✦ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟡 : I just got out of the shower

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"Hello,Alex !" The girl smiled,toweldrying her hair.

I blacked out. "I-uh..Hello !?"

"Are you okay ? Is there anything I can help you with ?" She laughed.

*be my wife* I was thinking.

"I just came to talk with somebody..because my roommate Skyler fell asleep.And I thought,maybe I could see what are you doing,since you are one of the "many" people I talk to in this school." I lied.

"Uhum..I see,but may I ask why were you in shock ?" The girl giggled.

"About that,I just did not expect to see you like that ?" I looked down.

"Hah,what were you expecting ? I just got out of the shower." She replied.

"Yea,so..where is your roommate,Kristine?" I said looking around the room.

"Kristine..yea..she may be in the library..she is studying hard for her finals ! She will get out of here soon !"

"That sounds great !" I said.

"Yes ! And you know what else sounds great ? Me having no one to share the dorm with !"

She paused. "Anyways,stay here and I will be ready in a few minutes ! I want to show you a place I did not show you in the tour !" She continued,getting her clothes in the bathroom.

When she came out of the bathroom,fully dressed in the uniform,my knees were about to lose control.She brushed her hair in the mirror,which was a little bit wet,so softly,but hot at the same time,and we went out.

"You know what? I did not know that a lesbian could act like that when she sees a woman in a towel !" Anne giggled.

"Oh,please stoop !" I said,blushing.

"So where are we going?" I continued.

"We are going in my secret place..where I like to...sin let's say hah!"

"sin?!" I questioned.

"Smoke,honey !I come here to smoke,listen some good music,relax in my way !" She said,showing me the door of some hidden basement twisted through the halls.

"And,how did you discover this place ? The nuns do not know about this,right? Why?" I asked.

"I randomly walked in the building one day when I was so stressed out of some fucking pshychology test I failed..so yea I discovered this place and no,the nuns do not know about this..and I do not know why..but honestly I do not even care,as soon as I am happy here !" She answered.

She was showing me around the room ! There was not so much,just a couch,a radioplayer and come CDs above it..and of course,lights were being made by candles..so there were also lots of candles Anne brought throughout time.

"And what about the..materials you..smoke ?" I said watching her light up her ciggarete.

"I had them hidden in my socks when I arrived there,but also they were wrapped in some papers,so my socks would not smell weird.And here I am !"

"Smart !" I said.

"Wanna know something? I got your letter !" Anne said.

"What? W-wait ! Really? You must be kidding !" My eyes went wide.

"No,like..really !" She said,getting the paper out of her skirt pocket..there was my letter.

"Why have you kept it with you ?" I asked.

"Because I really loved it,Alex !" She said,moving closer to me,wrapping her arm around my shoulders.

"Okay,you wanna know something now?" I said biting my lip in a smile.

"I had a dream about you." I continued.

"Please go on !" She said,sucking on that ciggarette.

"Okay,this is going to be weird and I don't think I am ready for this but I want to get it our of my chest..so I dreamt that you and me..." I paused because my voice was cracking of how excited I was.

"You and I were..kissing..and.." I stopped to see her drowning in my eyes,the same way she did before.I stopped breathing.

"If you do not breathe,you are going to die,and I do not want this amazing person in front of me to die,before I kiss her lips !" She said,her lips being millimeters away from mine.

So I pulled in,cupping her face with my hand and kissing her.Damn,this is hapening.She placed her hand on my chest,and was caressing my skin,up to my neck,pulling me closer and then stucking the hand in my hair.Damn,I loved when a girl touches my hair or plays with it when kissing me.After some soft moans went out my mouth,she came into my lap,licking and sucking on my ear.Then,she stopped,resting her head on my shoulder,her body still on top of mine.

"I liked that.." She said,placing wet kisses on my neck.

"So did I" I said,combing her wet hair with my hand.

"Fuck,your hair looks so hot when it's wet !" I told her.

"Then,I am going to wear it wet more often,Alex !" She said before leaning in for another deep kiss.I let her tongue exploring my mouth,while her hand found her way underneath my shirt.Goddamn this girl is amazing.

We spent almost half an hour sitting on the couch,smoking and listening to some old rock music.Rock music was forbidden in the school.

"Thank you for tonight,Anne !" I said to the girl I held in my arms.

"My pleasure,honey !" She said kissing my hand.

"Now,don't you think we should go back ro our dorms? I think it's pretty late !" I said.

"But I want to stay with you longer heree !" She begged.

"I know,I want it too,but they verify us,c'mon we are going to get in trouble if they do not find us in the rooms !" I took her hand and got out of the room.

We were running on the halls,holding hands,hoping we do not get in trouble.We arrived at her dorm.

"Okay,Anne,now go ! Goodnight !" I said.

She leaned for a kiss.

"We can't risk it this much ! Not here !" I gave her a hug instead and ran in my dorm.

Minutes after,the nuns came to check on us.After the door closed I heard Sky's voice from underneath the blankets.

"You are so lucky you got in time ! If it took you this long it means something happened ! Tomorrow morning !"

"Tomorrow morning !" I repetead.

My parents sent me to a Catholic girls school ∣ gxg ✦COMPLETE✦Where stories live. Discover now