✦ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟚 : Rose ?! Oh my..

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Something that impressed me happened last evening.

I was surprised to see Nancy in front of Anne's door.I was in her room,suggesting her some things for one of her essays.

"Hello ! Oh,sorry for disturbing the atmosphere here ! It seems that you are getting along very well !" She paused. "Alexandra,can you come with me downstairs ? There are some people that want to have a talk with you at the phone.Yes,family or outside friends are allowed to call students here once per month"

"Me? Oh well.." I stood up looking at Anne. I did not want to leave her alone.

"May Anne come with me too? I do not like her being alone." I firmly asked.

"Sure !"

So we went downstairs and there was this weird place to take phonecalls.It was like a box,where no one and nothing could hear you talking.That was the best thing ever.But,my mood was totally fucked up when I heard Nancy saying " You only have 5 minutes,young lady !".


So,I went in that room,sat on the chair and picked up the phone. Anne and Nancy were standing outside.Loved the privacy tho.

"Hello darling !" I heard my mom.

"Hi there !" I said shyly.

"Since we don't have that much time to talk to you,tell us what's going on around there? How is life? Is everything alright?" There was also my dad.

"Uh..." what else could I do but lie " Everything is alright here,I like the place and I think I am getting better !"

"OH ! Glad to hear that honey ! Well,we are going to leave now,because here is someone else that wants to hear your voice ! So Goodbye sweetie,see you soon back home !"

W-wait ? What? Whoelse wants to talk to me?

"A-Alex ? Hello,I think you know who this is !" I could hear a shy voice.Of course it was Rose's.I could recognise hers from a million.

"ROSE?! Oh my,Hello ! I was not expecting to hear you !" I could feel my eyes getting wet so I started looking places.

"I heard you are good !" She sighed. "Alex,I really miss you !" Her voice was changing.A tear came down my eye.

"Miss you too...Rose !" I could not call her anymore "sweetie",or "hun" or whatever like that,because I just...I could not. "Tell me about your life ? How are you doing ? Hope things are good out there !" I continued.

"Out there..hahah Alex,you talk like you are in prison !" She paused." Well,that did not sound good,I am sorry !...Well,life is so much different without you ! Tell me,are things really changing ?" She asked shyly.

I sighed."No Rose,they are not.And they never will.You know me too well...In fact,I hope this is not taped because I have already said stupid shit and I am going to go on,but I....I found someone here !" My eyes went to Anne,who was standing outside,worried about my feelings.That's when a few more tears came down my face. "Her name is Anne !" I paused. " I am sorry,and you can call me however you want because I moved on this fast.But if I did this,it doesn't mean I did not love you ! Because holy fuck I did love you more than I loved my family and sometimes even myself ! You were my everything,hope you know that !" My voice got weak as Hell.

"I know so well,Alex how can I forget ? You don't have to prove it to me,and don't be sorry.It was not our fault that you are where you are.We just loved each other,but some minds considered this wrong." She said.

"Please,tell me you found someone and you are not sufferying anymore..cause the last thing on the world I want to do is to see you suffer" *well,apart from Anne*

"I do not suffer,well at least not anymore.Mike asked me out and..we are a thing now !" Even more tears were running down my face.

"That's my girl ! Hope you both will be happy ! And,if that motherfucker breaks your lovely heart,he will have to deal with me when I get out of this place ! You can tell him !" I said,trying to wipe away my tears.

"Ahah..I will ! Now,please don't cry,Alex ! I hate to see you sad ! And well..I think you have to go now..so I wish you and Anne all the best,and I can't wait to see you holding hands with her when you get out of here ! Bye !"

"Goodbye Rose !" I said hanging off the phone.

As soon as I got out of that box,Anne came to hug me,saying everything is alright.Honestly,feeling her around me,chased all the pain and tears away.

"That was a pretty emotional call,right Alexandra?" Nun Nancy said.

"It was !" She could barely hear my voice because my face was buried in Anne's chest.

"Now excuse me ! Let's get out of here,so I can lock the door.I have some things to talk with the other nuns,like picking Anne's new roommate !"

As soon as Nancy left,Anne started questioning me.

"Who you talked to ?"

"My mum,dad.....and"

"And who?" The girl said,looking for my eyes,who were lost somewhere on the floor.

"My ex-girlfriend.."

"Oh,that was something shocking huh?" She asked worried.

"It was,but I am glad she is doing fine.She moved on.As I did.And I told her about you.She was so happy to hear about us.And so was I,for her."

"Aww...I am so pleased to hear that ! I thought something worse happened since you cried." The redhead smiled.

"Nah,I was just emotional." After I said that,a very powerful eye contact was caught between us.

The girl pushed me against a wall,and we shared a kiss.A short kiss that left me breathless.

"W-what was this for ?" I asked.

"To make my girl feel better,so she won't cry again !" I could feel my cheeks on fire as she placed a kiss on the tip of my nose.

"Stop ! What if someone sees us?" I whispered,pushing her away so I can walk.

"Uh,now it is you the one who worries about stuff like this? Well,if this happens,watch me say "She is my loved one,and if I want to kiss my loved ones,I would ! Love is not a crime !" " 

She acted like she was my boss.

My parents sent me to a Catholic girls school ∣ gxg ✦COMPLETE✦Where stories live. Discover now