ! I am really glad you clicked on my story ! Maybe you came here after my first book,"When besties kiss".Well,that book was not my best :))).....but here I am with another new story and I have to say that I think my writing got better,meaning the length of the chapters.Anyways,enough with my talks.Please enjoy the book ! Xo 😘

You can probably imagine theese words coming out of my mom's mouth as soon as she opened the door of my bedroom and saw me and Rose kissing.From that moment,I knew things would never going to go the same.

"Ah shit !" I murmured.I was speechless.I did not know how to react..I wasn't expecting this.And I knew I fucked up.

Oh,by the way,I am Alex and I am an 17 year-old highschool student in UK.When I am not at school,I love going to play basketball,chilling with my friends..or with Sam,my dog which is the most adorable pet on the entire world.I also love playing video games,watching TV series,or just sleeping.Sleeping is the best.Besides all that,after I finish highschool,I want to go to the police academy.

And ah yea,forgot to mention,I like girls.I always knew there was something weird going on with me,since I never had a boyfriend,or even a boy crush..and also I hated when my parents used to dress me like a princess.I never liked being a princess.

But as I grew up,I realised that there is nothing wrong with me,I am just lesbian.But I knew for sure that this is going to be a huge ass disaster for my parents.

Hell,they are so homophobic.I simply cannot understand why they hate this comunity and this type of love,which they consider a sin.A sin is when you shot or kill someone,not when you hold hands or kiss your girl/boyfriend.

Whenever pride parades were shown at the TV,I tried to make them think more open-minded,but I always fail,get angry and decide to give up going upstairs in my room,(with a bunch on angry little thingies in my head) and start crying because there will be one day when I will smash that goddamn closet door and say "MOM,DAD..I AM GAY !".....aaand they might kick me out of the house afterwards..but what's life without risks?

Anyways,now let's get back to the story.

So me and Rose have been secretly dating for almost a year.My parents knew we were such good best friends..yea..I met her on our way to school.She is such a pretty girl,with her shoulder length silver hair that she used to put in a ponytail for me,just because I loved it and it was driving me insane.I adored seeing her in my clothes,especially in my tshirts and hoodies which were looking oversized on her.My dad always wondered why is she wearing my clothes..and I was saying something like "I just gave them to her because I don't wear them anymore".

Rose was so small and lovely..such a quiet girl.I loved her laughter..it always made me blush.

So for tonight I thought to bring her home and watch a movie together.And after the movie we started making out,and dammit,I thought my heart was going to jump ot of my chest when my mom entered the room and seen both of us shirtless. She ruined everything.

But,that's what I also believe of her thinking right now..I can see the "This girl ruined my life" face.

"I,uh..have-" I was being intrerrupted by my angry mom.

"You can not explain this !"

"Yes mom,that 's what I was going to say..I know I can't get away with murder." I said,looking down to Rose's legs.

"So you're a fag,huh? A freaking lesbian fag,huh?" She raised her voice.

"Ms.Robbinson,please,don't talk like that to her." Rose tried to tell my mom.

"AND YOU ! GET OUT OF THE HOUSE,RIGHT NOW !" She yelled at her.

Not long after she left the house,my mom shut the door to my room,still looking at me with her hands on her hips. I still could not bring my head up.

"So,my lady..if I can call you like that..Jesus Christ,how could I not get the fact that you are a lesbian..you never liked to wear girl clothes,you never did girly things,I let you cut your hair short,like boys do.." She said still not lowering the tone of her voice.

"I am sorry mum,but this is who I am and you can't change that" I brought my head up,my face being all wet from my tears.

"Oh,there is nothing to be sorry of..and of course I can't change what you are..but someone else would.Just wait untill tomorrow so your dad comes home,so I can tell him about your-"

"No one can change me,mom ! NO ONE !" I yelled in tears and she shut the door,leaivng my room.

Fuck it,this was such a horrible day.

8:20 AM,next morning

Rose ❤: Good morning babe. I am so sorry for what happened last night with your mom.I was never kicked out of a house before :)) Anyways,if you and,and if you are forced,to break up with me,I am okay with that,we will take a break.But please do not kick me out of your life.Please promise me we are still going to text and..see each other at school I guess..but only if that is okay with your parents.I am so sorry,Alex.Love you so much.This is going to be so hard for me,but if I need to do it,I will do it for you babe.xox

recieved ✔

I cried while reading her message.I answered her as soon as I wiped my tears away from my face,so I can see what I text.

It's going to be hars for me too,my Rose,thank you for understanding and I am very sorry for last night.I did not expect that.And,uhm,I also think that a break is needed,but I will keep you updated with everything,I promise,babe ! Now,they want to "fix" me,though there is nothing to be fixed but I can do nothing about it.I am sorry,text you later.Love you


My parents sent me to a Catholic girls school ∣ gxg ✦COMPLETE✦Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ